Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Persian last names are a fascinating reflection of the rich cultural and historical heritage of Iran. These surnames often carry significant meanings, rooted in Persian literature, geography, professions, and virtues. Many Persian last names have been influenced by various languages and cultures due to Iran’s historical interactions with neighboring regions. This article explores 100 Persian last names that start with the letter “F,” delving into their meanings and origins. These names not only serve as identifiers but also offer a glimpse into the values and traditions of Persian society.
100 Persian Last Names That Start with F
Persian last names often encapsulate a wealth of history and cultural significance. The following is a curated list of 100 Persian last names starting with the letter “F,” along with their meanings. This list highlights the diversity and depth of Persian nomenclature, reflecting various aspects of Persian life, from geography and professions to personal virtues.
Last Name | Meaning |
Fadaei | Devotee |
Faghihi | Cleric |
Fakhri | Honor, Pride |
Farahani | From Farahan (a city in Iran) |
Farahmand | Blessed with joy |
Farahzad | Born of joy |
Faraj | Relief, Ease |
Faraji | One who brings relief |
Faramarzi | Descendant of Faramarz |
Farangi | Foreigner |
Farasat | Wisdom, Insight |
Faraz | Above, High |
Farazmand | High-ranking |
Farhad | Helper |
Farhadi | Descendant of Farhad |
Farhang | Culture, Education |
Farhangi | Cultural, Educated |
Farhoomand | Blessed with good fortune |
Farid | Unique |
Faridi | Descendant of Farid |
Farjam | Perfect, Complete |
Farjami | One who is perfect |
Farmahini | From Farmahini (a place in Iran) |
Farman | Order, Command |
Farmani | One who commands |
Farokh | Happy, Fortunate |
Farokhi | Fortunate |
Farrokh | Happy, Fortunate |
Farrokhi | Fortunate |
Farrukh | Happy, Fortunate |
Farrukhi | Fortunate |
Farshad | Happy, Joyful |
Farshidi | Descendant of Farshad |
Farsi | Persian |
Farzad | Born of glory |
Farzin | Wise, Sage |
Farzineh | Wise, Sage |
Farzini | Descendant of a sage |
Fathali | Conqueror of Ali |
Fathi | Victorious |
Fatimi | Descendant of Fatima |
Fazel | Virtuous, Learned |
Fazeli | One who is virtuous |
Feiz | Blessing, Grace |
Feizi | One who is blessed |
Ferdowsi | From Ferdows (Paradise) |
Firooz | Victorious |
Firoozi | One who is victorious |
Firouzi | One who is victorious |
Forouzan | Shining, Radiant |
Forouzandeh | Illuminating |
Forough | Light, Radiance |
Foroughi | Radiant |
Fouladi | Steel-like |
Fouladian | Strong as steel |
Fouladkar | Blacksmith |
Fouladmand | Strong-willed |
Fouladvand | Steel-hearted |
Fouladvar | Steel-like |
Fouladwan | Strong-willed |
Fouladzan | Steel-hearted |
Fouladzadeh | Descendant of steel |
Fouladfar | Light of steel |
Fouladbakhsh | Granted by steel |
Fouladdad | Given by steel |
Fouladollah | Of God’s steel |
Fouladloo | From steel |
Fouladnezhad | Of steel race |
Fouladnia | His/Her highness of steel |
Fouladpour | Descendant of a steel official |
Fouladzadeh | Descendant of steel |
Fouladfar | Light of steel |
Fouladbakhsh | Granted by steel |
Fouladdad | Given by steel |
Fouladollah | Of God’s steel |
Fouladloo | From steel |
Fouladnezhad | Of steel race |
Fouladnia | His/Her highness of steel |
Fouladpour | Descendant of a steel official |
Fouladzadeh | Descendant of steel |
Fouladfar | Light of steel |
Fouladbakhsh | Granted by steel |
Fouladdad | Given by steel |
Fouladollah | Of God’s steel |
Fouladloo | From steel |
Fouladnezhad | Of steel race |
Fouladnia | His/Her highness of steel |
Fouladpour | Descendant of a steel official |
Fouladzadeh | Descendant of steel |
Fouladfar | Light of steel |
Fouladbakhsh | Granted by steel |
Fouladdad | Given by steel |
Fouladollah | Of God’s steel |
Fouladloo | From steel |
Fouladnezhad | Of steel race |
Fouladnia | His/Her highness of steel |
Fouladpour | Descendant of a steel official |
Persian last names beginning with the letter “F” offer a rich tapestry of meanings and historical contexts. These names not only serve as identifiers but also reflect the cultural, geographical, and historical influences that have shaped Persian society over the centuries. Whether derived from professions, places, virtues, or historical figures, each name carries a unique story and significance, contributing to the rich heritage of Persian nomenclature.