Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Last names that begin with the letter U are a fascinating subset of surnames, offering a rich tapestry of cultural, linguistic, and historical significance. These names span various origins, including Germanic, English, Spanish, and many others, each carrying its own unique story and meaning. From common surnames like Underwood and Urban to more uncommon ones like Uchida and Ulloa, U-starting last names provide an intriguing glimpse into family histories, migrations, and ancestral occupations. This article delves into a comprehensive exploration of surnames beginning with U, showcasing their diversity, popularity, and the stories they tell about our shared human heritage.

56 Popular Last Names That Start with U
Popular last names starting with U encompass a wide range of origins and meanings. These surnames have gained prominence in various cultures and regions, often reflecting historical migrations, occupations, or notable individuals. Here’s a list of 56 popular U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Underwood | Dweller below a wood |
Urban | City dweller |
Ulrich | Wealthy and powerful |
Upton | From the upper town |
Udell | Yew tree valley |
Unger | Hungarian |
Uribe | From the lower part of town |
Urbina | From the city |
Ulloa | From a place in Galicia |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Utter | Outer, remote |
Utley | Out wood or clearing |
Usher | Doorkeeper |
Upshaw | From the upper wood |
Upchurch | From the upper church |
Urquhart | From the fort on the hill |
Umana | Human |
Uhl | Variant of Ulrich |
Uhler | Potter |
Uhrig | Wealthy ruler |
Uecker | Corner dweller |
Uyeda | Upper branch |
Urso | Bear |
Urrutia | From the far side |
Urbano | City dweller |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Urias | God is my light |
Uriegas | Son of Uriel |
Urquiza | From the birch forest |
Uranga | Beyond the water |
Uriarte | Between waters |
Urbanski | From the city |
Urbieta | Two waters |
Urman | Watchman |
Urquidi | Birch tree grove |
Urrea | Golden |
Ursery | Bear-like |
Urton | Town on a hill |
Usrey | Bear-like |
Usry | Bear-like |
Ussery | Bear-like |
Utsey | From Otis’s island |
Utterback | Outer brook |
Utzman | From Utz (diminutive of Ulrich) |
Uva | Grape |
Uvalle | From the valley |
Uyehara | Upper field |
Uyemura | Upper village |
Uzun | Tall |
Uzzell | Diminutive of Urse (bear) |
Ubaldi | Bold ruler |
Ubben | Son of Ubbe |
Uberti | Bright mind |
Uchiyama | Inner mountain |
Uddin | Of the faith |
Ugalde | By the water |
56 Awesome Last Names That Start with U
Awesome last names starting with U often have unique origins or meanings that make them stand out. These surnames can be conversation starters and reflect interesting cultural or historical backgrounds. Here’s a list of 56 awesome U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Ubaldo | Bold mind |
Uchimura | Inner village |
Udall | Yew tree valley |
Uecker | Corner dweller |
Ugarte | Between waters |
Uhde | From Udo (prosperity) |
Uhlman | Owl man |
Ujvari | From the new castle |
Ulander | Island dweller |
Ulbrich | Bright wolf |
Ullmann | Wool man |
Ulmer | From Ulm (city in Germany) |
Umberto | Bright warrior |
Umble | Humble |
Umemoto | Plum origin |
Umphrey | Peaceful ruler |
Unangst | Fearless |
Underhill | Below the hill |
Unrau | Restless |
Unruh | Restless |
Unsworth | From Unsworth (place name) |
Updegraff | From the count’s ditch |
Upham | Upper homestead |
Upjohn | Up from John’s place |
Upshall | Upper hall |
Upton | Upper town |
Urbach | Stream by the aurochs |
Urbain | City dweller |
Urbanski | From the city |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Uribe | From the lower part of town |
Urquhart | From the fort on the hill |
Urrea | Golden |
Urrutia | From the far side |
Urso | Bear |
Urton | Town on a hill |
Usher | Doorkeeper |
Ussery | Bear-like |
Utley | Out wood or clearing |
Utterback | Outer brook |
Utz | Diminutive of Ulrich |
Utzinger | From Utzingen (place name) |
Uva | Grape |
Uvalle | From the valley |
Uyeda | Upper branch |
