Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Italian last names are a fascinating window into the country’s rich history, culture, and linguistic diversity. Many Italian surnames have origins that date back centuries, often reflecting the professions, physical characteristics, or geographical locations associated with the families that bear them. In this article, we will explore 100 Italian last names that start with the letter “B,” delving into their meanings and origins. This collection not only highlights the variety and depth of Italian surnames but also provides a glimpse into the cultural heritage that these names carry.
100 Italian Last Names Starting with B
Italian surnames often carry significant meanings, reflecting the family’s history, occupation, or physical traits. Here, we present a list of 100 Italian last names starting with the letter “B,” along with their meanings. These names showcase the diversity and cultural richness of Italian heritage.
Last Name | Meaning |
Bacci | Kiss |
Badalamenti | Misfortune |
Baggio | Little one |
Baldi | Brave |
Baldini | Descendant of Baldo |
Balducci | Son of Baldo |
Ballarini | Dancer |
Barbieri | Barber |
Barone | Baron or nobleman |
Bartoli | Son of Bartolo |
Basile | Kingly |
Battaglia | Battle |
Bellini | Little beautiful one |
Benedetti | Blessed |
Benetti | Little blessed one |
Bianchi | White |
Bianco | White |
Biondi | Blonde |
Boccaccio | Mouth |
Bocci | Little mouth |
Bonaccorsi | Good-hearted |
Bonanno | Good year |
Bonetti | Little good one |
Bonfiglio | Good son |
Bongiorno | Good day |
Bonini | Little good one |
Bonucci | Good little one |
Borghese | Noble |
Borrelli | Little bore |
Bosco | Wood or forest |
Boselli | Little wood |
Botticelli | Little barrel |
Brambilla | From Brambilla (a town in Italy) |
Brandi | Sword |
Bruno | Brown or dark |
Bruni | Little brown one |
Buccellato | Ring-shaped cake |
Bucci | Little mouth |
Buffoni | Jester |
Buonarroti | Good river |
Buratti | Miller |
Buscemi | From Buscemi (a town in Sicily) |
Busoni | Big mouth |
Buttiglieri | Barrel maker |
Buzzi | Buzz |
Buzzetti | Little buzz |
Buzzone | Big buzz |
Buzzetta | Little buzz |
Balestra | Crossbow |
Bandini | Son of Bando |
Barzini | From Barzio (a town in Italy) |
Basiletti | Little kingly |
Bellomo | Beautiful man |
Belvedere | Beautiful view |
Benvenuto | Welcome |
Bernardi | Brave as a bear |
Bertelli | Little bright one |
Bertolini | Son of Bertolino |
Bertucci | Little bright one |
Bevilacqua | Drink water |
Biagini | Little white one |
Bifolchi | Plowman |
Bigazzi | Big one |
Bisceglia | From Bisceglie (a town in Italy) |
Bisconti | Viscount |
Boccadoro | Golden mouth |
Boeri | From Boerio (a town in Italy) |
Boggi | Little ox |
Bonadonna | Good woman |
Bonaventura | Good fortune |
Boncompagni | Good companion |
Bonifacio | Good fate |
Bonini | Little good one |
Bonucci | Good little one |
Borghini | From Borghino (a town in Italy) |
Borromeo | From Borromeo (a noble family) |
Bosco | Wood or forest |
Boscolo | Little wood |
Bottazzi | Little barrel |
Bracchi | Arms |
Brambilla | From Brambilla (a town in Italy) |
Brancati | From Brancato (a town in Italy) |
Brandi | Sword |
Braschi | From Brasca (a town in Italy) |
Bravi | Brave |
Brevi | Short |
Brogi | From Brogio (a town in Italy) |
Brunetti | Little brown one |
Brunini | Little brown one |
Buffa | Funny |
Buffon | Jester |
Buonanno | Good year |
Buonocore | Good heart |
Buonomo | Good man |
Buontempo | Good time |
Burini | From Burino (a town in Italy) |
Busato | From Busato (a town in Italy) |
Buscaglia | From Busca (a town in Italy) |
Busoni | Big mouth |
Busti | From Busto (a town in Italy) |
Butera | From Butera (a town in Sicily) |
Buzzanca | Buzz |
Italian last names are a testament to the country’s rich cultural tapestry and historical depth. The surnames starting with “B” that we have explored in this article not only reflect the diverse origins and meanings behind these names but also offer a glimpse into the lives and identities of the families that bear them. Whether derived from professions, physical traits, or geographical locations, these surnames carry with them stories that span generations. Understanding the meanings behind these names allows us to appreciate the intricate connections between language, culture, and identity in Italy.