100+ Mexican Last Names That Start with Q 2024

Mexican Last Names That Start with Q
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Mexico’s rich cultural history and diverse heritage are reflected in its wide array of surnames. Last names in Mexico often carry deep meanings, reflecting the country’s indigenous, Spanish, and other influences. Among the numerous surnames, those starting with the letter “Q” are unique and intriguing. This article aims to explore 100 Mexican last names that begin with “Q,” providing not only a list but also the meanings behind these names. Whether you’re interested in genealogy, culture, or simply curious, this compilation offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of Mexican surnames.


100 Mexican Last Names That Start with Q

The following is a comprehensive list of Mexican last names starting with the letter “Q,” along with their meanings. This compilation showcases the variety and significance of these surnames, each carrying a piece of history and cultural identity.

Last NameMeaning
QuiñonesFrom the place of Quinones
QuintanaFrom a country house or villa
QuirozRocky hill
QuintanillaSmall country house or villa
QuirogaFrom a place of boggy land
QuijanoShield maker
QuintanarPlace of fifths
QuintelaFifth or derived from the fifth
QuerolOak tree
QuibianLeader or chief
QuezadaFrom Quezada in Spain
QuilesFrom a place with spikes or thorns
QuindeDerived from a region in Ecuador
QuispeFree or liberated
QuialaRefers to a small village
QuilcaDerived from a region in Peru
QuincheDerived from a plant species
QuilachayNamed after a medicinal plant
QuindeBird-related surname
QuisquinayDerived from a location in Peru
QuilaName of an indigenous tribe
QuinchiaDerived from a town in Colombia
QuiterioRefers to a place name
QuillaDerived from the Quechua word for “moon”
QuincellaDerived from Latin meaning “fifth”
QuintuyaIndigenous name meaning “star”
QuironDerived from Greek mythology
QuichoIndigenous surname
QuillayRefers to a tree species in South America
QuisquinayHistorical name from the Andean region
QuindimDerived from a sweet dessert
QuinchiguayName of an indigenous leader
QuillénMeans “to rest” in Mapuche
QuiteriaName of a Christian saint
QuimiDerived from an indigenous term
QuillomaMeans “moonlight” in Quechua
QuinchihuayIndigenous warrior name
QuinonesOld Spanish surname
QuenayaDerived from Quechua, meaning “to rest”
QuispeñaFrom a region in Peru
QuicenoFrom Quiceno in Colombia
QuipildorIndigenous Argentine surname
QuinterosWeaver’s son
QuibeloDerived from an African name
QuifquifMeans “strong” in indigenous language
QuichochoRefers to a type of fruit
QuiguangoIndigenous surname from Ecuador
QuijaRefers to a wooden structure
QuiguazuMeans “big river” in Guarani
QuinavayoIndigenous name from Bolivia
QuilacioSpanish surname
QuihuaIndigenous Mexican name
QuindimilFrom Galicia, Spain
QuiñocoDerived from Quechua
QuilesitoMeans “small spike”
QuiñimboIndigenous name
QuincheñoFrom Quinche, Ecuador
QuiraoMeans “white” in indigenous language
QuinoveseDerived from a historical figure
QuillayesRefers to a tree species
QuisiyalDerived from a sacred place
QuinchuguayIndigenous Peruvian surname
QuinayName of an indigenous chief
QuibaqueRefers to a type of stone
QuillahuaMeans “big house” in Quechua
QuinaIndigenous term for a medicinal plant
QuiricoDerived from a Christian martyr
QuichiIndigenous surname
QuinialRefers to a highland region
QuirquinaDerived from a mountain range
QuilindoMeans “beautiful” in Spanish
QuimeraMeans “dream” or “fantasy”
QuilaqueoIndigenous Argentine name
QuinahuayaFrom an Andean region
QuimbayoDerived from a gold-rich region
QuiquiviloIndigenous Mapuche name
QuiloayRefers to a coastal area
QuimoName of a traditional dance
QuichaMeans “warm” in indigenous language
QuinantaRefers to a festive occasion
QuinalDerived from a medicinal herb
QuijoyRefers to a type of bird
QuinicheIndigenous Mexican name
QuirayaDerived from an ancient settlement
QuillaicoMeans “moon-like”
QuishpeFree or liberated
QuicanayIndigenous Peruvian name
QuicuyoRefers to a type of fish
QuinocName of an ancient leader
QuillañoRefers to a lunar deity
QuinalchaMeans “eagle” in Quechua
QuicoDerived from a Spanish diminutive
QuimeRefers to a high-altitude town
QuijarMeans “jaw” in Spanish
QuindihuayName of an indigenous community


The surnames listed here provide a window into the rich tapestry of Mexican heritage. Each name carries its own unique story, rooted in the history, geography, and cultures that have shaped Mexico over the centuries. From names indicating occupations like “Quintero” to those denoting geographical features like “Quiroz,” these last names are more than just identifiers—they are a connection to the past. Exploring these names not only enhances our understanding of Mexican culture but also celebrates the diversity and depth of its people. Whether for academic research, personal interest, or genealogical exploration, this list serves as a valuable resource for anyone intrigued by Mexican surnames.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.