Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Last names that begin with the letter N offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse cultures, histories, and linguistic origins. These surnames span continents and centuries, reflecting the rich tapestry of human migration, occupation, and ancestry. From the ubiquitous Nguyen of Vietnam to the noble-sounding Neville of Norman England, N-initial surnames encompass a wide range of meanings and stories. This comprehensive exploration delves into popular, awesome, common, unique, pretty, adorable, beautiful, modern, famous, and gorgeous last names starting with N, providing insights into their origins and significance.

51 Popular Last Names That Start with N
Popular last names beginning with N are widely recognized and frequently encountered in various cultures. These surnames often have deep historical roots and may be associated with notable families or individuals. Here’s a list of 51 popular N-initial last names along with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nguyen | Son of Nguyen |
Nelson | Son of Neil |
Newman | New man or newcomer |
Nichols | Son of Nicholas |
Nolan | Champion |
Nash | At the ash tree |
Norris | From the north |
Norton | North town |
Neal | Champion |
Novak | Newcomer |
Navarro | From Navarre |
Nunes | Son of Nuno |
Nunez | Son of Nuno |
Neff | Nephew |
Noel | Christmas |
Nance | Valley |
Nasser | Victorious |
Nava | Plain |
Neely | Champion |
Negron | Black |
Nesbitt | Nose-shaped hill |
Nestor | Homecoming |
Newsom | New house |
Newton | New town |
Ng | Wu (Chinese surname) |
Nieto | Grandson |
Nightingale | Nightingale (bird) |
Nix | Water sprite |
Nixon | Son of Nicholas |
Noble | Of noble birth |
Noel | Christmas |
Nolan | Champion |
Noland | From the north land |
Noll | From the hill |
Noonan | Descendant of Nuadhán |
Nord | North |
Norman | Man from the north |
Norwood | North wood |
Nottingham | From Nottingham |
Novotny | Newcomer |
Noyes | From the nut trees |
Nugent | New |
Nunn | Nun |
Nurse | Nurse |
Nutter | Cattle herder |
Nyberg | New mountain |
Nye | At the island |
Nygaard | New farm |
Nygren | New branch |
Nyland | New land |
Nystrom | New stream |
51 Awesome Last Names That Start with N
Awesome last names starting with N often have intriguing origins, powerful meanings, or unique sounds that make them stand out. These surnames can evoke a sense of strength, mystery, or distinction. Here’s a collection of 51 awesome N-initial last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nachtegaal | Nightingale |
Nadir | Rare |
Nagel | Nail |
Naito | Inner |
Nakamura | Middle village |
Naldi | From the forest |
Namazi | Prayer |
Napolitano | From Naples |
Narayan | Son of man |
Nardelli | Little brave one |
Nassar | Victor |
Natale | Christmas |
Naumov | Son of Naum |
Navratil | Returned |
Nazario | From Nazareth |
Nebel | Mist |
Necker | Maker of wooden bowls |
Neihardt | Brave heart |
Nemeth | German |
Neruda | People’s guardian |
Nessler | Nettle gatherer |
Neufeld | New field |
Neumann | New man |
Neves | Snows |
Newkirk | New church |
Newlin | New lake |
Nicholson | Son of Nicholas |
Nickerson | Son of Nicholas |
Niederhauser | From the lower house |
Niedzwiecki | Bear-like |
Nielsen | Son of Niels |
Nighthawk | Night hawk |
Nikolic | Son of Nikola |
Nilsen | Son of Nils |
Nilsson | Son of Nils |
Nimitz | German |
Nishimura | West village |
Nissen | Son of Nis |
Njoku | First son |
Nkrumah | Ninth born |
Noack | New settlement |
Nobrega | New settlement |
Noda | Field |
Noddings | Son of Nothelm |
Noel | Christmas |
Noriega | North |
Northrop | North village |
Nostrand | North shore |
Notaro | Notary |
Novello | New |
Nygard | New farm |
51 Common Last Names That Start with N
Common last names beginning with N are frequently encountered in various populations and may have widespread usage. These surnames often have straightforward meanings or occupational origins. Here’s a list of 51 common N-initial last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nadeau | Hope |
Nagy | Big |
Naik | Leader |
Nair | From Nayar caste |
Nakano | Middle field |
Nance | Valley |
Napier | Without equal |
Naranjo | Orange tree |
Nash | At the ash tree |
Nasser | Victorious |
