Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Last names that begin with the letter V offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse cultures, histories, and linguistic origins. These surnames, ranging from common to unique, reflect a rich tapestry of human heritage. Whether derived from occupations, locations, or ancestral lineages, V-initial surnames carry stories of migration, tradition, and family legacies. This comprehensive exploration delves into various categories of V surnames, showcasing their popularity, uniqueness, and cultural significance. From well-known names to rare gems, this article provides an extensive overview of last names starting with V, offering insights into their meanings and origins.

57 Popular Last Names That Start with V
Popular V surnames are those that have gained widespread recognition and usage across different regions and cultures. These names often have deep historical roots and may be associated with notable figures or significant events. The following list showcases some of the most commonly encountered last names beginning with V.
Last Name | Meaning |
Vaughan | Small |
Vincent | Conquering |
Vickers | Vicar’s son |
Valentine | Strong, healthy |
Vernon | Alder tree grove |
Varley | Boar’s meadow |
Vasquez | Son of Vasco |
Voss | Fox |
Valdez | Son of Baldo |
Vinson | Son of Vincent |
Vogt | Overseer |
Vine | Vineyard dweller |
Varney | From the alder grove |
Veal | Calf |
Vale | Valley dweller |
Venables | Huntable |
Vick | From the village |
Vail | Valley |
Vargas | Steep hill |
Vann | From the marsh |
Vines | Vineyard worker |
Vince | Conquering |
Vega | Dweller in the meadow |
Vivian | Alive |
Veale | Calf herder |
Veitch | From the cow pasture |
Vest | West |
Venn | From the marsh |
Vowles | From Wales |
Villarreal | Royal town |
Vallance | Strong, healthy |
Viney | From the vineyard |
Venable | Huntable |
Victor | Conqueror |
Vass | From the west |
Van | From |
Varga | Wolf |
Velasco | Crow |
Vidal | Life |
Villanueva | New town |
Vang | Field |
Vella | Watchful |
Vento | Wind |
Vetter | Cousin |
Viera | Scallop shell |
Vitale | Life |
Vogel | Bird |
Voigt | Steward |
Volpe | Fox |
Volz | People |
Vona | Good |
Vong | Yellow |
Voorhees | In front of |
Voris | Forest |
Vos | Fox |
Voth | From the forest |
Vrba | Willow |
57 Awesome Last Names That Start with V
Awesome V surnames are those that stand out for their unique sound, interesting meanings, or cool cultural associations. These names often have a certain flair that makes them appealing and memorable. Here’s a list of awesome last names beginning with V that might catch your attention.
Last Name | Meaning |
Valkyrie | Chooser of the slain |
Vanguard | Forerunner |
Vantage | Advantageous position |
Vapor | Mist or steam |
Varden | From the green hill |
Varnado | Protected |
Vashti | Beautiful |
Vause | Valley dweller |
Vawter | Maker of vaults |
Vayne | Weathervane maker |
Veasey | Lively |
Vega | Meadow dweller |
Velazquez | Son of Velasco |
Velluti | Velvet maker |
Ventura | Good fortune |
Vera | Faith |
Verdi | Green |
Vere | True |
Verona | Truth |
Versace | Verse |
Vesco | Bishop |
Vespucci | Little wasp |
Vestal | Pure |
Vex | To annoy |
Vian | Alive |
Viceroy | In place of the king |
Vicious | Savage |
Victorious | Triumphant |
Vidal | Life |
Videl | Life |
Vidor | From the wood |
Vieux | Old |
Vigil | Watchful |
Viking | Pirate |
Villa | Country house |
Villain | Farmhand |
Vincenzo | Conquering |
Vinci | Conqueror |
Viner | Vineyard worker |
Vino | Wine |
Viper | Snake |
Virgo | Virgin |
Visage | Face |
Visconti | Vice-count |
Vitali | Life |
Vixen | Female fox |
Vlad | Rule |
Vogelsang | Bird song |
Vogue | Fashion |
Volante | Flying |
Volkov | Wolf |
Volta | Turn |
Volunteer | One who offers |
Voodoo | Spirit |
Vortex | Whirlwind |
Voss | Fox |
Vox | Voice |
57 Common Last Names That Start with V
Common V surnames are those frequently found in various communities and regions. These names have stood the test of time and are often passed down through generations. Here’s a list of common last names that begin with V, along with their meanings.
