Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Last names that start with the letter O offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse cultures, histories, and linguistic origins. From ancient Irish clans to modern surnames from around the globe, O-initial surnames carry rich meanings and stories. This article explores a wide array of last names beginning with O, categorized into popular, awesome, common, unique, pretty, adorable, beautiful, modern, famous, and gorgeous selections. Whether you’re researching your family history, seeking inspiration for a character name, or simply curious about onomastics, this compilation provides an extensive look at the world of O surnames. Join us on this journey through 520 distinct last names, each with its significance and charm.

52 Popular Last Names That Start with O
Popular O surnames are widely recognized and frequently encountered in various cultures. These names often have deep historical roots and may be associated with prominent families or figures. Here are 52 popular last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
O’Brien | Descendant of Brian |
Ortiz | Son of Ortun |
Owens | Son of Owen |
Olson | Son of Ole |
Ortega | From Ortega (place name) |
Oliver | Olive tree |
Ochoa | Wolf |
Osborne | Divine bear |
Orozco | Cold mountain |
Owen | Young warrior |
Olsen | Son of Ole |
O’Neill | Descendant of Niall |
O’Neal | Champion |
Orr | Edge or border |
Odom | Red earth |
Osborn | God bear |
Odell | From the valley |
Osorio | Bear |
O’Neil | Champion |
Olvera | Olive grove |
Orellana | From Aurelia (place name) |
Ott | Wealthy |
Ocampo | From the field |
Olivares | Olive groves |
Ornelas | Ash tree grove |
Otto | Wealthy |
O’Leary | Descendant of Laoghaire |
Ojeda | Son of Oxoa |
Otero | Hill |
Olivas | Olive trees |
Oliva | Olive |
Oliveira | Olive tree |
Ogden | Oak valley |
Overton | Upper town |
Ordonez | Son of Ordono |
Oh | Surname meaning “five” |
O’Malley | Descendant of Malachy |
Oakes | From the oaks |
Oakley | Oak meadow |
O’Rourke | Descendant of Ruairc |
Ontiveros | From the anthill |
Ogle | Pride |
Oswald | Divine power |
Ouellette | Little bird |
Oldham | Old home |
Orlando | Famous land |
Overstreet | Across the street |
Oglesby | Owl’s farm |
Oates | Oat grower |
O’Reilly | Descendant of Raghailleach |
O’Toole | Descendant of Tuathal |
Olguin | Noble |
52 Awesome Last Names That Start with O
Awesome O surnames are those that stand out for their unique sound, meaning, or cultural significance. These names often have an impressive or powerful quality. Here are 52 awesome last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
Oakenshield | Protector with oak shield |
Oberlin | Noble bear |
Obsidian | Volcanic glass |
Occam | From the oak trees |
Oceanus | Ocean god |
Octavian | Eighth-born |
Odin | Norse god of wisdom |
Odysseus | Greek hero |
Ogilvy | High plain |
Ohm | Electrical resistance unit |
Okeefe | Descendant of Caoimh |
Okoro | Child born on Oye day |
Oliphant | Elephant |
Olympus | Home of the Greek gods |
Onassis | Immortal |
Onyx | Black gemstone |
Opal | Precious stone |
Oppenheimer | Open land dweller |
Oracle | Prophet |
Orion | Hunter constellation |
Orpheus | Mythical musician |
Orwell | Stream by the shore |
Osage | Water people |
Osiris | Egyptian god of afterlife |
Ostrogoth | Eastern Goth |
Othello | Wealthy |
Outlaw | Outside the law |
Ovid | Sheep |
Oxenstierna | Ox star |
Ozymandias | Greek name of Ramesses II |
Ozark | At the Arkansas |
Obelisk | Stone pillar |
