Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Last names, also known as surnames or family names, play a crucial role in our identity and heritage. Those beginning with the letter E offer a diverse array of origins, meanings, and cultural significance. From popular choices like Evans and Edwards to unique options like Eagleston and Earthman, E surnames span various ethnicities and linguistic roots. This comprehensive guide explores 550 last names starting with E, categorized into popular, awesome, common, unique, prettiest, adorable, beautiful, modern, famous, and gorgeous selections. Whether you’re researching your family history, choosing a pen name, or simply curious about onomastics, this article provides an extensive overview of E-initial surnames.

55 Popular Last Names That Start with E
Popular E surnames are those frequently encountered in various cultures and regions. These names often have deep historical roots and may be associated with notable families or individuals. Here’s a collection of 55 popular last names beginning with E:
Last Name | Meaning |
Evans | Son of Evan |
Edwards | Son of Edward |
Ellis | Benevolent |
Elliott | The Lord is my God |
Eaton | River town |
Egan | Fiery |
Erickson | Son of Eric |
Ellison | Son of Ellis |
Emery | Industrious leader |
Everett | Brave as a wild boar |
England | From England |
Edmonds | Wealthy protector |
Ewing | Son of Ewen |
Emerson | Son of Emery |
Edge | Lives near the edge |
Eastwood | From the eastern forest |
Eldridge | Old ruler |
Earl | Nobleman |
Elder | Senior |
East | From the east |
Edgar | Wealthy spearman |
Edward | Wealthy guard |
Easton | East town |
Eddy | Wealthy friend |
Edmunds | Wealthy protection |
English | From England |
Eccles | Church |
Edmondson | Son of Edmund |
Ennis | From the island |
Estes | From the east |
Ely | Elevated |
Eyre | Heir |
Erwin | Friend of the sea |
Elkins | Son of Elkin |
Eastman | From the east |
Eden | Delight |
Earle | Nobleman |
Elmore | By the elm tree |
Emmerson | Son of Emery |
Ebert | Bright edge |
Ellington | Settlement of Ella’s people |
Elrod | Counselor |
Epstein | Stone |
Ericksen | Son of Erik |
Esposito | Exposed |
Eubanks | By the bank |
Everson | Son of Iver |
Ezell | Noble |
Eckert | Edge-hard |
Elam | Hidden |
Elias | Yahweh is God |
Elwell | By the spring |
Embry | Ruler’s farm |
Emmons | Whole, universal |
Epps | Son of Ebbe |
55 Awesome Last Names That Start with E
Awesome E surnames are those that stand out for their unique sound, meaning, or historical significance. These names often evoke a sense of strength, adventure, or intrigue. Here’s a list of 55 awesome last names beginning with E:
Last Name | Meaning |
Eagle | Bird of prey |
Eagleston | Eagle’s town |
Earheart | Brave heart |
Earthman | Man of the earth |
Eastlake | Eastern lake |
Eberhart | Strong as a boar |
Echols | Noble |
Eddington | Edda’s settlement |
Edgerton | Town on the edge |
Edgeworth | Enclosure by the edge |
Eichhorn | Squirrel |
Eisenhower | Iron hewer |
Eldritch | Weird, ghostly |
Elfman | Elf-like man |
Eliot | The Lord is my God |
Elkington | Elca’s settlement |
Ellery | Island with elder trees |
Ellington | Ella’s settlement |
Elric | Elf ruler |
Elrod | Counselor |
Emberson | Son of Emery |
Embler | Bucket maker |
Emerick | Work ruler |
Emerson | Brave, powerful |
Enderby | End of the village |
Engel | Angel |
Entwistle | Twistle’s end |
Erickson | Son of Eric |
Ernshaw | Eagle’s wood |
Errol | Wanderer |
Erskine | Projecting height |
Escott | East cottage |
Esmond | Grace protection |
Espinosa | Thorny |
Estrada | Street |
Ethridge | Noble ruler |