Last Name | Meaning |
Vaccaro | Cowherd |
Vachon | Little cow |
Vadnais | From the marsh |
Valadez | Son of Valado |
Valencia | Brave |
Valenti | Healthy, strong |
Valenzuela | Little Valencia |
Valero | Swift |
Valladares | From Valladares |
Valle | Valley |
Van Dyke | From the dike |
Vandenberg | From the mountain |
Vanderbilt | From the hill |
Vanderford | From the ford |
Vanderpool | From the pool |
Vandeventer | From the fen |
Vanhoose | From the house |
Vanhorn | From the corner |
Vanmeter | From the meadow |
Vann | From |
Vanover | From the shore |
Vanwinkle | From the shop |
Varela | Rod |
Varner | Guard |
Vassar | Vassal |
Vaughn | Small |
Vaught | Valley |
Vazquez | Son of Vasco |
Veal | Calf |
Vega | Meadow |
Velasquez | Son of Velasco |
Velazquez | Son of Velasco |
Velez | Son of Vela |
Veliz | Son of Vela |
Vella | Calf |
Velo | Veil |
Venegas | From Venice |
Vera | Faith |
Verdugo | Executioner |
Vergara | Orchard |
Verner | Guard |
Vest | West |
Vetter | Cousin |
Viar | Road |
Vick | From the village |
Vickers | Vicar’s son |
Vickery | From the priest’s farm |
Victorino | Victorious |
Vidal | Life |
Vieira | Scallop shell |
Vigil | Watchful |
Villalobos | Wolf town |
Villarreal | Royal town |
Villegas | Village |
Villela | Small town |
Viloria | From the villa |
Vinson | Son of Vincent |
Virgil | Staff bearer |
57 Unique Last Names That Start with V
Unique V surnames are those that are less common and stand out for their distinctiveness. These names often have interesting origins or meanings that set them apart. Here’s a list of unique last names beginning with V, along with their meanings.
Last Name | Meaning |
Vacchiano | From Vacciano |
Vacco | Cow |
Vacek | More glory |
Vacha | More |
Vaclavik | More glorious |
Vacura | Diligent |
Vadala | From the valley |
Vadas | Hunter |
Vadeboncoeur | Go with a good heart |
Vaden | From the valley |
Vader | Father |
Vadney | From the marsh |
Vaeth | From the ford |
Vagle | Bird |
Vagnoni | Wagon maker |
Vago | Wanderer |
Vagts | Watchman |
Vahey | Descendant of Beathaidh |
Vahl | Valley |
Vahle | From the valley |
Vaidya | Physician |
Vaile | Valley |
Vaill | Valley |
Vaillancourt | Brave heart |
Vaillant | Valiant |
Vails | Valleys |
Vairo | Various |
Vajda | Governor |
Vala | Chosen |
Valachovic | From Valachy |
Valade | Valley |
Valasek | Little Vaclav |
Valbuena | Good valley |
Valcarcel | Valley castle |
Valcourt | Valley court |
Valder | Ruler |
Valderrama | Valley branch |
Valdes | Son of Valdo |
Valdespino | Pine valley |
Valdivia | Valley of life |
Valdivieso | Valley overseer |
Valdovinos | Valley of wine |
Valek | Little Valentine |
Valen | Powerful |
Valenciano | From Valencia |
Valencic | Little Valencia |
Valent | Strong |
Valenta | Healthy |
Valente | Strong |
Valenti | Strong |
Valentin | Strong |
Valentini | Little Valentine |
Valentino | Little Valentine |
Valenza | Power |
Valenzano | From Valenzano |
Valeri | Strong |
Valeriano | Belonging to Valerius |
Valerius | Strong |
57 Prettiest Last Names That Start with V
Pretty V surnames are those that have a pleasing sound or aesthetic quality. These names often evoke positive associations and may have elegant or graceful connotations. Here’s a list of some of the prettiest last names starting with V, along with their meanings.