Oberon | Elf king |
Oblivion | State of forgetting |
Obsidian | Volcanic glass |
Oceanic | Of the ocean |
Octavius | Eighth |
Odinson | Son of Odin |
Oedipus | Swollen foot |
Ogma | God of eloquence |
Ohana | Family |
Okapi | Forest giraffe |
Oleander | Poisonous flower |
Omega | Last letter of Greek alphabet |
Onomatopoeia | Word that imitates sound |
Opal | Precious stone |
Opus | Work of art |
Orbit | Path around a celestial body |
Orchid | Flower |
Orion | Hunter |
Osmosis | Gradual absorption |
Osprey | Fish-eating bird |
52 Common Last Names That Start with O
Common O surnames are those frequently found in various populations. These names often have widespread usage and may be shared by many families. Here are 52 common last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
O’Connor | Descendant of Conchobhar |
O’Donnell | Descendant of Domhnall |
O’Sullivan | Descendant of Suileabhain |
O’Shea | Descendant of Seaghdha |
O’Hara | Descendant of hEaghra |
O’Keefe | Descendant of Caoimh |
O’Connell | Descendant of Conaill |
O’Leary | Descendant of Laoghaire |
O’Grady | Descendant of Grada |
O’Malley | Descendant of Malachy |
Oakley | Oak meadow |
Obrien | Descendant of Brian |
Ochoa | Wolf |
Oconnor | Descendant of Conchobhar |
Odonnell | Descendant of Domhnall |
Odom | Red earth |
Ogden | Oak valley |
Ogle | Pride |
Ohara | Descendant of hEaghra |
Ojeda | Son of Oxoa |
Okeefe | Descendant of Caoimh |
Oliva | Olive |
Oliveira | Olive tree |
Oliver | Olive tree |
Olsen | Son of Ole |
Olson | Son of Ole |
Oneal | Champion |
Oneill | Descendant of Niall |
Oreilly | Descendant of Raghailleach |
Orlando | Famous land |
Orourke | Descendant of Ruairc |
Ortega | From Ortega (place name) |
Ortiz | Son of Ortun |
Osborn | God bear |
Osborne | Divine bear |
Osgood | God spear |
Oshea | Descendant of Seaghdha |
Osullivan | Descendant of Suileabhain |
Otero | Hill |
Otoole | Descendant of Tuathal |
Ott | Wealthy |
Otto | Wealthy |
Overton | Upper town |
Owen | Young warrior |
Owens | Son of Owen |
Oxford | Ox ford |
Oxley | Ox meadow |
Oyler | Oil maker |
Ozment | East mountain |
Ozmun | East protection |
Ozuna | Bear |
Ozzello | Little bird |
52 Unique Last Names That Start with O
Unique O surnames are those that are less common and stand out for their distinctiveness. These names often have interesting origins or meanings. Here are 52 unique last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
Oakenfold | Oak field |
Oates | Oat grower |
Obando | Descendant of Obando |
Obermeyer | Upper farmer |
Obregon | From the bear’s den |
Occhipinti | Painted eyes |
Ocheltree | High tree |
Odegaard | Deserted farm |
Odhner | Judge |
Oestreich | Eastern realm |
Offutt | Upper ford |
Ogawa | Small river |
Oglesbee | Owl’s dwelling |
Oglethorpe | Owl’s village |
Ogunleye | The king’s crown brings honor |
Ohno | Big field |
Oikawa | Going river |
Okada | Hill rice paddy |
Okamura | Hill village |
Okerlund | Cultivated grove |
Olafson | Son of Olaf |
Olcott | Old cottage |
Oldenburg | Old fortress |
Oleksy | Defender of mankind |
Oleszewski | Son of Olesz |
Oliphant | Elephant |
Olivares | Olive groves |
Olliff | Descendant of Olaf |
Olmedo | Elm grove |
Olmstead | Elm place |
Olney | Olla’s island |
Olofsson | Son of Olof |
Olszewski | Son of Olszew |
Oman | From Oman |
Omura | Big village |
Ondraczek | Son of Andrew |
Ono | Small field |
Onwuachi | Death does not differentiate |
Oommen | Son of Thomas |
Oppenheim | Open home |
Orchard | Fruit garden |
Ordway | Point way |