Navarro | From Navarre |
Neal | Champion |
Neeley | Champion |
Neff | Nephew |
Neil | Champion |
Neilson | Son of Neil |
Nelson | Son of Neil |
Nesbit | Nose-shaped hill |
Nesbitt | Nose-shaped hill |
Ness | Headland |
Nettles | Son of Nettle |
Neuman | New man |
Neville | New town |
Newberry | New fortification |
Newcomb | Newcomer |
Newell | New hall |
Newman | New man |
Newport | New market town |
Newton | New town |
Ng | Wu (Chinese surname) |
Nguyen | Son of Nguyen |
Nichols | Son of Nicholas |
Nicholson | Son of Nicholas |
Nickerson | Son of Nicholas |
Nielsen | Son of Niels |
Nielson | Son of Niels |
Nieto | Grandson |
Nightingale | Nightingale (bird) |
Nix | Water sprite |
Nixon | Son of Nicholas |
Noble | Of noble birth |
Noel | Christmas |
Nolan | Champion |
Noland | From the north land |
Nolte | From the old forest |
Noonan | Descendant of Nuadhán |
Norman | Man from the north |
Norris | From the north |
North | From the north |
Norton | North town |
Novak | Newcomer |
51 Unique Last Names That Start with N
Unique last names starting with N are distinctive and less common, often with intriguing origins or meanings. These surnames may be derived from rare occupations, unusual places, or specific cultural contexts. Here’s a collection of 51 unique N-initial last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nabholz | Neighbor of the forest |
Nachtigal | Nightingale |
Nadkarni | Above the ear |
Naegele | Little nail |
Nafziger | Knife maker |
Nagata | Long rice paddy |
Naifeh | Useful |
Nakashima | Middle island |
Nakhimovsky | Son of Nakhim |
Naleway | On the embankment |
Nandlal | Joy of Nanda |
Nanney | Brave |
Naphtali | My struggle |
Narang | Colorful |
Narducci | Son of Nardo |
Nargiso | Narcissus |
Narita | New rice paddy |
Narvaez | Son of Narva |
Nasca | Born at night |
Naso | Nose |
Nasser | Victorious |
Nastasi | Resurrection |
Nath | Lord |
Naugle | New clearing |
Nava | Plain |
Navratilova | Returned |
Nayar | Leader |
Nazzaro | From Nazareth |
Ndlovu | Elephant |
Neagle | From the angle |
Neary | From the east |
Nebeker | New baker |
Necchi | From the hazelnut tree |
Nedd | Grandson |
Needleman | Needle maker |
Neenan | Descendant of the bird |
Negrette | Little black one |
Negrin | Little black one |
Neidhardt | Brave heart |
Neikirk | New church |
Neilsen | Son of Neil |
Neiman | New man |
Neipp | New |
Nejad | Descendant |
Nellis | Son of Neil |
Nemecek | Little German |
Nemeth | German |
Nerenberg | Near the mountain |
Neruda | People’s guardian |
Nesselrode | Nettle clearing |
Netzer | Netmaker |
51 Prettiest Last Names That Start with N
Pretty last names beginning with N often have a pleasing sound or evoke beautiful imagery. These surnames may be derived from nature, positive attributes, or elegant-sounding words. Here’s a list of 51 pretty N-initial last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nadine | Hope |
Nakai | Center |
Nakamori | Middle forest |
Nalani | The heavens |
Naldi | From the forest |
Nandini | Daughter |
Napoli | Naples |
Narcisse | Daffodil |
Nardini | Little brave one |
Naruse | Becoming |
Nashida | Pear field |
Natale | Christmas |
Natsuki | Summer hope |
Navarra | From Navarre |
Nazareth | From Nazareth |
Neeley | Champion |
Neilson | Son of Neil |
Nellis | Son of Neil |
Nemoto | Base of the root |
Nerissa | Sea nymph |
Nessa | Headland |
Neville | New town |
Newberry | New fortification |
Newland | New land |
Newsom | New house |
Ng | Wu (Chinese surname) |
Nguyen | Son of Nguyen |
Nichols | Son of Nicholas |
Nicholson | Son of Nicholas |
Nickerson | Son of Nicholas |
Nicoletti | Little victory |
Nielsen | Son of Niels |
Nightingale | Nightingale (bird) |
Nijjar | Carpenter |
Niles | From the island |
Nilsson | Son of Nils |
Nishida | West field |
Nishimura | West village |
Nissen | Son of Nis |
Noel | Christmas |
Nogueira | Walnut tree |
Nolan | Champion |
Nolasco | From Nola |
Nolette | Little |
Nordstrom | North stream |
Norris | From the north |
Northrop | North village |
Novello | New |
Nowak | New |
Noyes | From the nut trees |
Nunes | Son of Nuno |
51 Adorable Last Names That Start with N