Eustace | Fruitful |
Evander | Good man |
Eveleigh | Woodland clearing |
Everard | Brave boar |
Evergood | Always good |
Everly | Wild boar in woodland clearing |
Evers | Wild boar |
Everton | Wild boar farm |
Ewart | Strong as a wild boar |
Ewen | Born of the yew tree |
Ewing | Son of Eoghan |
Ezra | Help |
Eames | Uncle |
Eardley | From the meadow of rabbits |
Earhart | Strong or brave heart |
Eason | Son of Aedh |
Easterling | From the east |
Eberle | Little boar |
Echevarria | New house |
55 Common Last Names That Start with E
Common E surnames are those frequently found in various communities and regions. These names often have widespread usage and may be shared by many unrelated families. Here’s a list of 55 common last names beginning with E:
Last Name | Meaning |
Eads | Wealthy |
Eagan | Little fire |
Eakin | Son of Eachan |
Eakins | Son of Eakin |
Eales | From the island |
Ealey | From the elm wood |
Ealy | From the elm wood |
Eames | Uncle |
Eans | Son of John |
Earp | From the steep place |
Easley | East meadow |
Eason | Son of Aedh |
Easter | Born at Easter |
Easterday | Born on Easter |
Easterly | From the east |
Eastham | Eastern home |
Eastin | From the east |
Eastman | From the east |
Eastridge | Eastern ridge |
Eastwood | Eastern wood |
Eaton | River town |
Eaves | Edge of the wood |
Ebert | Bright edge |
Ebner | Wild boar |
Eby | Yew tree |
Echols | Noble |
Eck | Corner |
Ecker | Field at the corner |
Eckert | Edge-hard |
Eckhardt | Brave edge |
Eckhart | Strong edge |
Eckles | Church |
Eckman | Corner man |
Eckstein | Cornerstone |
Eddy | Wealthy friend |
Edelman | Noble man |
Edelstein | Gemstone |
Eden | Delight |
Edgar | Wealthy spear |
Edge | Lives near the edge |
Edgerton | Town on the edge |
Edgington | Edda’s settlement |
Edgley | Edge clearing |
Edinger | From the noble settlement |
Edison | Son of Edward |
Edmiston | Son of Edmund |
Edmond | Wealthy protector |
Edmonds | Wealthy protector |
Edmondson | Son of Edmund |
Edmund | Wealthy protector |
Edmunds | Wealthy protector |
Edson | Son of Edward |
Edward | Wealthy guard |
Edwards | Son of Edward |
Efird | Ever peaceful |
55 Unique Last Names That Start with E
Unique E surnames are those that are less common and stand out for their distinctiveness. These names often have interesting origins or meanings that set them apart. Here’s a list of 55 unique last names beginning with E:
Last Name | Meaning |
Eachern | Horse lord |
Eaddy | Prosperous |
Eaglin | Little eagle |
Eakin | Son of Eachan |
Eardley | From the meadow of rabbits |
Earles | Nobleman |
Earnshaw | Eagle’s wood |
Earp | From the steep place |
Earthman | Man of the earth |
Eash | Ash tree |
Easler | From the east |
Easlick | From the east lake |
Easom | From the east home |
Easterbrook | Eastern brook |
Easterlin | Eastern flax |
Easterwood | Eastern wood |
Eastes | From the east |
Eastlack | Eastern lake |
Eastlund | Eastern grove |
Eastmond | Eastern protection |
Eatmon | Wealthy protector |
Eavenson | Son of Evan |
Eavey | Yew tree |
Ebach | Wild boar |
Ebanks | River bank |
Ebarb | Wild boar |
Ebaugh | Wild boar |
Ebben | Son of Ebba |
Ebbert | Bright edge |
Ebersole | Wild boar’s hall |
Eberts | Son of Ebert |
Ebner | Wild boar |
Eby | Yew tree |
Echevarria | New house |
Echeverria | New house |
Echols | Noble |
Eckard | Brave edge |
Eckenrode | Field at the corner |
Eckert | Edge-hard |
Eckhardt | Brave edge |
Eckles | Church |
Eckman | Corner man |
Eckstein | Cornerstone |
Edelen | Noble |
Edelson | Son of Edel |
Edelstein | Gemstone |
Edenfield | Field of delight |
Edens | From Eden |
Eder | Oath |
Edgecomb | Edge of the valley |