Orenstein | Stone corner |
Orgill | Golden |
Orlandini | Little Orlando |
Orloff | Son of Orel |
Ormiston | Orm’s stone |
Oropeza | From the gold place |
Orpington | Orpa’s settlement |
Orrico | Rich in gold |
Orsini | Little bear |
Ortlieb | Precious inheritance |
52 Prettiest Last Names That Start with O
Pretty O surnames are those that have an aesthetically pleasing sound or meaning. These names often evoke positive imagery or emotions. Here are 52 prettiest last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
Oakes | From the oaks |
Oakley | Oak meadow |
Oasis | Fertile spot in a desert |
Oberon | Elf king |
Ocean | Vast sea |
Odette | Wealthy |
Odile | Prosperous in battle |
Ohara | Descendant of hEaghra |
Olave | Ancestor’s descendant |
Oleander | Evergreen shrub |
Olena | Torch |
Olivia | Olive tree |
Olwen | White footprint |
Olympia | From Mount Olympus |
Ondine | Little wave |
Opal | Precious stone |
Ophelia | Help |
Orchid | Beautiful flower |
Orianna | Golden |
Oriana | Sunrise |
Oriel | Golden |
Oriole | Golden bird |
Orla | Golden princess |
Orlaith | Golden princess |
Orlena | Golden |
Ornella | Flowering ash tree |
Orozco | Cold mountain |
Orpha | Gazelle |
Orrin | Pale-skinned |
Orsini | Little bear |
Ortencia | Garden |
Osanna | Hosanna |
Osborne | Divine bear |
Oswald | Divine power |
Ottilie | Prosperous in battle |
Ouida | Wealthy |
Ovelia | Sheep |
Owena | Young warrior |
Ozara | Pearl |
Ozella | Little bird |
Ozen | Beautiful |
Ozias | Strength from God |
Ozlowe | Divine protection |
Ozora | Sky |
Ozuna | Bear |
Oceane | Ocean |
Odessa | Long journey |
Odette | Wealthy |
Olinda | Beautiful |
Ondrea | Womanly |
Onyx | Black gemstone |
Opal | Precious stone |
52 Adorable Last Names That Start with O
Adorable O surnames are those that have a charming or endearing quality. These names often sound cute or evoke positive feelings. Here are 52 adorable last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
Oakie | From the oak tree |
Oatcake | Cake made of oats |
Obee | Bee keeper |
Octo | Eight |
Oddball | Eccentric person |
Oddie | Wealthy friend |
Odette | Wealthy |
Oggy | Pointed |
Ogie | Young |
Ogle | Pride |
Ohana | Family |
Oink | Pig sound |
Okiedokie | Agreeable |
Ollie | Olive tree |
Oly | Holy |
Oompa | Small person |
Oopsie | Small mistake |
Ootie | Wealth |
Opie | Renowned |
Orbie | Circular |
Orchy | Orchard |
Oreo | Cookie |
Orkie | Sea monster |
Orly | My light |
Osie | Divine |
Ossie | Divine spear |
Ostrich | Large bird |
Otis | Wealthy |
Ottie | Wealthy |
Ouchy | Painful |
Owie | Pain |
Owlet | Baby owl |
Owlie | Owl-like |
Oxie | Ox-like |
Ozzie | Divine spear |
Obbles | Round |
Ochre | Earth pigment |
Oddie | Wealthy friend |
Oddment | Leftover |
Odette | Wealthy |
Oggie | Edge |
Okie | From Oklahoma |
Ollie | Olive tree |
Oodles | Abundance |
Oomph | Energetic quality |
Oopsie | Small mistake |
Opie | Renowned |
Orbie | Circular |
Orchy | Orchard |
Osie | Divine |
Ottie | Wealthy |
Owlie | Owl-like |
52 Beautiful Last Names That Start with O
Beautiful last names that start with O often have an elegant sound and carry meanings that evoke positive imagery or emotions. These names can be found across various cultures and languages, each with its unique charm and significance. Here are 52 beautiful last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
Oakwood | From the oak forest |
Oasis | Fertile spot in a desert |
Oberlin | Noble bear |
Oceanus | Ocean god |
Octavia | Eighth-born |
Odette | Wealthy |