Adorable last names starting with N often have a charming or endearing quality. These surnames may be derived from diminutives, pleasant-sounding words, or have associations with lovable traits. Here’s a collection of 51 adorable N-initial last names:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nabi | Prophet |
Nadeau | Hope |
Nagle | From the angle |
Nahm | Uncle |
Naito | Inner |
Nakajima | Middle island |
Nakamichi | Middle road |
Nako | Pear tree |
Nana | Grandmother |
Nantz | Grace |
Napoli | Naples |
Narula | Pomegranate |
Nash | At the ash tree |
Natali | Christmas |
Natsume | Summer plum |
Navarro | From Navarre |
Nazario | From Nazareth |
Neary | From the east |
Neeley | Champion |
Neff | Nephew |
Negri | Black |
Neidig | Envious |
Neiman | New man |
Neko | Cat |
Nelms | At the elms |
Nemo | Nobody |
Nerney | From the east |
Ness | Headland |
Nettles | Son of Nettle |
Neumann | New man |
Neville | New town |
Newberry | New fortification |
Newkirk | New church |
Newman | New man |
Newsom | New house |
Ng | Wu (Chinese surname) |
Nguyen | Son of Nguyen |
Nichols | Son of Nicholas |
Nickel | Nicholas |
Nickerson | Son of Nicholas |
Nicoletti | Little victory |
Nieves | Snows |
Nightingale | Nightingale (bird) |
Niles | From the island |
Nilsson | Son of Nils |
Nimmo | From the grove |
Nishi | West |
Nix | Water sprite |
Noble | Of noble birth |
Noel | Christmas |
Nolan | Champion |
51 Beautiful Last Names That Start with N
Beautiful last names beginning with N often evoke elegance, grace, and positive imagery. These surnames may have origins in nature, noble qualities, or melodious sounds. Here’s a collection of 51 beautiful N-initial last names that captivate with their aesthetic appeal and meaningful origins:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nadal | Christmas |
Nadir | Rare |
Nagano | Long field |
Naito | Inner |
Nakamura | Middle village |
Naldi | From the forest |
Napolitano | From Naples |
Narayan | Son of man |
Nardelli | Little brave one |
Nash | At the ash tree |
Natale | Christmas |
Navarro | From Navarre |
Nazario | From Nazareth |
Neeley | Champion |
Neilson | Son of Neil |
Nemeth | German |
Neruda | People’s guardian |
Ness | Headland |
Neville | New town |
Newberry | New fortification |
Newman | New man |
Newton | New town |
Ng | Wu (Chinese surname) |
Nguyen | Son of Nguyen |
Nichols | Son of Nicholas |
Nicholson | Son of Nicholas |
Nickerson | Son of Nicholas |
Nielsen | Son of Niels |
Nightingale | Nightingale (bird) |
Niles | From the island |
Nilsson | Son of Nils |
Nishida | West field |
Nishimura | West village |
Nissen | Son of Nis |
Noel | Christmas |
Nogueira | Walnut tree |
Nolan | Champion |
Nolasco | From Nola |
Nolette | Little |
Nordstrom | North stream |
Norris | From the north |
Northrop | North village |
Novello | New |
Nowak | New |
Noyes | From the nut trees |
Nunes | Son of Nuno |
Nuttall | Nuthall (place name) |
Nyberg | New mountain |
Nygaard | New farm |
Nystrom | New stream |
Nzinga | Angolan queen |
51 Modern Last Names That Start with N
Modern last names starting with N often reflect contemporary naming trends, cultural fusion, or innovative adaptations of traditional surnames. These names may be newly created, modified versions of older names, or surnames that have gained popularity in recent times:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nader | Rare |
Naeem | Comfort |
Nafisi | Precious |
Nagra | Drum |
Naidu | Teacher |
Nair | From Nayar caste |
Nakajima | Middle island |
Nakamoto | Middle origin |
Nakamura | Middle village |
Nakata | Middle rice field |
Nambiar | Drummer |
Nance | Valley |
Nandi | Bull |
Naqvi | Descendant of Naqvi |
Narain | Man |
Narayan | Son of man |
Nasser | Victorious |
Natarajan | King of dance |
Nava | Plain |
Navarro | From Navarre |
Nayak | Leader |
Nazari | From Nazareth |
Ndlovu | Elephant |
Nehra | Water channel |
Neri | Black |
Nessim | Breeze |
Neufeld | New field |
Neumann | New man |
Neves | Snows |
Ng | Wu (Chinese surname) |
Ngo | Wu (Vietnamese surname) |
Nguyen | Son of Nguyen |
Nhan | Humanity |
Niang | Daughter |
Nichols | Son of Nicholas |
Nicholson | Son of Nicholas |
Nielsen | Son of Niels |
Nieto | Grandson |
Nikolaou | Son of Nicholas |
Nilsen | Son of Nils |
Nishimura | West village |
Njoku | First son |
Nkosi | King |
Nnamani | Father’s land |