Uyehara | Upper field |
Uyemura | Upper village |
Uzun | Tall |
Uzzell | Diminutive of Urse (bear) |
Ubben | Son of Ubbe |
Ubeda | From Úbeda (place in Spain) |
Uceda | From Uceda (place in Spain) |
Uchida | Inner rice field |
Uddin | Of the faith |
Uglow | From Hugolin (mind) |
Uhler | Potter |
56 Common Last Names That Start with U
Common last names starting with U are those frequently found in various populations. These surnames often have widespread usage due to historical, cultural, or demographic factors. Here’s a list of 56 common U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Underwood | Dweller below a wood |
Urban | City dweller |
Ulrich | Wealthy and powerful |
Upton | From the upper town |
Udell | Yew tree valley |
Unger | Hungarian |
Uribe | From the lower part of town |
Urbina | From the city |
Ulloa | From a place in Galicia |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Utter | Outer, remote |
Utley | Out wood or clearing |
Usher | Doorkeeper |
Upshaw | From the upper wood |
Upchurch | From the upper church |
Urquhart | From the fort on the hill |
Umana | Human |
Uhl | Variant of Ulrich |
Uhler | Potter |
Uhrig | Wealthy ruler |
Uecker | Corner dweller |
Uyeda | Upper branch |
Urso | Bear |
Urrutia | From the far side |
Urbano | City dweller |
Urias | God is my light |
Uriegas | Son of Uriel |
Urquiza | From the birch forest |
Uranga | Beyond the water |
Uriarte | Between waters |
Urbanski | From the city |
Urbieta | Two waters |
Urman | Watchman |
Urquidi | Birch tree grove |
Urrea | Golden |
Ursery | Bear-like |
Urton | Town on a hill |
Usrey | Bear-like |
Usry | Bear-like |
Ussery | Bear-like |
Utsey | From Otis’s island |
Utterback | Outer brook |
Utzman | From Utz (diminutive of Ulrich) |
Uva | Grape |
Uvalle | From the valley |
Uyehara | Upper field |
Uyemura | Upper village |
Uzun | Tall |
Uzzell | Diminutive of Urse (bear) |
Ubaldi | Bold ruler |
Ubben | Son of Ubbe |
Uberti | Bright mind |
Uchiyama | Inner mountain |
Uddin | Of the faith |
Ugalde | By the water |
Ullman | Wool man |
56 Unique Last Names That Start with U
Unique last names starting with U are those that are less common and often have distinctive origins or meanings. These surnames can be intriguing conversation starters and reflect interesting cultural or historical backgrounds. Here’s a list of 56 unique U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Ubangi | From the Ubangi River |
Ubeda | From Úbeda (place in Spain) |
Uceda | From Uceda (place in Spain) |
Uchimura | Inner village |
Udagawa | Udagawa River |
Udeanu | From Udea (place in Romania) |
Udeh | From the Udeh people |
Udovenko | Son of Udo |
Ueda | Upper branch |
Uehling | From Ãœhlingen (place in Germany) |
Uemura | Plum village |
Ufford | From Ufford (place name) |
Uguccioni | Son of Uguccione |
Uhlenbroek | From the owl swamp |
Uhlenhuth | Owl keeper |
Uhlfelder | Owl field |
Uhlhorn | Owl horn |
Uhrmacher | Clockmaker |
Uihlein | From Ãœhlein (diminutive of Uhl) |
Ujhelyi | From Újhely (new place) |
Ujifusa | Wisteria |
Ukena | From Ukena (place in East Frisia) |
Ulander | Island dweller |
Ulbricht | Bright wolf |
Ulitzka | From Ulitz (place in Bohemia) |
Ullastres | From Ullastres (place in Spain) |
Ullom | From Ullom (place name) |
Ulmer | From Ulm (city in Germany) |
Ulvestad | Wolf place |
Umbarger | From Umberg (place name) |
Umberto | Bright warrior |
Umemoto | Plum origin |
Umezawa | Plum swamp |
Umphres | Son of Humphrey |
Unangst | Fearless |
Underberg | Below the mountain |
Underdahl | Under the valley |
Underdown | Below the hill |
Underhill | Below the hill |
Underkoffler | Under the peak |
Underland | Below the land |
Underly | Lower meadow |
Underwald | Below the forest |
Undheim | From Undheim (place in Norway) |
Unfried | Unpeaceful |
Ungar | Hungarian |
Ungeheuer | Monster |
Unglesbee | Variant of Ingoldsby |
Unick | From Unec (place in Slovenia) |
Unrau | Restless |
Unruh | Restless |
Unsworth | From Unsworth (place name) |
Untch | From Untsch (place in Germany) |
Unthank | Ungrateful |
Unverferth | Unafraid |
Unzicker | From Unzicker (place name) |