Odysseus | Greek hero |
Ogilvy | High plain |
Ohara | Descendant of hEaghra |
Olave | Ancestor’s descendant |
Oleander | Evergreen shrub |
Olena | Torch |
Olivia | Olive tree |
Olwen | White footprint |
Olympia | From Mount Olympus |
Ondine | Little wave |
Opal | Precious stone |
Ophelia | Help |
Orchid | Beautiful flower |
Orianna | Golden |
Oriana | Sunrise |
Oriel | Golden |
Oriole | Golden bird |
Orla | Golden princess |
Orlaith | Golden princess |
Orlena | Golden |
Ornella | Flowering ash tree |
Orozco | Cold mountain |
Orpha | Gazelle |
Orrin | Pale-skinned |
Orsini | Little bear |
Ortencia | Garden |
Osanna | Hosanna |
Osborne | Divine bear |
Oswald | Divine power |
Ottilie | Prosperous in battle |
Ouida | Wealthy |
Ovelia | Sheep |
Owena | Young warrior |
Ozara | Pearl |
Ozella | Little bird |
Ozen | Beautiful |
Ozias | Strength from God |
Ozlowe | Divine protection |
Ozora | Sky |
Ozuna | Bear |
Oceane | Ocean |
Odessa | Long journey |
Olinda | Beautiful |
Ondrea | Womanly |
Onyx | Black gemstone |
Opal | Precious stone |
52 Modern Last Names That Start with O
Modern last names that start with O are often contemporary and may reflect current naming trends or recent cultural influences. These names can be stylish and have a fresh appeal. Here are 52 modern last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
Oakley | Oak meadow |
Oberon | Elf king |
Obsidian | Volcanic glass |
Ocean | Vast sea |
Octavian | Eighth-born |
Odin | Norse god of wisdom |
Ogden | Oak valley |
Oglethorpe | Owl’s village |
Ohm | Electrical resistance unit |
Oikawa | Going river |
Okada | Hill rice paddy |
Okamoto | Hill base |
Okoye | Born on Oye day |
Oliphant | Elephant |
Olivera | Olive tree |
Olsen | Son of Ole |
Olson | Son of Ole |
Omega | Last letter of Greek alphabet |
Onassis | Immortal |
Onyx | Black gemstone |
Opal | Precious stone |
Oracle | Prophet |
Orion | Hunter constellation |
Orpheus | Mythical musician |
Orwell | Stream by the shore |
Osage | Water people |
Osiris | Egyptian god of afterlife |
Ostrogoth | Eastern Goth |
Othello | Wealthy |
Outlaw | Outside the law |
Ovid | Sheep |
Oxenstierna | Ox star |
Ozymandias | Greek name of Ramesses II |
Ozark | At the Arkansas |
O’Brien | Descendant of Brian |
O’Connor | Descendant of Conchobhar |
O’Donnell | Descendant of Domhnall |
O’Sullivan | Descendant of Suileabhain |
O’Shea | Descendant of Seaghdha |
O’Hara | Descendant of hEaghra |
O’Keefe | Descendant of Caoimh |
O’Connell | Descendant of Conaill |
O’Leary | Descendant of Laoghaire |
O’Grady | Descendant of Grada |
O’Malley | Descendant of Malachy |
Oakes | From the oaks |
Oakley | Oak meadow |
Obrien | Descendant of Brian |
Ochoa | Wolf |
Oconnor | Descendant of Conchobhar |
Odonnell | Descendant of Domhnall |
52 Famous Last Names That Start with O
Famous last names that start with O are often associated with well-known individuals or families in various fields such as entertainment, politics, sports, and literature. These names have gained recognition and carry a sense of prestige. Here are 52 famous last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
Obama | Crooked or bent |
O’Connor | Descendant of Conchobhar |
O’Donnell | Descendant of Domhnall |
O’Sullivan | Descendant of Suileabhain |
O’Shea | Descendant of Seaghdha |
O’Hara | Descendant of hEaghra |
O’Keefe | Descendant of Caoimh |
O’Connell | Descendant of Conaill |
O’Leary | Descendant of Laoghaire |
O’Grady | Descendant of Grada |
O’Malley | Descendant of Malachy |
Oakley | Oak meadow |