Last Name | Meaning |
Valentia | Strength |
Valentina | Strong, healthy |
Valenza | Power |
Valeria | To be strong |
Valerio | Strong |
Valery | To be strong |
Valiante | Valiant |
Valiente | Brave |
Valine | Healthy |
Valis | Strong |
Vallejo | Little valley |
Valles | Valleys |
Vallone | Large valley |
Valo | Light |
Valois | From the valley |
Valverde | Green valley |
Van Buren | From the cottage |
Van Cleef | From the cliff |
Van Doren | From the thorn |
Van Gogh | From the high land |
Van Halen | From the hall |
Van Ness | From the cape |
Van Rijn | From the Rhine |
Van Zandt | From the sand |
Vance | From the marsh |
Vanderbilt | From the hill |
Vanderlyn | From the linden tree |
Vandermeer | From the lake |
Vanderveen | From the fen |
Vanessa | Butterfly |
Vanhook | From the corner |
Vanini | Little Ivan |
Vanity | Emptiness |
Vanner | Banner bearer |
Vansant | From the saint |
Vantassell | From the castle |
Vanucci | Little John |
Vanya | God’s gracious gift |
Varela | Rod |
Varenna | From Varenna |
Vargas | Steep hillside |
Vargo | Wolf |
Varian | Changing |
Varley | From the boar’s meadow |
Varner | Warner |
Varney | From the alder grove |
Varon | Baron |
Varona | Baroness |
Vasari | Vase maker |
Vasconcelos | From the high fort |
Vasile | Royal |
Vasilis | King |
Vasquez | Son of Vasco |
Vassallo | Vassal |
Vasseur | Vassal |
Vaughan | Small |
Vautour | Vulture |
57 Adorable Last Names That Start with V
Adorable last names starting with V often have a charming and endearing quality. These surnames can evoke feelings of warmth, affection, and sweetness. Many of these names have origins in various cultures and languages, adding to their unique appeal. Here’s a list of 57 adorable V surnames that might make you smile.
Last Name | Meaning |
Valentino | Little Valentine |
Valo | Light |
Vann | From |
Vanner | Banner bearer |
Vaquero | Cowboy |
Varela | Rod |
Varley | From the boar’s meadow |
Varney | From the alder grove |
Vasquez | Son of Vasco |
Vaughan | Small |
Veal | Calf |
Vega | Meadow |
Velasco | Crow |
Velazquez | Son of Velasco |
Vella | Calf |
Velo | Veil |
Vento | Wind |
Vera | Faith |
Verdi | Green |
Vergara | Orchard |
Verner | Guard |
Vernon | Place of alders |
Vess | West |
Vest | West |
Vestal | Pure |
Vetter | Cousin |
Viar | Road |
Vick | From the village |
Vickers | Vicar’s son |
Vidal | Life |
Vieira | Scallop shell |
Vigil | Watchful |
Villa | Country house |
Villanueva | New town |
Villarreal | Royal town |
Villegas | Village |
Vines | Vineyard worker |
Vinson | Son of Vincent |
Viola | Violet |
Violet | Purple flower |
Virgo | Virgin |
Vitale | Life |
Vivian | Alive |
Vogel | Bird |
Voight | Overseer |
Volk | Wolf |
Volpe | Fox |
Vona | Good |
Voss | Fox |
Votto | Promise |
Vox | Voice |
Vrba | Willow |
Vu | Prosperity |
Vukovic | Son of the wolf |
Vyse | Wise |
Vyvyan | Alive |
Vzesniauskas | From the high place |
57 Beautiful Last Names That Start with V
Beautiful last names starting with V often have a melodious sound or an elegant meaning. These surnames can evoke images of grace, strength, or natural beauty. Many of these names have rich cultural histories that add to their allure. Here’s a list of 57 beautiful V surnames.
