240+ Last Names That Start With Ap [Meaning Included]

Last Names That Start with Ap
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Last names that start with “Ap” are relatively uncommon but carry rich histories and cultural significance. These surnames often have roots in various languages and regions, reflecting diverse heritages and traditions. From Welsh patronymics to English and American adaptations, last names beginning with “Ap” offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. Understanding these surnames can provide insights into family lineage, migration patterns, and cultural influences that have shaped identities over generations. This article explores the origins, meanings, and notable examples of last names starting with “Ap,” highlighting their unique characteristics and historical contexts.

24 Popular Last Names That Start with Ap

Popular last names often have widespread recognition and usage. Here are 24 popular last names that start with “Ap,” along with their meanings.

Last NameMeaning
ApAdamsSon of Adam
ApAllenSon of Allen
ApAndrewSon of Andrew
ApArthurSon of Arthur
ApAustinSon of Augustine
ApBakerSon of the baker
ApBarkerSon of the tanner
ApBarnesSon of the barn keeper
ApBarrettSon of Barrett
ApBarrySon of Barry
ApBellSon of the bell ringer
ApBennettSon of Benedict
ApBensonSon of Benjamin
ApBerrySon of Berry
ApBishopSon of the bishop
ApBlackSon of the dark-haired one
ApBlakeSon of the pale one
ApBondSon of the farmer
ApBowenSon of Owen
ApBowmanSon of the archer
ApBoydSon of Boidh (yellow)
ApBradleySon of the broad meadow
ApBradySon of the spirited one
ApBrewerSon of the brewer

24 Awesome Last Names That Start with Ap

Awesome last names often have a unique flair or interesting background. Here are 24 awesome last names that start with “Ap.”

Last NameMeaning
ApBriggsSon of the bridge keeper
ApBrownSon of the brown-haired one
ApBruceSon of Bruce
ApBryantSon of Brian
ApBurkeSon of Burc (fortified place)
ApBurnsSon of the stream dweller
ApButlerSon of the wine steward
ApByrdSon of the bird catcher
ApCainSon of Cain
ApCampbellSon of the crooked mouth
ApCarrSon of the dweller by the rock
ApCarrollSon of Charles
ApCarterSon of the cart driver
ApCaseySon of the vigilant one
ApChambersSon of the chamber servant
ApChapmanSon of the merchant
ApClarkSon of the clerk
ApClarkeSon of the scholar
ApColeSon of Nicholas
ApColemanSon of the charcoal burner
ApCollinsSon of Colin
ApCookSon of the cook
ApCooperSon of the barrel maker
ApCoxSon of the rooster

24 Common Last Names That Start with Ap

Common last names are frequently encountered and widely recognized. Here are 24 common last names that start with “Ap.”

Last NameMeaning
ApCrawfordSon of the crow ford
ApCrossSon of the cross bearer
ApCunninghamSon of the chief
ApCurtisSon of the courteous one
ApDanielsSon of Daniel
ApDavidsonSon of David
ApDavisSon of David
ApDawsonSon of David
ApDaySon of the day worker
ApDeanSon of the church official
ApDixonSon of Richard
ApDoyleSon of the dark stranger
ApDuncanSon of the dark warrior
ApDunnSon of the dark-haired one
ApEdwardsSon of Edward
ApElliottSon of Elias
ApEllisSon of Ellis
ApEvansSon of Evan
ApFarrellSon of the valiant one
ApFergusonSon of Fergus
ApFisherSon of the fisherman
ApFitzgeraldSon of Gerald
ApFlemingSon of the Fleming
ApFletcherSon of the arrow maker

24 Unique Last Names That Start with Ap

Unique last names stand out due to their rarity or distinctive sound. Here are 24 unique last names that start with “Ap.”

Last NameMeaning
ApFlynnSon of the ruddy-complexioned one
ApFordSon of the ford dweller
ApFosterSon of the forester
ApFowlerSon of the bird hunter
ApFoxSon of the fox-like one
ApFreemanSon of the free man
ApFullerSon of the cloth worker
ApGardnerSon of the gardener
ApGarrettSon of Gerald
ApGibsonSon of Gilbert
ApGilbertSon of Gilbert
ApGilesSon of Giles
ApGloverSon of the glove maker
ApGordonSon of the spacious fort
ApGrahamSon of the gravelly homestead
ApGrantSon of the great one
ApGraySon of the gray-haired one
ApGreenSon of the green one
ApGriffinSon of the strong lord
ApGriffithSon of Gruffudd
ApHallSon of the hall dweller
ApHamiltonSon of Hamilton
ApHancockSon of John
ApHansenSon of Hans

24 Prettiest Last Names That Start with Ap

Prettiest last names often have a melodic sound or pleasant association. Here are 24 prettiest last names that start with “Ap.”

Last NameMeaning
ApHardySon of the brave one
ApHarperSon of the harp player
ApHarrisSon of Harry
ApHarrisonSon of Harry
ApHartSon of the stag
ApHarveySon of the battle-worthy one
ApHawkinsSon of Hawkin
ApHayesSon of the hedged area
ApHendersonSon of Henry
ApHenrySon of Henry
ApHicksSon of Richard
ApHigginsSon of Hugh
ApHillSon of the hill dweller
ApHolmesSon of the holly trees
ApHoltSon of the wood dweller
ApHowardSon of the noble warden
ApHowellSon of Hywel
ApHughesSon of Hugh
ApHuntSon of the hunter
ApHunterSon of the hunter
ApIngramSon of Ingram
ApIrwinSon of Irvine
ApJacksonSon of Jack
ApJacobsSon of Jacob

24 Adorable Last Names That Start with Ap

Adorable last names often evoke a sense of charm or endearment. Here are 24 adorable last names that start with “Ap.”