Edgerly | Edge clearing |
Edgin | Son of Edgar |
Edgington | Edda’s settlement |
Edgmon | Edge of the moor |
Edling | Noble descendant |
55 Prettiest Last Names That Start with E
Prettiest E surnames are those that have an aesthetically pleasing sound or evoke positive associations. These names often have a melodic quality or elegant meaning. Here’s a list of 55 prettiest last names beginning with E:
Last Name | Meaning |
Eaddy | Prosperous |
Eagleheart | Eagle’s heart |
Eardley | From the meadow of rabbits |
Earle | Nobleman |
Eastbrook | Eastern brook |
Eastlake | Eastern lake |
Eaton | River town |
Eberle | Little boar |
Eden | Delight |
Edgecombe | Edge of the valley |
Edgeworth | Enclosure by the edge |
Edlin | Noble friend |
Edmondson | Son of Edmund |
Efford | River ford |
Egerton | Edge town |
Eglantine | Sweet briar |
Elbridge | Old bridge |
Eldridge | Old ruler |
Eliot | The Lord is my God |
Ellery | Island with elder trees |
Ellingham | Homestead of Ella’s people |
Elliot | The Lord is my God |
Ellis | Benevolent |
Ellsworth | Elli’s enclosure |
Elmore | By the elm tree |
Elsworth | Elli’s enclosure |
Elwood | Old forest |
Emberly | Ember meadow |
Emerson | Brave, powerful |
Emery | Industrious leader |
Emmerson | Son of Emery |
Emmett | Universal |
Endicott | End cottage |
Engel | Angel |
England | From England |
Enright | Fair, just |
Erskine | Projecting height |
Esmond | Grace protection |
Espinosa | Thorny |
Estelle | Star |
Estrada | Street |
Etherege | Noble ruler |
Eustace | Fruitful |
Evander | Good man |
Eveleigh | Woodland clearing |
Evelyn | Wished-for child |
Everard | Brave boar |
Everest | Dweller on the Eure River |
Everett | Brave as a wild boar |
Everly | Wild boar in woodland clearing |
Evers | Wild boar |
Everton | Wild boar farm |
Ewart | Strong as a wild boar |
Ewen | Born of the yew tree |
Ewing | Son of Eoghan |
55 Adorable Last Names That Start with E
Adorable E surnames are those that have a charming or endearing quality. These names often evoke feelings of warmth or affection. Here’s a list of 55 adorable last names beginning with E:
Last Name | Meaning |
Eadie | Wealthy friend |
Eagle | Bird of prey |
Eaglet | Little eagle |
Eames | Uncle |
Earle | Nobleman |
Easley | East meadow |
Easter | Born at Easter |
Easterly | From the east |
Eaton | River town |
Eberle | Little boar |
Ebner | Wild boar |
Eby | Yew tree |
Eddy | Wealthy friend |
Eden | Delight |
Edgley | Edge clearing |
Edie | Wealthy friend |
Edlin | Noble friend |
Edmonds | Wealthy protector |
Edson | Son of Edward |
Eells | Son of Eel |
Egan | Fiery |
Eggers | Son of Eggar |
Eggleston | Ecgel’s stone |
Ehlers | Son of Ehler |
Eichhorn | Squirrel |
Eidem | Home |
Eisele | Little iron |
Elam | Hidden |
Elder | Senior |
Eldridge | Old ruler |
Elfman | Elf-like man |
Elkins | Son of Elkin |
Ellerbee | Alder tree |
Ellett | Little hall |
Elliot | The Lord is my God |
Ellis | Benevolent |
Ellison | Son of Ellis |
Ellsworth | Elli’s enclosure |
Elmore | By the elm tree |
Elrod | Counselor |
Elwell | By the spring |
Elwood | Old forest |
Embry | Ruler’s farm |
Emerson | Brave, powerful |
Emery | Industrious leader |
Emmett | Universal |
Engel | Angel |
English | From England |
Ennis | From the island |
Enright | Fair |
55 Beautiful Last Names That Start with E
Beautiful last names starting with E often have elegant sounds and meaningful origins. These surnames can evoke a sense of grace, sophistication, or natural beauty. From classic English names to those with diverse cultural roots, this list showcases 55 beautiful E surnames that stand out for their aesthetic appeal and rich heritage.
