100+ Italian Last Names Starting with K 2024

Italian Last Names Starting with K
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Italian surnames offer a fascinating glimpse into the country’s rich cultural heritage and history. While last names beginning with K are relatively uncommon in Italy, they do exist and often have interesting origins. Many of these names reflect diverse influences, including Germanic, Slavic, and even Arabic roots, showcasing Italy’s complex history of migrations and cultural exchanges. Some K surnames may have evolved from nicknames, occupations, or geographical locations. This exploring 100 Italian last names starting with K provides insight into the linguistic diversity and historical depth of Italian family names, even among the less common letter groupings.


100 Italian Last Names Starting with K

Italian surnames beginning with K are relatively rare, as the letter K is not common in the Italian alphabet. These names often have foreign origins or represent adaptations of names from other languages. They may reflect historical influences from neighboring countries or immigrant populations. Despite their rarity, K surnames in Italy offer intriguing insights into the country’s multicultural past and the diverse origins of its people.

Last NameMeaning
KabanniFrom Arabic, meaning “scales” or “balance”
KaddouriOf North African origin, meaning “powerful”
KaikonenFinnish origin, meaning “echo”
KalajAlbanian origin, possibly meaning “castle”
KalilArabic origin, meaning “friend” or “companion”
KalkbrennerGerman origin, meaning “lime burner”
KallaHungarian origin, meaning “sheaf of wheat”
KallashiAlbanian origin, meaning “white” or “bright”
KalmetaCroatian origin, possibly from a place name
KalogerakisGreek origin, meaning “son of the good old man”
KalpakianArmenian origin, meaning “hatter”
KaltenbachGerman origin, meaning “cold stream”
KamaliPersian origin, meaning “perfection”
KamberiAlbanian origin, meaning “bell”
KamenskySlavic origin, meaning “of stone”
KaminskiPolish origin, meaning “stone worker”
KampfGerman origin, meaning “struggle” or “fight”
KanakisGreek origin, diminutive of “Kananios”
KandlerGerman origin, possibly meaning “candle maker”
KantorJewish origin, meaning “cantor” or “singer”
KapetanovicSlavic origin, meaning “son of the captain”
KappelerGerman origin, meaning “hat maker”
KarabinPolish origin, meaning “carbine” (a type of rifle)
KaradzicSerbian origin, meaning “son of Karadja”
KarakatsanisGreek origin, meaning “black-eyed”
KaramanTurkish origin, meaning “hero” or “brave”
KaramanlisGreek origin, meaning “from Karaman” (a Turkish city)
KaratasTurkish origin, meaning “black stone”
KarcherGerman origin, meaning “carter” or “wagon driver”
KardasHungarian origin, meaning “sword”
KarimiPersian origin, meaning “generous” or “noble”
KarjalainenFinnish origin, meaning “Karelian” (from Karelia)
KarkabiArabic origin, possibly meaning “stirrup maker”
KarnerGerman origin, meaning “grain grower”
KarpatiHungarian origin, meaning “from the Carpathian Mountains”
KarpovRussian origin, meaning “carp” (fish)
KartalTurkish origin, meaning “eagle”
KasapTurkish origin, meaning “butcher”
KasparekCzech origin, diminutive of “Kaspar”
KassabArabic origin, meaning “butcher”
KastratiAlbanian origin, from a tribal name
KatonaHungarian origin, meaning “soldier”
KatsarosGreek origin, meaning “curly-haired”
KatzGerman/Jewish origin, meaning “cat”
KaufmanGerman/Jewish origin, meaning “merchant”
KayaTurkish origin, meaning “rock” or “boulder”
KayserGerman origin, variant of “Kaiser” meaning “emperor”
KazantzisGreek origin, meaning “son of the cauldron maker”
KellerGerman origin, meaning “cellar keeper”
KellnerGerman origin, meaning “waiter” or “cellar master”
KempEnglish origin, meaning “warrior” or “champion”
KempfGerman origin, meaning “fighter” or “warrior”
KernGerman origin, meaning “grain” or “seed”
KernerGerman origin, meaning “seed grower”
KerrScottish origin, meaning “dweller by wet ground”
KesslerGerman origin, meaning “kettle maker”
KestnerGerman origin, meaning “box maker” or “chest maker”
KhouriArabic origin, meaning “priest”
KilicTurkish origin, meaning “sword”
KinkelGerman origin, possibly meaning “child”
KiralyHungarian origin, meaning “king”
KirchnerGerman origin, meaning “church worker”
KirschGerman origin, meaning “cherry”
KirstGerman origin, short form of “Christian”
KisHungarian origin, meaning “small” or “little”
KissHungarian origin, meaning “small” or “little”
KlaasDutch origin, short form of “Nicholas”
KleinGerman origin, meaning “small”
KlemmGerman origin, meaning “narrow” or “tight”
KlimaCzech origin, meaning “climate”
KlingbeilGerman origin, meaning “ringing bell”
KlingenbergGerman origin, meaning “ringing mountain”
KlingerGerman origin, meaning “blade maker”
KlotzGerman origin, meaning “block” or “lump”
KlugGerman origin, meaning “clever” or “wise”
KnappGerman origin, meaning “tight” or “scarce”
KnauerGerman origin, meaning “knob maker”
KnechtGerman origin, meaning “servant” or “farmhand”
KnoppGerman origin, meaning “knob” or “button”
KochGerman origin, meaning “cook”
KocsisHungarian origin, meaning “wagon driver”
KoenigGerman origin, meaning “king”
KoflerGerman origin, meaning “person from Kofel” (a mountain)
KohlGerman origin, meaning “cabbage”
KohlerGerman origin, meaning “charcoal burner”
KohnGerman/Jewish origin, variant of “Cohen”
KolbGerman origin, meaning “club” or “mace”
KollerGerman origin, meaning “person from Koll” (a place)
KollmannGerman origin, meaning “coal man”
KolodziejPolish origin, meaning “wheelwright”
KominekCzech origin, diminutive of “fireplace”
KonigGerman origin, meaning “king”
KonradGerman origin, meaning “brave counsel”
KopfGerman origin, meaning “head”
KoppGerman origin, meaning “cup” or “head”
KoppelGerman/Jewish origin, meaning “dome” or “cupola”
KorbGerman origin, meaning “basket”
KornGerman origin, meaning “grain” or “corn”
KorteGerman origin, meaning “short”
KosSlavic origin, meaning “blackbird”
KosarHungarian origin, meaning “basket maker”
KoschitzkeGerman origin, possibly from a place name
KosterGerman origin, meaning “sexton” or “church warden”


This exploration of 100 Italian last names starting with K reveals the rich tapestry of cultural influences that have shaped Italy’s linguistic landscape. While K surnames are not as common in Italy as those beginning with other letters, they offer a unique window into the country’s immigration history, cultural exchange, and linguistic evolution. These names reflect diverse origins, including Germanic, Slavic, Arabic, and other influences, demonstrating Italy’s role as a crossroads of cultures throughout history. Understanding these surnames provides valuable insights into family histories, regional migrations, and the complex interplay of languages contributing to Italy’s diverse heritage.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.