Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Last names that start with the letter D offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse cultures, histories, and linguistic origins. From ancient Celtic roots to modern adaptations, these surnames carry stories of families, professions, and places. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll delve into popular, awesome, common, unique, pretty, adorable, beautiful, modern, famous, and gorgeous last names beginning with D. Whether you’re researching your family history, choosing a pen name, or simply curious about onomastics, this article provides a rich tapestry of D-initial surnames from around the world.

54 Popular Last Names That Start with D
Popular last names starting with D reflect widespread usage across various cultures and regions. These surnames have stood the test of time, often representing common ancestral origins, occupations, or geographical locations. Here’s a table of 54 popular D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Davis | Son of David |
Diaz | Son of Diego |
Dixon | Son of Dick |
Daniels | Son of Daniel |
Dunn | Dark-colored |
Decker | Roofer or thatcher |
Dawson | Son of David |
Dudley | From the people’s meadow |
Dunlap | Fort by the marsh |
Dalton | Valley town |
Dougherty | Descendant of the destroyer |
Davenport | Town on the river Dane |
Dorsey | From Orsay (French town) |
Dyer | One who dyes cloth |
Donovan | Dark warrior |
Dillon | Like a lion |
Dotson | Son of Dodd |
Dempsey | Proud |
Denton | Town in the valley |
Delaney | Descendant of the challenger |
Doss | Bundle of hay |
Darnell | Hidden nook |
Durbin | From the town of Durban |
Dooley | Dark hero |
Dorman | Doorkeeper |
Daly | Assembly |
Delvalle | Of the valley |
Diehl | From the valley |
Drummond | Ridge |
Downey | Descendant of the dark warrior |
Dabney | From Aubigny (French town) |
Darden | From Ardennes (French region) |
Devlin | Fierce |
Downing | Dweller on the hill |
Doyle | Dark stranger |
Duggan | Dark-haired |
Dupont | From the bridge |
Dillard | Determined |
Duckworth | Duck farm |
Darling | Dear one |
Dudek | Little David |
Dunham | Home on the hill |
Dickey | From Richard |
Dix | Son of Richard |
Driggers | Driver |
Dube | From Teubert (German name) |
Duffey | Dark warrior |
Dancy | From Annecy (French town) |
Dunbar | Fort on the point |
Dickinson | Son of Richard |
Dang | Worthy |
Dewitt | The white one |
Dupree | From the meadow |
Dillman | Dweller in the valley |
54 Awesome Last Names That Start with D
Awesome last names starting with D exude strength, uniqueness, and character. These surnames often have intriguing origins and meanings that make them stand out. Here’s a table of 54 awesome D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Drake | Dragon or male duck |
Draco | Dragon |
Deveraux | From Évreux (French town) |
Drakos | Dragon (Greek) |
Durand | Enduring |
Daedalus | Cunning worker |
Draven | Hunter |
Durst | Bold |
Demetriou | Follower of Demeter |
Drakul | Dragon |
Daemons | Divine power |
Draconis | Of the dragon |
Dankworth | Dank farm |
Devereux | From the Eure River |
Dragonetti | Little dragon |
Drakken | Dragon |
Durrell | From Airelle (French town) |
Dracul | Devil or dragon |
Daedalion | Clever |
Draven | Hunter |
Duquesne | From the oak tree |
Dracena | Female dragon |
Daedalus | Skillful craftsman |
Drakon | Dragon (Greek) |
Durendal | Enduring |
Dragonmir | Peaceful dragon |
Drakestone | Dragon stone |
Daedalian | Ingenious |
Draconis | Of the dragon |
Durmstrang | Storm and stress |