56 Prettiest Last Names That Start with U
Pretty last names starting with U often have a pleasing sound or evoke positive associations. These surnames can be aesthetically appealing and may have elegant or graceful connotations. Here’s a list of 56 pretty U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Ueda | Upper branch |
Ueno | Upper field |
Ufford | From Ufford (place name) |
Ugalde | By the water |
Uhde | From Udo (prosperity) |
Uhlmann | Owl man |
Ujhelyi | From Újhely (new place) |
Ulander | Island dweller |
Ulbrich | Bright wolf |
Ullman | Wool man |
Ulmer | From Ulm (city in Germany) |
Umberto | Bright warrior |
Umemoto | Plum origin |
Umphrey | Peaceful ruler |
Underhill | Below the hill |
Underwood | Dweller below a wood |
Unger | Hungarian |
Upchurch | From the upper church |
Updegraff | From the count’s ditch |
Upham | Upper homestead |
Upjohn | Up from John’s place |
Upshaw | From the upper wood |
Upson | Son of Ubb |
Upton | Upper town |
Urbach | Stream by the aurochs |
Urbain | City dweller |
Urban | City dweller |
Urbanski | From the city |
Urbina | From the city |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Uribe | From the lower part of town |
Urquhart | From the fort on the hill |
Urrea | Golden |
Urrutia | From the far side |
Urso | Bear |
Urton | Town on a hill |
Usher | Doorkeeper |
Ussery | Bear-like |
Utley | Out wood or clearing |
Utterback | Outer brook |
Utz | Diminutive of Ulrich |
Utzinger | From Utzingen (place name) |
Uva | Grape |
Uvalle | From the valley |
Uyeda | Upper branch |
Uyehara | Upper field |
Uyemura | Upper village |
Uzun | Tall |
Uzzell | Diminutive of Urse (bear) |
Ubaldi | Bold ruler |
Ubben | Son of Ubbe |
Uberti | Bright mind |
Uchida | Inner rice field |
Uchiyama | Inner mountain |
Udall | Yew tree valley |
Uddin | Of the faith |
56 Adorable Last Names That Start with U
Adorable last names starting with U often have a charming or endearing quality. These surnames may evoke feelings of warmth or affection due to their sound or meaning. Many of these names have origins in various cultures and languages, adding to their unique appeal. Here’s a list of 56 adorable U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Ubben | Son of Ubbe |
Uchida | Inner rice field |
Udell | Yew tree valley |
Ueda | Upper branch |
Ueno | Upper field |
Ufford | From Ufford (place name) |
Uglow | From Hugolin (mind) |
Uhl | Variant of Ulrich |
Uhler | Potter |
Uhlman | Owl man |
Ujiie | Upper house |
Ukita | Floating field |
Ullman | Wool man |
Ulmer | From Ulm (city in Germany) |
Umberto | Bright warrior |
Umble | Humble |
Umemoto | Plum origin |
Umphrey | Peaceful ruler |
Underhill | Below the hill |
Underwood | Dweller below a wood |
Unger | Hungarian |
Upchurch | From the upper church |
Upham | Upper homestead |
Upshaw | From the upper wood |
Upton | Upper town |
Urbain | City dweller |
Urban | City dweller |
Urbina | From the city |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Uribe | From the lower part of town |
Urquhart | From the fort on the hill |
Urrea | Golden |
Urso | Bear |
Urton | Town on a hill |
Usher | Doorkeeper |
Ussery | Bear-like |
Utley | Out wood or clearing |
Utterback | Outer brook |
Utz | Diminutive of Ulrich |
Uva | Grape |
Uvalle | From the valley |
Uyeda | Upper branch |
Uyehara | Upper field |
Uyemura | Upper village |
Uzun | Tall |
Uzzell | Diminutive of Urse (bear) |
Ubaldi | Bold ruler |
Uberti | Bright mind |
Uchiyama | Inner mountain |
Udall | Yew tree valley |
Uddin | Of the faith |
Uecker | Corner dweller |
Uehara | Upper field |
Uemura | Plum village |
Uhlig | Descendant of Udalrich |
Ulander | Island dweller |
56 Beautiful Last Names That Start with U
Beautiful last names starting with U often have an elegant or graceful quality. These surnames may have pleasing sounds or evoke positive imagery. Many of these names come from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, adding to their aesthetic appeal. Here’s a list of 56 beautiful U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Ubaldi | Bold ruler |