Last Name | Meaning |
Eames | Uncle |
Eardley | From the meadow of rabbits |
Earle | Nobleman |
Eastbrook | Eastern brook |
Eaton | River town |
Eberle | Little boar |
Eden | Delight |
Edgecombe | Edge of the valley |
Edgeworth | Enclosure by the edge |
Edlin | Noble friend |
Edmondson | Son of Edmund |
Efford | River ford |
Egerton | Edge town |
Eglantine | Sweet briar |
Elbridge | Old bridge |
Eldridge | Old ruler |
Eliot | The Lord is my God |
Ellery | Island with elder trees |
Ellingham | Homestead of Ella’s people |
Elliot | The Lord is my God |
Ellis | Benevolent |
Ellsworth | Elli’s enclosure |
Elmore | By the elm tree |
Elwood | Old forest |
Emberly | Ember meadow |
Emerson | Brave, powerful |
Emery | Industrious leader |
Emmett | Universal |
Endicott | End cottage |
Engel | Angel |
England | From England |
Enright | Fair, just |
Erskine | Projecting height |
Esmond | Grace protection |
Espinosa | Thorny |
Estelle | Star |
Estrada | Street |
Etherege | Noble ruler |
Eustace | Fruitful |
Evander | Good man |
Eveleigh | Woodland clearing |
Evelyn | Wished-for child |
Everard | Brave boar |
Everest | Dweller on the Eure River |
Everett | Brave as a wild boar |
Everly | Wild boar in woodland clearing |
Evers | Wild boar |
Everton | Wild boar farm |
Ewart | Strong as a wild boar |
Ewen | Born of the yew tree |
Ewing | Son of Eoghan |
Exley | Meadow of the oxen |
Eyre | Heir |
Eyres | Heir |
Ezra | Help |
55 Modern Last Names That Start with E
Modern last names starting with E often reflect contemporary naming trends or have gained popularity in recent times. These surnames may be newly created, adaptations of traditional names, or have risen to prominence due to cultural shifts. Here’s a list of 55 modern E surnames that resonate with today’s society.
Last Name | Meaning |
Eagle | Bird of prey |
Eastman | From the east |
Eaton | River town |
Ebner | Wild boar |
Echo | Reflected sound |
Eckhart | Strong edge |
Edison | Son of Edward |
Edwards | Son of Edward |
Efron | Lark |
Egan | Fiery |
Eggers | Son of Eggar |
Ehlers | Son of Ehler |
Eichhorn | Squirrel |
Eiffel | From the Eifel region |
Eisenberg | Iron mountain |
Ekman | Oak man |
Elba | From the island of Elba |
Elder | Senior |
Elektra | Amber |
Elias | Yahweh is God |
Elliot | The Lord is my God |
Ellis | Benevolent |
Ellison | Son of Ellis |
Elmore | By the elm tree |
Elric | Elf ruler |
Elrod | Counselor |
Emerson | Brave, powerful |
Emery | Industrious leader |
Emmett | Universal |
Endicott | End cottage |
Engel | Angel |
Enigma | Mystery |
Ennis | From the island |
Eno | Yew |
Enos | Man |
Enright | Fair, just |
Epps | Son of Ebbe |
Erickson | Son of Eric |
Eriksen | Son of Erik |
Erlich | Honest |
Ervin | Friend of the sea |
Escobar | Broom maker |
Esparza | Thorny place |
Espinoza | Thorny |
Estrada | Street |
Ethridge | Noble ruler |
Eubanks | By the bank |
Evans | Son of Evan |
Everest | Dweller on the Eure River |
Everly | Wild boar in woodland clearing |
Evers | Wild boar |
Everton | Wild boar farm |
Ewers | Water carrier |
Ewing | Son of Eoghan |
Ezell | Noble |
55 Famous Last Names That Start with E
Famous last names starting with E belong to individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields such as entertainment, politics, science, and sports. These surnames have gained recognition due to the achievements of their bearers. Here’s a list of 55 famous E surnames that have left their mark on history and popular culture.