Nogueira | Walnut tree |
Nolan | Champion |
Noor | Light |
Norris | From the north |
Novak | Newcomer |
Nowicki | New |
Nwosu | God’s child |
51 Famous Last Names That Start with N
Famous last names beginning with N belong to notable individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields such as entertainment, politics, sports, and science. These surnames have gained recognition due to their bearers’ achievements and public prominence:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nabokov | Russian author |
Nadal | Christmas |
Nagasaki | Long cape |
Naidu | Teacher |
Naipaul | New Paul |
Nakamura | Middle village |
Napolitano | From Naples |
Nash | At the ash tree |
Nasser | Victorious |
Navratilova | Returned |
Nehru | Channel |
Nelson | Son of Neil |
Neruda | People’s guardian |
Ness | Headland |
Netanyahu | God has given |
Nettles | Son of Nettle |
Neumann | New man |
Neville | New town |
Newman | New man |
Newton | New town |
Ng | Wu (Chinese surname) |
Nguyen | Son of Nguyen |
Nicholson | Son of Nicholas |
Nielsen | Son of Niels |
Nightingale | Nightingale (bird) |
Nijinsky | From Nizhyn |
Nikitin | Son of Nikita |
Nilsson | Son of Nils |
Nimoy | Son of Nehemiah |
Nixon | Son of Nicholas |
Nobel | Noble |
Nolan | Champion |
Norris | From the north |
North | From the north |
Norton | North town |
Novak | Newcomer |
Noyce | From the ash tree |
Nureyev | Light |
Nurmi | Meadow |
Nyong’o | I shake |
Nystrom | New stream |
Nkrumah | Ninth born |
Noriega | North |
Nostradamus | Our Lady |
Novello | New |
Nugent | New |
Nurmagomedov | Son of Nurmagomed |
Nyerere | Caterpillar |
Nyman | New man |
Nyquist | New twig |
Nzinga | Angolan queen |
51 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with N
Gorgeous last names starting with N are those that possess an inherent beauty in their sound, meaning, or cultural significance. These surnames often evoke a sense of elegance, grace, or allure:
Last Name | Meaning |
Nadeau | Hope |
Nadir | Rare |
Nagano | Long field |
Naito | Inner |
Nakamura | Middle village |
Naldi | From the forest |
Napolitano | From Naples |
Narayan | Son of man |
Nardelli | Little brave one |
Nash | At the ash tree |
Natale | Christmas |
Navarro | From Navarre |
Nazario | From Nazareth |
Neeley | Champion |
Neilson | Son of Neil |
Nemeth | German |
Neruda | People’s guardian |
Ness | Headland |
Neville | New town |
Newberry | New fortification |
Newman | New man |
Newton | New town |
Ng | Wu (Chinese surname) |
Nguyen | Son of Nguyen |
Nichols | Son of Nicholas |
Nicholson | Son of Nicholas |
Nickerson | Son of Nicholas |
Nielsen | Son of Niels |
Nightingale | Nightingale (bird) |
Niles | From the island |
Nilsson | Son of Nils |
Nishida | West field |
Nishimura | West village |
Nissen | Son of Nis |
Noel | Christmas |
Nogueira | Walnut tree |
Nolan | Champion |
Nolasco | From Nola |
Nolette | Little |
Nordstrom | North stream |
Norris | From the north |
Northrop | North village |
Novello | New |
Nowak | New |
Noyes | From the nut trees |
Nunes | Son of Nuno |
Nuttall | Nuthall (place name) |
Nyberg | New mountain |
Nygaard | New farm |
Nystrom | New stream |
Nzinga | Angolan queen |

The exploration of last names starting with N reveals a rich tapestry of linguistic and cultural diversity. From the ubiquitous Nguyen to the noble-sounding Neville, these surnames carry stories of migration, occupation, and ancestry. We’ve delved into popular, awesome, common, unique, pretty, adorable, beautiful, modern, famous, and gorgeous N-initial last names, uncovering their origins and significance.
These surnames reflect the complex history of human movement and cultural exchange. They serve as linguistic fossils, preserving fragments of ancient languages and customs. From occupational names like Nailor to locational names like Norwood, each surname offers a glimpse into the lives of our ancestors.
The diversity of N-initial surnames also highlights the global nature of our interconnected world. We see Vietnamese names like Nguyen alongside English names like Newman, and Arabic names like Nasser next to Scandinavian names like Nielsen. This linguistic mosaic serves as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage that shapes our identities.