Last Name | Meaning |
Valente | Strong |
Valentina | Strong, healthy |
Valenza | Power |
Valeria | To be strong |
Valerio | Strong |
Valery | To be strong |
Valiante | Valiant |
Valiente | Brave |
Vallejo | Little valley |
Valles | Valleys |
Vallone | Large valley |
Valois | From the valley |
Valverde | Green valley |
Van Buren | From the cottage |
Van Cleef | From the cliff |
Van Doren | From the thorn |
Van Gogh | From the high land |
Van Halen | From the hall |
Van Ness | From the cape |
Van Rijn | From the Rhine |
Vance | From the marsh |
Vanderbilt | From the hill |
Vanderlyn | From the linden tree |
Vandermeer | From the lake |
Vanessa | Butterfly |
Vanhook | From the corner |
Vanini | Little Ivan |
Vanner | Banner bearer |
Vansant | From the saint |
Vantassell | From the castle |
Vanucci | Little John |
Vanya | God’s gracious gift |
Varela | Rod |
Varenna | From Varenna |
Vargas | Steep hillside |
Varian | Changing |
Varley | From the boar’s meadow |
Varner | Warner |
Varney | From the alder grove |
Varon | Baron |
Varona | Baroness |
Vasari | Vase maker |
Vasconcelos | From the high fort |
Vasile | Royal |
Vasilis | King |
Vassallo | Vassal |
Vasseur | Vassal |
Vaughan | Small |
Vautour | Vulture |
Vega | Meadow |
Velasco | Crow |
Velazquez | Son of Velasco |
Velez | Son of Vela |
Vella | Calf |
Ventura | Good fortune |
Vera | Faith |
Verdi | Green |
57 Modern Last Names That Start with V
Modern last names starting with V often reflect contemporary naming trends or have gained popularity in recent times. These surnames may be newly created, adaptations of traditional names, or have risen to prominence due to cultural shifts. Here’s a list of 57 modern V surnames.
Last Name | Meaning |
Vader | Father |
Vail | Valley |
Valdes | Son of Valdo |
Vale | Valley |
Valenti | Strong, healthy |
Valentin | Strong |
Valentine | Strong, healthy |
Valentini | Little Valentine |
Valentino | Little Valentine |
Valery | To be strong |
Valet | Servant |
Valiente | Brave |
Valko | Wolf |
Valle | Valley |
Vallejo | Little valley |
Valo | Light |
Van | From |
Van Dyke | From the dike |
Vance | From the marsh |
Vanderpool | From the pool |
Vann | From |
Vanner | Banner bearer |
Vaquero | Cowboy |
Varela | Rod |
Vargas | Steep hillside |
Varley | From the boar’s meadow |
Varner | Warner |
Varney | From the alder grove |
Vasquez | Son of Vasco |
Vassallo | Vassal |
Vaughan | Small |
Vaughn | Small |
Veal | Calf |
Vega | Meadow |
Velasco | Crow |
Velasquez | Son of Velasco |
Velazquez | Son of Velasco |
Velez | Son of Vela |
Veliz | Son of Vela |
Vella | Calf |
Velo | Veil |
Vento | Wind |
Vera | Faith |
Verdi | Green |
Vergara | Orchard |
Verner | Guard |
Vernon | Place of alders |
Vess | West |
Vest | West |
Vestal | Pure |
Vetter | Cousin |
Viar | Road |
Vick | From the village |
Vickers | Vicar’s son |
Vidal | Life |
Vieira | Scallop shell |
Vigil | Watchful |
57 Famous Last Names That Start with V
Famous last names starting with V belong to notable individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields such as arts, sciences, politics, or sports. These surnames have gained recognition due to the achievements of their bearers. Here’s a list of 57 famous V surnames.