Last Name | Meaning |
Eastwood | From the eastern forest |
Edison | Son of Edward |
Edwards | Son of Edward |
Einstein | One stone |
Eisenhower | Iron hewer |
Elba | From the island of Elba |
Eliot | The Lord is my God |
Elizabeth | God is my oath |
Elliot | The Lord is my God |
Ellis | Benevolent |
Ellington | Ella’s settlement |
Emerson | Brave, powerful |
Eminem | Stage name (Marshall Mathers) |
Ephron | Fawn-like |
Epstein | Stone |
Erdogan | Born brave |
Erhard | Brave and hardy |
Ericsson | Son of Eric |
Eriksen | Son of Erik |
Escobar | Broom maker |
Esposito | Exposed |
Estevez | Son of Esteban |
Eubanks | By the bank |
Evans | Son of Evan |
Everett | Brave as a wild boar |
Everly | Wild boar in woodland clearing |
Evers | Wild boar |
Evert | Wild boar |
Ewing | Son of Eoghan |
Exley | Meadow of the oxen |
Eyre | Heir |
Ezra | Help |
Earhart | Brave heart |
Eco | Echo |
Eddington | Edda’s settlement |
Edelman | Noble man |
Eden | Delight |
Edgar | Wealthy spear |
Edgerton | Town on the edge |
Edmonds | Wealthy protector |
Efron | Lark |
Egan | Fiery |
Eggers | Son of Eggar |
Ehrlich | Honest |
Eichmann | Oak man |
Eisner | Iron worker |
Ekberg | Oak mountain |
Elgar | Elf spear |
Elias | Yahweh is God |
Ellison | Son of Ellis |
Elton | Old town |
Engel | Angel |
Eno | Yew |
Enos | Man |
Epps | Son of Ebbe |
55 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with E
Gorgeous last names starting with E often have a melodious sound, elegant meaning, or evoke a sense of beauty. These surnames can be aesthetically pleasing both in their pronunciation and written form. Here’s a list of 55 gorgeous E surnames that stand out for their charm and allure.
Last Name | Meaning |
Eadlin | Noble friend |
Eagleheart | Eagle’s heart |
Eardley | From the meadow of rabbits |
Eastbrook | Eastern brook |
Eberle | Little boar |
Eden | Delight |
Edgeworth | Enclosure by the edge |
Edlin | Noble friend |
Efford | River ford |
Eglantine | Sweet briar |
Elbridge | Old bridge |
Eldridge | Old ruler |
Eliot | The Lord is my God |
Ellery | Island with elder trees |
Ellingham | Homestead of Ella’s people |
Ellis | Benevolent |
Ellsworth | Elli’s enclosure |
Elmore | By the elm tree |
Elwood | Old forest |
Emberly | Ember meadow |
Emerson | Brave, powerful |
Emery | Industrious leader |
Emmett | Universal |
Endicott | End cottage |
Engel | Angel |
Enright | Fair, just |
Erskine | Projecting height |
Esmond | Grace protection |
Espinosa | Thorny |
Estelle | Star |
Etherege | Noble ruler |
Eustace | Fruitful |
Evander | Good man |
Eveleigh | Woodland clearing |
Evelyn | Wished-for child |
Everard | Brave boar |
Everest | Dweller on the Eure River |
Everett | Brave as a wild boar |
Everly | Wild boar in woodland clearing |
Evers | Wild boar |
Everton | Wild boar farm |
Ewart | Strong as a wild boar |
Ewen | Born of the yew tree |
Ewing | Son of Eoghan |
Exley | Meadow of the oxen |
Eyre | Heir |
Ezra | Help |
Eadwyn | Rich friend |
Earlene | Noble |
Eastlake | Eastern lake |
Ebony | Dark wood |
Edencourt | Court of Eden |
Elanor | Light |
Elara | Moon of Jupiter |
Elysian | Blissful |

The exploration of last names starting with E reveals a rich tapestry of linguistic and cultural heritage. From popular surnames like Evans and Edwards to unique options like Eagleston and Earthman, E surnames offer a diverse range of choices for those interested in genealogy, naming, or simply appreciating the beauty of language. These names reflect various origins, including English, Welsh, German, Spanish, and many others, each carrying its own history and significance. Throughout this article, we’ve delved into 550 last names beginning with E, categorized into popular, awesome, common, unique, prettiest, adorable, beautiful, modern, famous, and gorgeous selections. This comprehensive list showcases the versatility and depth of E surnames, from those deeply rooted in history to more contemporary options that have gained popularity in recent times.