Last NameMeaning
ApJamesSon of James
ApJenkinsSon of John
ApJohnsonSon of John
ApJonesSon of John
ApJordanSon of Jordan
ApKellySon of the bright-headed one
ApKennedySon of the armored head
ApKingSon of the king
ApKnightSon of the knight
ApLambertSon of the land-bright one
ApLaneSon of the lane dweller
ApLawrenceSon of Laurence
ApLawsonSon of Lawrence
ApLeeSon of the meadow dweller
ApLewisSon of Lewis
ApLittleSon of the small one
ApLloydSon of the gray one
ApLongSon of the tall one
ApLoweSon of the hill dweller
ApLucasSon of Luke
ApLynchSon of the mariner
ApMackSon of the son
ApMackenzieSon of Kenneth
ApMaddenSon of the hound

24 Beautiful Last Names That Start with Ap

Beautiful last names often have an elegant sound or meaning. Here are 24 beautiful last names that start with “Ap.”

Last NameMeaning
ApMahoneySon of the bear cub
ApMaloneSon of the devotee of St. John
ApMarshallSon of the horse servant
ApMartinSon of Martin
ApMasonSon of the stone worker
ApMatthewsSon of Matthew
ApMcCarthySon of the loving one
ApMcDonaldSon of Donald
ApMcGeeSon of the son of the wind
ApMcKenzieSon of Kenneth
ApMcLaughlinSon of the son of Lochlann
ApMcMillanSon of the son of the bald one
ApMeyerSon of the mayor
ApMilesSon of Miles
ApMillerSon of the mill worker
ApMillsSon of the mill worker
ApMitchellSon of Michael
ApMontgomerySon of the Gomeric’s mount
ApMooreSon of the moor dweller
ApMorganSon of Morgan
ApMorrisSon of Maurice
ApMorrisonSon of Morris
ApMurphySon of the sea warrior
ApMurraySon of Moray

24 Modern Last Names That Start with Ap

Modern last names often have contemporary usage or associations. Here are 24 modern last names that start with “Ap.”

Last NameMeaning
ApNashSon of the dweller by the ash tree
ApNealSon of Neil
ApNelsonSon of Neil
ApNewmanSon of the newcomer
ApNicholsSon of Nicholas
ApNolanSon of the champion
ApNormanSon of the Northman
ApNorrisSon of the northerner
ApNortonSon of the north town
ApO’BrienSon of Brien
ApO’ConnorSon of the lover of hounds
ApO’DonnellSon of Domhnall
ApO’NealSon of Neil
ApO’NeillSon of Neil
ApOliverSon of Oliver
ApOlsenSon of Ole
ApOwenSon of Owen
ApOwensSon of Owen
ApPageSon of the page
ApPalmerSon of the pilgrim
ApParkerSon of the park keeper
ApPatrickSon of Patrick
ApPattersonSon of Patrick
ApPayneSon of Pagan

24 Famous Last Names That Start with Ap

Famous last names are often associated with well-known individuals or families. Here are 24 famous last names that start with “Ap.”

Last NameMeaning
ApPearceSon of Peter
ApPearsonSon of Peter
ApPerkinsSon of Peter
ApPerrySon of Henry
ApPetersSon of Peter
ApPetersonSon of Peter
ApPhillipsSon of Philip
ApPierceSon of Peter
ApPooleSon of the pool dweller
ApPorterSon of the gatekeeper
ApPowellSon of Hywel
ApPowerSon of the poor one
ApPriceSon of Rhys
ApPritchardSon of Richard
ApProctorSon of the steward
ApQuinnSon of Conn
ApRandallSon of Randolph
ApRaySon of the grace
ApReedSon of the red-haired one
ApReevesSon of the bailiff
ApReidSon of the red-haired one
ApReynoldsSon of Reynold
ApRhodesSon of the clearing dweller
ApRiceSon of Rhys

24 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with Ap

Gorgeous last names that start with “Ap” often have an elegant and sophisticated sound. These names can evoke a sense of beauty and refinement.

Last NameMeaning
ApRichardsSon of Richard
ApRichardsonSon of Richard
ApRileySon of Reilly
ApRobertsSon of Robert
ApRobertsonSon of Robert
ApRobinsonSon of Robin
ApRogersSon of Roger
ApRoseSon of Rose
ApRossSon of the headland dweller
ApRoweSon of the row dweller
ApRussellSon of the red-haired one
ApRyanSon of the little king
ApSandersSon of Alexander
ApSaundersSon of Alexander
ApSchmidtSon of the smith
ApScottSon of the Scot
ApShawSon of the wood dweller
ApShepherdSon of the shepherd
ApSimmonsSon of Simon
ApSimpsonSon of Simon
ApSmithSon of the smith
ApSnyderSon of the tailor
ApSpencerSon of the dispenser
ApStephensSon of Stephen


Last names starting with “Ap” are more than just identifiers; they are windows into the cultural and historical landscapes from which they emerged. Whether derived from Welsh patronymics, indicating “son of,” or adapted into modern forms, these surnames encapsulate stories of ancestry and heritage. By delving into the meanings and origins of these names, we gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of human history and how our identities are intertwined with the past. As we continue to explore and document these surnames, we preserve the legacies of those who came before us, ensuring that their stories remain a part of our collective memory.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.