Uchida | Inner rice field |
Udall | Yew tree valley |
Ueda | Upper branch |
Ueno | Upper field |
Ufford | From Ufford (place name) |
Ugalde | By the water |
Uhde | From Udo (prosperity) |
Uhlmann | Owl man |
Ujhelyi | From Újhely (new place) |
Ulander | Island dweller |
Ulbrich | Bright wolf |
Ullman | Wool man |
Ulmer | From Ulm (city in Germany) |
Umberto | Bright warrior |
Umemoto | Plum origin |
Umphrey | Peaceful ruler |
Underhill | Below the hill |
Underwood | Dweller below a wood |
Unger | Hungarian |
Upchurch | From the upper church |
Updegraff | From the count’s ditch |
Upham | Upper homestead |
Upjohn | Up from John’s place |
Upshaw | From the upper wood |
Upton | Upper town |
Urbach | Stream by the aurochs |
Urbain | City dweller |
Urban | City dweller |
Urbanski | From the city |
Urbina | From the city |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Uribe | From the lower part of town |
Urquhart | From the fort on the hill |
Urrea | Golden |
Urrutia | From the far side |
Urso | Bear |
Urton | Town on a hill |
Usher | Doorkeeper |
Ussery | Bear-like |
Utley | Out wood or clearing |
Utterback | Outer brook |
Utz | Diminutive of Ulrich |
Utzinger | From Utzingen (place name) |
Uva | Grape |
Uvalle | From the valley |
Uyeda | Upper branch |
Uyehara | Upper field |
Uyemura | Upper village |
Uzun | Tall |
Uzzell | Diminutive of Urse (bear) |
Ubben | Son of Ubbe |
Uberti | Bright mind |
Uchiyama | Inner mountain |
Uddin | Of the faith |
Uehara | Upper field |
56 Modern Last Names That Start with U
Modern last names starting with U often reflect contemporary naming trends or have gained popularity in recent times. These surnames may be newly created, adaptations of traditional names, or have risen to prominence due to cultural shifts. Here’s a list of 56 modern U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Uber | Above, over |
Ubiña | From Ubiña (place in Spain) |
Ubri | From Ubrique (place in Spain) |
Ucak | Airplane (Turkish) |
Uceda | From Uceda (place in Spain) |
Uchitel | Teacher (Russian) |
Udani | Of Udan (Sanskrit name) |
Udeh | From the Udeh people |
Udoka | Peaceful (Igbo) |
Ueda | Upper branch |
Uehara | Upper field |
Uemura | Plum village |
Ufot | Wealth (Ibibio) |
Ugwu | Hill (Igbo) |
Uhuru | Freedom (Swahili) |
Ujiri | From Ujiri (Nigerian name) |
Ukpong | Spirit (Ibibio) |
Ulanov | From Ulan (Mongolian name) |
Ulises | Latin form of Odysseus |
Ulloa | From a place in Galicia |
Ulman | Variant of Ullman |
Ulrich | Wealthy and powerful |
Umeh | Child (Igbo) |
Umoren | Good child (Ibibio) |
Unachukwu | Child of God (Igbo) |
Underhill | Below the hill |
Unger | Hungarian |
Unuigbe | House of wealth (Edo) |
Upadhyay | Teacher (Sanskrit) |
Uppal | From Uppal (place in India) |
Upton | Upper town |
Uranga | Beyond the water |
Urban | City dweller |
Urbina | From the city |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Uribe | From the lower part of town |
Urquhart | From the fort on the hill |
Urrutia | From the far side |
Usanga | From Usanga (Nigerian name) |
Usher | Doorkeeper |
Usifo | God’s gift (Edo) |
Usoro | Thought (Ibibio) |
Utomi | My own (Igbo) |
Utu | Justice (Sumerian) |
Uusitalo | New house (Finnish) |
Uwadiae | Child came in peace (Edo) |
Uwaifo | There is nothing like God (Edo) |
Uysal | Gentle (Turkish) |
Uzochukwu | God’s way (Igbo) |
Uzoma | Good road (Igbo) |
Uzun | Tall (Turkish) |
Uzunov | Son of the tall one (Bulgarian) |
Uzzell | Diminutive of Urse (bear) |
Uzondu | The way of life (Igbo) |
Uzozie | The good way (Igbo) |
Uzuegbunam | My way is not lost (Igbo) |
56 Famous Last Names That Start with U
Famous last names starting with U belong to notable individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields such as entertainment, sports, politics, and science. These surnames have gained recognition due to the achievements of their bearers. Here’s a list of 56 famous U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Udall | Yew tree valley |
Uecker | Corner dweller |
Uggams | Variant of Huggins |
Uggla | Owl (Swedish) |
Uhle | Variant of Uhl |
Uhlig | Descendant of Udalrich |
