Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Italian surnames are a window into the rich cultural and historical tapestry of Italy. These names often reflect various aspects of life, including geographical origins, occupations, personal traits, and even physical characteristics. Understanding the meaning and origin of these surnames can provide valuable insights into family histories and regional identities. Italian last names starting with the letter “G” are particularly interesting, as they encompass a wide range of meanings and origins, from noble lineages to humble professions. This article aims to explore 100 Italian last names that begin with “G,” offering a brief explanation of each name’s meaning.
100 Italian Last Names Starting with G
Italian last names starting with “G” are diverse and rich in history. They can be traced back to various sources, including patronymics, geographical locations, occupations, and descriptive nicknames. These surnames not only help in identifying individuals but also offer a glimpse into the lives and professions of their ancestors. Below is a comprehensive list of 100 Italian last names starting with “G,” along with their meanings.
Last Name | Meaning |
Gabbana | Derived from “gabban,” meaning coat or cloak |
Gabbiani | Means “seagulls” |
Gabellini | Derived from “gabella,” meaning tax or duty |
Gabriele | Means “God is my strength” |
Gagliardi | Means “brave” or “valiant” |
Galante | Means “gallant” or “chivalrous” |
Galeazzi | Derived from “Galeazzo,” a personal name |
Galimberti | From the Lombardy region |
Galvani | Means “sparks” or “lightning” |
Gambino | Means “little leg” |
Ganci | Means “hooks” |
Gangi | Derived from the town of Gangi in Sicily |
Garibaldi | Means “bold spear” |
Garofalo | Means “carnation” |
Gasparini | Derived from “Gaspare,” meaning treasurer |
Gatti | Means “cats” |
Gaudenzi | Derived from “Gaudenzio,” meaning joyful |
Gazzola | From the town of Gazzola in Emilia-Romagna |
Gelmini | Means “twins” |
Gemelli | Means “twins” |
Gennaro | Means “January” |
Gentile | Means “kind” or “noble” |
Geraci | From the town of Geraci in Sicily |
Gerardi | Derived from “Gerardo,” meaning brave spear |
Germani | Means “Germans” |
Gerosa | From the Lombardy region |
Gervasi | Derived from “Gervasio,” a personal name |
Ghezzi | Means “curly-haired” |
Giacalone | Derived from “Giacomo,” meaning supplanter |
Giacomelli | Derived from “Giacomo,” meaning supplanter |
Giannini | Derived from “Gianni,” meaning God is gracious |
Giardino | Means “garden” |
Giliberti | Derived from “Gilberto,” meaning bright pledge |
Giuliani | Means “people of Julius” |
Giusti | Means “just” or “fair” |
Gobbi | Means “hunchback” |
Gori | Derived from “Gregorio,” meaning watchful |
Grasso | Means “fat” |
Graziani | Means “graceful” |
Greco | Means “Greek” |
Gregori | Derived from “Gregorio,” meaning watchful |
Grimaldi | Means “powerful protector” |
Grillo | Means “cricket” |
Grosso | Means “big” or “large” |
Guarino | Derived from “Guarino,” a personal name |
Guerrieri | Means “warriors” |
Guidi | Derived from “Guido,” meaning guide |
Guglielmi | Derived from “Guglielmo,” meaning will helmet |
Gulino | Derived from “Guglielmo,” meaning will helmet |
Gusmano | Derived from “Gusmano,” a personal name |
Guzzo | Means “good” or “kind” |
Gabbrielli | Derived from “Gabriele,” meaning God is my strength |
Gagliardo | Means “brave” or “valiant” |
Galasso | Derived from “Galasso,” a personal name |
Galeotti | Means “galley slaves” |
Gallina | Means “hen” |
Gallo | Means “rooster” |
Garau | Derived from “Garau,” a personal name |
Garofani | Means “carnations” |
Gaspari | Derived from “Gaspare,” meaning treasurer |
Gelmini | Means “twins” |
Gemma | Means “gem” or “jewel” |
Genovese | From the city of Genoa |
Gentili | Means “kind” or “noble” |
Germano | Means “German” |
Giacobbe | Derived from “Jacob,” meaning supplanter |
Giacopelli | Derived from “Giacomo,” meaning supplanter |
Giampietro | Means “John Peter” |
Gianelli | Derived from “Gianni,” meaning God is gracious |
Giannotti | Derived from “Gianni,” meaning God is gracious |
Giardina | Means “garden” |
Giliberti | Derived from “Gilberto,” meaning bright pledge |
Ginevra | Means “juniper” |
Giordano | Means “descendant of Jordan” |
Giorgi | Derived from “Giorgio,” meaning farmer |
Giovannini | Derived from “Giovanni,” meaning God is gracious |
Giudice | Means “judge” |
Giulietti | Means “little Julius” |
Giusti | Means “just” or “fair” |
Gobetti | Means “small hunchback” |
Gozzi | Means “little goose” |
Graziano | Means “graceful” |
Griffo | Means “griffin” |
Grimaldi | Means “powerful protector” |
Grilli | Means “crickets” |
Grosso | Means “big” or “large” |
Guarneri | Means “warrior” |
Guerrini | Means “warriors” |
Guidetti | Derived from “Guido,” meaning guide |
Guglielmo | Means “will helmet” |
Gullotta | Derived from “Guglielmo,” meaning will helmet |
Gusmeroli | Derived from “Gusmano,” a personal name |
Guzzetti | Means “good” or “kind” |
Italian surnames starting with “G” are a testament to the rich and varied history of Italy. They reflect a wide range of origins, from geographical locations and occupations to personal characteristics and noble lineages. By exploring these names and their meanings, we gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical context in which they were formed. Whether you are tracing your family history or simply have an interest in Italian culture, these surnames offer a fascinating glimpse into the past.