Last Name | Meaning |
Valentino | Little Valentine |
Van Buren | From the cottage |
Van Dyke | From the dike |
Van Gogh | From the high land |
Van Halen | From the hall |
Vanderbilt | From the hill |
Vargas | Steep hillside |
Vaughan | Small |
Vaughn | Small |
Vega | Meadow |
Velasquez | Son of Velasco |
Ventura | Good fortune |
Vera | Faith |
Vergara | Orchard |
Versace | Verse |
Vespucci | Little wasp |
Vick | From the village |
Vidal | Life |
Villa | Country house |
Villeneuve | New town |
Vincent | Conquering |
Vine | Vineyard dweller |
Viola | Violet |
Virgil | Staff bearer |
Vitale | Life |
Vivaldi | Lively |
Vogel | Bird |
Voight | Overseer |
Volta | Turn |
Von Braun | From the brown |
Vonnegut | From the new land |
Voorhees | In front of |
Vos | Fox |
Vreeland | Free land |
Vuong | King |
Vader | Father |
Valderrama | Valley branch |
Valentijn | Valentine |
Valenzuela | Little Valencia |
Vallee | Valley |
Van Damme | From the dam |
Van Dijk | From the dike |
Van Niekerk | From the new church |
Van Rooyen | From the red |
Vandeweghe | From the way |
Varela | Rod |
Varner | Warner |
Vassiliev | Son of Basil |
Vaughn | Small |
Vázquez | Son of Vasco |
Vega | Meadow |
Velázquez | Son of Velasco |
Verhoeven | From the farms |
Vermeer | From the lake |
Verne | Alder tree |
Vettel | Little father |
Vieira | Scallop shell |
57 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with V
Gorgeous last names starting with V often possess an aesthetic appeal through their sound or meaning. These surnames can evoke images of beauty, elegance, or grandeur. Many of these names have rich cultural or historical backgrounds that add to their allure. Here’s a list of 57 gorgeous V surnames, along with their meanings.
Last Name | Meaning |
Valentino | Little Valentine |
Valeria | To be strong |
Valerio | Strong |
Valery | To be strong |
Valiante | Valiant |
Valiente | Brave |
Vallejo | Little valley |
Valles | Valleys |
Vallone | Large valley |
Valois | From the valley |
Valverde | Green valley |
Van Cleef | From the cliff |
Van Doren | From the thorn |
Van Gogh | From the high land |
Van Rijn | From the Rhine |
Vance | From the marsh |
Vanderbilt | From the hill |
Vanderlyn | From the linden tree |
Vandermeer | From the lake |
Vanessa | Butterfly |
Vanhook | From the corner |
Vanini | Little Ivan |
Vanner | Banner bearer |
Vansant | From the saint |
Vantassell | From the castle |
Vanucci | Little John |
Vanya | God’s gracious gift |
Varela | Rod |
Varenna | From Varenna |
Vargas | Steep hillside |
Varian | Changing |
Varley | From the boar’s meadow |
Varner | Warner |
Varney | From the alder grove |
Varon | Baron |
Varona | Baroness |
Vasari | Vase maker |
Vasconcelos | From the high fort |
Vasile | Royal |
Vasilis | King |
Vassallo | Vassal |
Vasseur | Vassal |
Vaughan | Small |
Vautour | Vulture |
Vega | Meadow |
Velasco | Crow |
Velazquez | Son of Velasco |
Velez | Son of Vela |
Vella | Calf |
Ventura | Good fortune |
Vera | Faith |
Verdi | Green |
Vergara | Orchard |
Verner | Guard |
Vernon | Place of alders |
Vespucci | Little wasp |
Vivaldi | Lively |
Vogel | Bird |
Volta | Turn |

Exploring last names that start with V reveals a rich tapestry of cultural diversity, historical significance, and linguistic beauty. These surnames, ranging from popular and common to unique and adorable, encapsulate stories of migration, tradition, and family legacies. Whether derived from occupations, locations, or ancestral lineages, each V-initial surname carries a unique meaning and origin. This comprehensive overview highlights the appeal and significance of these names, showcasing their enduring charm and the fascinating narratives they embody. From the elegant to the modern, V surnames offer a glimpse into the intricate world of family heritage and identity.