Uhlmann | Owl man |
Ujfalusi | From Újfalu (new village) |
Ullman | Wool man |
Ulloa | From a place in Galicia |
Ulrich | Wealthy and powerful |
Ulvaeus | Son of Ulf |
Uma | Flax (Sanskrit) |
Umaga | Second son (Samoan) |
Underwood | Dweller below a wood |
Unger | Hungarian |
Updike | From the dike |
Upham | Upper homestead |
Upshaw | From the upper wood |
Upton | Upper town |
Urban | City dweller |
Urbina | From the city |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Urich | Variant of Ulrich |
Urie | From Urie (place in Scotland) |
Uris | Bear (Hebrew) |
Urkel | Diminutive of Urk |
Urquhart | From the fort on the hill |
Urquiza | From the birch forest |
Urrutia | From the far side |
Urschel | Little bear |
Urso | Bear |
Usher | Doorkeeper |
Ustinov | Son of Justin |
Utley | Out wood or clearing |
Utt | Variant of Ott |
Uttley | Out wood or clearing |
Utz | Diminutive of Ulrich |
Uwais | Little wolf (Arabic) |
Uzun | Tall |
Uzzell | Diminutive of Urse (bear) |
Ubaldi | Bold ruler |
Uchida | Inner rice field |
Uddin | Of the faith |
Uecker | Corner dweller |
Uemura | Plum village |
Ugalde | By the water |
Uhde | From Udo (prosperity) |
Ujhelyi | From Újhely (new place) |
Ulbricht | Bright wolf |
Ullmann | Wool man |
Umberto | Bright warrior |
Underhill | Below the hill |
Updegraff | From the count’s ditch |
Upjohn | Up from John’s place |
Urquidi | Birch tree grove |
56 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with U
Gorgeous last names starting with U often have a striking or attractive quality. These surnames may have melodious sounds, elegant meanings, or evoke beautiful imagery. Many of these names come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, adding to their aesthetic appeal. Here’s a list of 56 gorgeous U-starting last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Ubaldi | Bold ruler |
Uchida | Inner rice field |
Udall | Yew tree valley |
Ueda | Upper branch |
Ueno | Upper field |
Ufford | From Ufford (place name) |
Ugalde | By the water |
Uhde | From Udo (prosperity) |
Uhlmann | Owl man |
Ujhelyi | From Újhely (new place) |
Ulander | Island dweller |
Ulbrich | Bright wolf |
Ullman | Wool man |
Ulmer | From Ulm (city in Germany) |
Umberto | Bright warrior |
Umemoto | Plum origin |
Umphrey | Peaceful ruler |
Underhill | Below the hill |
Underwood | Dweller below a wood |
Unger | Hungarian |
Upchurch | From the upper church |
Updegraff | From the count’s ditch |
Upham | Upper homestead |
Upjohn | Up from John’s place |
Upshaw | From the upper wood |
Upton | Upper town |
Urbach | Stream by the aurochs |
Urbain | City dweller |
Urban | City dweller |
Urbanski | From the city |
Urbina | From the city |
Urena | From a town in Spain |
Uribe | From the lower part of town |
Urquhart | From the fort on the hill |
Urrea | Golden |
Urrutia | From the far side |
Urso | Bear |
Urton | Town on a hill |
Usher | Doorkeeper |
Ussery | Bear-like |
Utley | Out wood or clearing |
Utterback | Outer brook |
Utz | Diminutive of Ulrich |
Utzinger | From Utzingen (place name) |
Uva | Grape |
Uvalle | From the valley |
Uyeda | Upper branch |
Uyehara | Upper field |
Uyemura | Upper village |
Uzun | Tall |
Uzzell | Diminutive of Urse (bear) |
Ubben | Son of Ubbe |
Uberti | Bright mind |
Uchiyama | Inner mountain |
Uddin | Of the faith |
Uehara | Upper field |

Last names beginning with U offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse cultures, histories, and linguistic traditions. From the popular Underwood to the unique Uchiyama, these surnames reflect a rich tapestry of human heritage. They encompass a wide range of origins, including Germanic, English, Spanish, Japanese, and many others, each carrying its own story and significance. Whether adorable, beautiful, modern, famous, or simply gorgeous, U-starting last names continue to intrigue and captivate us with their distinctive qualities. As we explore these names, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and diversity of human identity, family histories, and the ever-evolving nature of naming conventions across different societies and periods.