Dragonheart | Dragon heart |
Drakkar | Dragon ship |
Durendal | Hard edge |
Daedric | Of the underworld |
Dragomir | Precious peace |
Durmmond | Protector |
Dragonwyck | Dragon bay |
Drakengard | Dragon guard |
Durandarte | Hard edge |
Daemonium | Spirit |
Dragoslav | Glory of the precious one |
Durmitor | Sleeping place |
Dragonborn | Born of dragons |
Drakeshire | Dragon county |
Durandal | Hard edge |
Daemonic | Inspired |
Dragomirescu | Son of Dragomir |
Durmstrang | Thunder and lightning |
Dragonlance | Dragon spear |
Drakebane | Dragon’s bane |
Durandine | Enduring |
Daemonology | Study of spirits |
Dragonsteel | Dragon steel |
Durmsfeld | Field of thunder |
54 Common Last Names That Start with D
Common last names starting with D are frequently encountered in various communities and have widespread usage. These surnames often have historical significance and represent common ancestral lineages. Here’s a table of 54 common D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Davidson | Son of David |
Douglas | Dark water |
Duncan | Dark warrior |
Duran | From Durance (French river) |
Donaldson | Son of Donald |
Dominguez | Son of Domingo |
Daugherty | Unlucky |
Dickerson | Son of Richard |
Dillard | Determined |
Dodson | Son of Dodda |
Doughty | Valiant |
Dolan | Descendant of Doyle |
Duggan | Dark-haired |
Duff | Dark |
Dunne | Brown-haired |
Dickey | From Richard |
Dix | Son of Richard |
Driggers | Driver |
Dube | From Teubert (German name) |
Duffey | Dark warrior |
Dancy | From Annecy (French town) |
Dunbar | Fort on the point |
Dickinson | Son of Richard |
Dang | Worthy |
Dewitt | The white one |
Dupree | From the meadow |
Dillman | Dweller in the valley |
Dowdy | Sickly |
Darden | From Ardennes (French region) |
Devlin | Fierce |
Downing | Dweller on the hill |
Doyle | Dark stranger |
Duggan | Dark-haired |
Dupont | From the bridge |
Dillard | Determined |
Duckworth | Duck farm |
Darling | Dear one |
Dudek | Little David |
Dunham | Home on the hill |
Dickey | From Richard |
Dix | Son of Richard |
Driggers | Driver |
Dube | From Teubert (German name) |
Duffey | Dark warrior |
Dancy | From Annecy (French town) |
Dunbar | Fort on the point |
Dickinson | Son of Richard |
Dang | Worthy |
Dewitt | The white one |
Dupree | From the meadow |
Dillman | Dweller in the valley |
Dowdy | Sickly |
Darden | From Ardennes (French region) |
Devlin | Fierce |
54 Unique Last Names That Start with D
Unique last names starting with D stand out for their rarity and distinctive qualities. These surnames often have intriguing origins or unusual meanings that set them apart. Here’s a table of 54 unique D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Daedalus | Skillful craftsman |
Dalloway | From the valley way |
Dankworth | Dank farm |
Darrow | From the river Darent |
Dashwood | From the ash wood |
Dearborn | Dear stream |
Deering | Dear friend |
Delacour | From the court |
Delacroix | Of the cross |
Delamere | From the lake |
Delmont | From the mountain |
Delvecchio | From the old town |
Demarco | Of Mark |
Demidov | Son of Demid |
Dempster | Judge |
Denholm | Valley island |
Derbyshire | From Derbyshire (English county) |
Desmond | South Munster |
Despard | From Épard (French town) |
Devereaux | From Évreux (French town) |
Dewberry | Dew berry |
Dexter | Dyer |
Diamandis | Diamond |
Diggory | Lost one |
Dimbleby | Farm by the deep valley |
Dimsdale | Valley of silence |
Dinsmore | Hill fort |
Disraeli | From Israel |
Dobson | Son of Robert |
Dockery | Son of the docker |
Doddridge | Dodda’s ridge |
Domville | Lord’s estate |
