100+ Persian Last Names That Start with B [Meaning Included]

Persian Last Names That Start with B
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Persian culture, with its rich history and diverse influences, has given rise to a variety of unique and meaningful surnames. Persian last names often reflect the region’s deep connection to its ancient past, its geography, and its social structures. This article explores 100 Persian last names that start with the letter ‘B,’ providing a glimpse into the heritage and significance behind these names. Each surname listed here carries its own story, offering insights into Persian identity and tradition.


100 Persian Last Names That Start with B

Below is a comprehensive list of 100 Persian last names that start with the letter ‘B,’ along with their meanings. These names are presented in a table format for easy reference.

Last NameMeaning
BabakLittle father
BabayiOf the father
BadieUnique, incomparable
BahadorHero, brave
BahriOf the sea
BakhtiarLucky, fortunate
BakhtiariA tribe in Iran
BaladiNative, local
BaniBuilder, maker
BarazExalted, prominent
BarzinHigh, exalted
BasirInsightful, wise
BastamiFrom Bastam (a city in Iran)
BayatA tribe in Iran
BehbahaniFrom Behbahan (a city in Iran)
BehdadGiven by God
BehfarGood and prosperous
BehmaneshOf good lineage
BehmardiOf good life
BehnamGood name
BehrouzProsperous, successful
BehzadOf good birth
BijanHero of Shahnameh (a Persian epic)
BinaWise, insightful
BorhaniProof, evidence
BoroujerdiFrom Boroujerd (a city in Iran)
BozorgmehrGreat and noble
BozorgniaOf great lineage
BuzurgGreat, grand
BuzurgmehrGreat and noble
BabakhanLittle Khan
BabazadehSon of Babak
BagheriOf the garden
BaharlouOf spring
BahmaniOf Bahman (a month in Persian calendar)
BahramiOf Bahram
BakhtiariA tribe in Iran
BakhshiGiver, donor
BaniadamOf human beings
BaratiOf the creator
BasiriInsightful, wise
BayaniClear, evident
BehboodiImprovement, welfare
BehnoudOf good lineage
BehroozProsperous, successful
BeikzadehSon of a nobleman
BesharatGood news
BineshInsight, wisdom
BistoonA historical site in Iran
BoroumandGreat, grand
BorzooA hero in Shahnameh
BostaniOf the garden
BozorgiGreat, grand
BabakhanianDescendant of Babakhan
BabazadehSon of Babak
BagherzadehSon of Bagher
BahadoriBrave, heroic
BahramzadehSon of Bahram
BakhshandehGiver, donor
BaniameriOf the American
BaniardalanOf the Ardalans (a Kurdish tribe)
BaranlouOf rain
BarazandehProminent, exalted
BarzinianOf Barzin
BasirianInsightful, wise
BastanfarOf ancient lineage
BayatpourDescendant of Bayat
BehbahaniFrom Behbahan
BehdadfarGiven by God and prosperous
BehdinOf good religion
BehmardiOf good life
BehrouziProsperous, successful
BeikpourDescendant of a nobleman
BineshfarOf insightful lineage
BistouniOf Bistoon
BoroumandiGreat, grand
BorzooianOf Borzoo
BostaniOf the garden
BozorgiGreat, grand


Persian last names that start with the letter ‘B’ offer a fascinating look into the cultural and historical tapestry of Iran. These names not only reflect individual identity but also carry the legacy of Persian heritage, geography, and social structures. Understanding the meanings behind these surnames provides a deeper appreciation of Persian culture and its enduring influence. Whether you are exploring your roots or simply interested in Persian linguistics, these names offer a rich field of study and connection to one of the world’s oldest civilizations.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.