Obrien | Descendant of Brian |
Ochoa | Wolf |
Oconnor | Descendant of Conchobhar |
Odonnell | Descendant of Domhnall |
Odom | Red earth |
Ogden | Oak valley |
Ogle | Pride |
Ohara | Descendant of hEaghra |
Ojeda | Son of Oxoa |
Okeefe | Descendant of Caoimh |
Oliva | Olive |
Oliveira | Olive tree |
Oliver | Olive tree |
Olsen | Son of Ole |
Olson | Son of Ole |
Oneal | Champion |
Oneill | Descendant of Niall |
Oreilly | Descendant of Raghailleach |
Orlando | Famous land |
Orourke | Descendant of Ruairc |
Ortega | From Ortega (place name) |
Ortiz | Son of Ortun |
Osborn | God bear |
Osborne | Divine bear |
Osgood | God spear |
Oshea | Descendant of Seaghdha |
Osullivan | Descendant of Suileabhain |
Otero | Hill |
Otoole | Descendant of Tuathal |
Ott | Wealthy |
Otto | Wealthy |
Overton | Upper town |
Owen | Young warrior |
Owens | Son of Owen |
Oxford | Ox ford |
Oxley | Ox meadow |
Oyler | Oil maker |
Ozment | East mountain |
Ozmun | East protection |
52 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with O
Gorgeous last names that start with O are those that have a strikingly beautiful sound or meaning. These names often evoke a sense of elegance and sophistication. Here are 52 gorgeous last names starting with O:
Last Name | Meaning |
Oakenshield | Protector with oak shield |
Oberlin | Noble bear |
Obsidian | Volcanic glass |
Occam | From the oak trees |
Oceanus | Ocean god |
Octavian | Eighth-born |
Odin | Norse god of wisdom |
Odysseus | Greek hero |
Ogilvy | High plain |
Ohm | Electrical resistance unit |
Okeefe | Descendant of Caoimh |
Okoro | Child born on Oye day |
Oliphant | Elephant |
Olympus | Home of the Greek gods |
Onassis | Immortal |
Onyx | Black gemstone |
Opal | Precious stone |
Oppenheimer | Open land dweller |
Oracle | Prophet |
Orion | Hunter constellation |
Orpheus | Mythical musician |
Orwell | Stream by the shore |
Osage | Water people |
Osiris | Egyptian god of afterlife |
Ostrogoth | Eastern Goth |
Othello | Wealthy |
Outlaw | Outside the law |
Ovid | Sheep |
Oxenstierna | Ox star |
Ozymandias | Greek name of Ramesses II |
Ozark | At the Arkansas |
Obelisk | Stone pillar |
Oberon | Elf king |
Oblivion | State of forgetting |
Obsidian | Volcanic glass |
Oceanic | Of the ocean |
Octavius | Eighth |
Odinson | Son of Odin |
Oedipus | Swollen foot |
Ogma | God of eloquence |
Ohana | Family |
Okapi | Forest giraffe |
Oleander | Poisonous flower |
Omega | Last letter of Greek alphabet |
Onomatopoeia | Word that imitates sound |
Opal | Precious stone |
Opus | Work of art |
Orbit | Path around a celestial body |
Orchid | Flower |
Orion | Hunter |
Osmosis | Gradual absorption |
Osprey | Fish-eating bird |

Last names that start with O offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse cultures, histories, and linguistic origins. From popular surnames like O’Brien and Ortiz to unique ones like Obsidian and Ozymandias, these names showcase a rich tapestry of human heritage. Whether derived from ancestral occupations, geographical locations, or personal characteristics, O-initial surnames continue to shape identities and connect individuals to their roots. As we’ve explored various categories – popular, awesome, common, unique, pretty, adorable, beautiful, modern, famous, and gorgeous – it’s clear that O surnames possess a wide range of meanings and cultural significance. This comprehensive look at 520 distinct O surnames demonstrates the enduring importance of family names in our global society and the stories they carry through generations.