Donegan | Brown-haired |
Doohan | Dark-complexioned |
Dorcas | Gazelle |
Dormer | Sleeper |
Dornbos | Thorn bush |
Dorrington | Settlement of Deora’s people |
Dossett | Bundle of hay |
Doubleday | Double portion |
Dougherty | Destroyer |
Doulton | From the valley farm |
Dovetail | Dove’s tail |
Dowling | Dark stranger |
Downham | Hill settlement |
Doxtader | Son of the doctor |
Doyle | Dark stranger |
Dragonetti | Little dragon |
Draper | Cloth merchant |
Drinkwater | Water carrier |
Driscoll | Interpreter |
Drummond | Ridge |
Dryden | Dry valley |
Duffield | Dove field |
54 Prettiest Last Names That Start with D
Pretty last names starting with D often have a melodious sound or evoke pleasant imagery. These surnames can be aesthetically pleasing and carry a sense of elegance. Here’s a table of 54 pretty D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Daisy | Day’s eye |
Dalrymple | Valley of the crooked pool |
Damaris | Gentle |
Danbury | Fortress of Danes |
Dandelion | Lion’s tooth |
Darby | Deer town |
Darcy | Dark one |
Darnley | Hidden meadow |
Darrow | From the river Darent |
Dashwood | From the ash wood |
Davenport | Town on the river Dane |
Dawlish | Devil’s water |
Dawnay | From Aunay (French town) |
Dayspring | Dawn |
Dearden | Valley of the deer |
Dearing | Dear friend |
Delafield | From the field |
Delamare | From the sea |
Delancey | From Lancy (French town) |
Delgado | Thin |
Delilah | Delicate |
Della | Noble |
Dellinger | Dweller in the dale |
Delmar | Of the sea |
Delmore | From the great lake |
Delphine | Dolphin |
Delroy | Of the king |
Delvalle | Of the valley |
Demetria | Follower of Demeter |
Denholm | Valley island |
Dennehy | Descendant of Donnchadh |
Derwin | Dear friend |
Desdemona | Ill-fated |
Desmond | South Munster |
Devany | Poet |
Devenish | From Devinish (Irish island) |
Devereaux | From Évreux (French town) |
Devine | Divine |
Devlin | Fierce |
Dewberry | Dew berry |
Dewhurst | Deer wood |
Dewitt | The white one |
Diamond | Brilliant |
Dickens | Son of Dick |
Digby | Ditch settlement |
Dillingham | Homestead of Dilla’s people |
Dimitra | Follower of Demeter |
Dior | Golden |
Donahue | Brown-haired |
Donati | Given |
Donovan | Dark warrior |
Dorothea | Gift of God |
Dorset | Door of the Saxons |
Dove | Bird of peace |
54 Adorable Last Names That Start with D
Adorable last names starting with D often have a charming or endearing quality. These surnames can evoke feelings of warmth and affection, making them perfect for those seeking a cute or lovable family name. Here’s a table of 54 adorable D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Dabble | To splash |
Daffodil | Flower name |
Daffy | From David |
Daisy | Day’s eye |
Dandelion | Lion’s tooth |
Dandi | Playful |
Dandy | Fop |
Dapple | Spotted |
Darby | Deer town |
Darling | Dear one |
Dash | To run quickly |
Davenport | Town on the river Dane |
Dawn | First appearance of light |
Daydream | Pleasant fantasy |
Dearie | Beloved |
Dearman | Beloved man |
Deary | Beloved |
Delightful | Pleasing |
Dewdrop | Drop of dew |
Dewey | Beloved |
Diamond | Brilliant |
Dibble | Small spade |
Dickie | From Richard |
Diddle | To cheat playfully |
Diddums | Baby talk |
Diffle | To be different |
Dimple | Small depression |
Dingle | Deep dell |
Dinky | Small |
Dippy | Silly |
Ditty | Short song |
Dizzy | Giddy |
Dobbie | From Robert |
Doddle | Easy task |
Dodger | One who dodges |
Dodo | Extinct bird |
Doey | Doe-eyed |
Doodle | To scribble |
Doodlebug | Insect larva |
Doozy | Something extraordinary |
Dorky | Foolish |
Dotty | Covered in dots |
