Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Italian last names carry a rich history and cultural significance, often reflecting the origins, occupations, or characteristics of the families that bear them. Surnames in Italy became widespread around the 15th century as a means to distinguish between families, particularly among the upper classes. By the time of the Council of Trent in the mid-16th century, the use of surnames was common practice, solidified by the council’s emphasis on recording vital events such as baptisms, marriages, and burials. This article explores 100 Italian last names that start with the letter ‘S’, providing insights into their meanings and origins.
100 Italian Last Names Starting with S
Italian surnames can originate from various sources, including geographical locations, occupations, descriptive nicknames, and patronymics. The following table lists 100 Italian last names starting with ‘S’, along with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Sabbatini | Descendant of Sabbatino |
Sacchetti | Little sacks or bags |
Salerno | From the city of Salerno |
Salvi | Saved or safe |
Santoro | Of Saint |
Sapienza | Wisdom |
Saraceno | Saracen or Arab |
Sarti | Tailors |
Sartori | Tailors |
Sassi | Stones |
Savino | Sabine (ancient Italian tribe) |
Scalia | Ladder or stairs |
Scarlatti | Red or scarlet |
Schiavone | Slavic |
Sciacca | From the town of Sciacca |
Scipione | Staff or walking stick |
Scolari | Scholars |
Sforza | Force or strength |
Sica | Dagger |
Siciliano | Sicilian |
Signorelli | Little lord or master |
Silvestri | Of the forest |
Simeone | He has heard |
Siniscalchi | Steward or seneschal |
Siragusa | From the city of Syracuse |
Sorrentino | From Sorrento |
Spada | Sword |
Spadaro | Swordsmith |
Spagnolo | Spanish |
Spinelli | Thorny or spiny |
Spinoza | Thorny |
Stabile | Stable or firm |
Stagliano | From Stagliano |
Stella | Star |
Stilo | Stylus or pen |
Strada | Road or street |
Strazzulla | Rag dealer |
Suriano | From Suria |
Susini | Little willows |
Saccardi | Sacred heart |
Salomone | Solomon |
Santini | Little saints |
Saponaro | Soap maker |
Sarno | From the Sarno river |
Sartore | Tailor |
Savarese | From Savara |
Scafidi | Boat builder |
Scalise | Climber or scaler |
Scarlata | Red or scarlet |
Scavone | Excavator |
Sciascia | From Sciacca |
Scolaro | Scholar |
Sforzini | Little force or strength |
Sicurella | Little secure one |
Signori | Lords or masters |
Silvestro | Of the forest |
Simeoni | He has heard |
Sinisi | From Siniscola |
Sironi | From Sirolo |
Solari | Of the sun |
Sordi | Deaf |
Sorrenti | From Sorrento |
Spadaccini | Swordsman |
Spadoni | Big sword |
Spagnuolo | Spanish |
Spinosa | Thorny |
Stabiletti | Little stable or firm one |
Staglianò | From Staglianò |
Stellini | Little stars |
Stiliano | Stylus or pen |
Stradella | Little road or street |
Strazzullo | Rag dealer |
Suriani | From Suria |
Susino | Little willow |
Saccardo | Sacred heart |
Salomoni | Solomon |
Santino | Little saint |
Saponara | Soap maker |
Sarnelli | From the Sarno river |
Sartori | Tailors |
Savaretti | From Savara |
Scafidi | Boat builder |
Scalisi | Climber or scaler |
Scarlatti | Red or scarlet |
Scavone | Excavator |
Sciascia | From Sciacca |
Scolari | Scholars |
Sforzini | Little force or strength |
Sicurella | Little secure one |
Signorelli | Little lord or master |
Silvestri | Of the forest |
Simeoni | He has heard |
Siniscalchi | Steward or seneschal |
Siragusa | From the city of Syracuse |
Sorrentino | From Sorrento |
Italian last names offer a fascinating glimpse into the country’s history, culture, and societal structure. The surnames starting with ‘S’ are no exception, showcasing a variety of origins from geographical locations to occupations and personal characteristics. Understanding the meanings behind these names can provide valuable insights into family histories and ancestral roots. Whether you are tracing your genealogy or simply exploring the rich tapestry of Italian surnames, these names reflect the diverse and storied heritage of Italy.