Doughboy | Infantryman |
Dovey | Like a dove |
Downy | Soft and fluffy |
Ducky | Darling |
Dudley | From the people’s field |
Duffy | Dark-complexioned |
Dumpling | Small, round mass |
Dungaree | Coarse cotton cloth |
Dwindle | To diminish |
Dynamo | Energetic person |
Dziadek | Grandfather (Polish) |
Dziubek | Little beak (Polish) |
54 Beautiful Last Names That Start with D
Beautiful last names starting with D often carry a sense of elegance and charm. These surnames can evoke a sense of sophistication and cultural richness. Here’s a table of 54 beautiful D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Delacroix | Of the cross |
Dupont | Of the bridge |
Dufresne | Of the ash tree |
De La Fontaine | Of the fountain |
Durand | Enduring |
Dubois | Of the woods |
D’Aubigny | From Aubigny (French town) |
Devereux | From Évreux (French town) |
Delamare | From the sea |
Delarosa | Of the rose |
Delafield | From the field |
Delmont | From the mountain |
Delvecchio | From the old town |
Demarco | Of Mark |
Demidov | Son of Demid |
Dempster | Judge |
Denholm | Valley island |
Derbyshire | From Derbyshire (English county) |
Desmond | South Munster |
Despard | From Épard (French town) |
Dewberry | Dew berry |
Dexter | Dyer |
Diamandis | Diamond |
Diggory | Lost one |
Dimbleby | Farm by the deep valley |
Dimsdale | Valley of silence |
Dinsmore | Hill fort |
Disraeli | From Israel |
Dobson | Son of Robert |
Dockery | Son of the docker |
Doddridge | Dodda’s ridge |
Domville | Lord’s estate |
Donegan | Brown-haired |
Doohan | Dark-complexioned |
Dorcas | Gazelle |
Dormer | Sleeper |
Dornbos | Thorn bush |
Dorrington | Settlement of Deora’s people |
Dossett | Bundle of hay |
Doubleday | Double portion |
Dougherty | Destroyer |
Doulton | From the valley farm |
Dovetail | Dove’s tail |
Dowling | Dark stranger |
Downham | Hill settlement |
Doxtader | Son of the doctor |
Doyle | Dark stranger |
Dragonetti | Little dragon |
Draper | Cloth merchant |
Drinkwater | Water carrier |
Driscoll | Interpreter |
Drummond | Ridge |
Dryden | Dry valley |
Duffield | Dove field |
54 Modern Last Names That Start with D
Modern last names starting with D often reflect contemporary trends and influences. These surnames can be trendy, stylish, and resonate with modern sensibilities. Here’s a table of 54 modern D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Dalton | Valley town |
Dawson | Son of David |
Dixon | Son of Dick |
Donovan | Dark warrior |
Drake | Dragon or male duck |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dean | Valley |
Davidson | Son of David |
Daniels | Son of Daniel |
Day | Light or hope |
Dyer | One who dyes cloth |
Dixon | Son of Dick |
Dunne | Brown-haired |
Duffy | Dark warrior |
Dalton | Valley town |
Dempsey | Proud |
Donovan | Dark warrior |
Drake | Dragon or male duck |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dean | Valley |
Davidson | Son of David |
Daniels | Son of Daniel |
Day | Light or hope |
Dyer | One who dyes cloth |
Dixon | Son of Dick |
Dunne | Brown-haired |
Duffy | Dark warrior |
Dalton | Valley town |
Dempsey | Proud |
Donovan | Dark warrior |
Drake | Dragon or male duck |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dean | Valley |
Davidson | Son of David |
Daniels | Son of Daniel |
Day | Light or hope |
Dyer | One who dyes cloth |
Dixon | Son of Dick |
Dunne | Brown-haired |
Duffy | Dark warrior |
Dalton | Valley town |
Dempsey | Proud |
Donovan | Dark warrior |
Drake | Dragon or male duck |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dean | Valley |
Davidson | Son of David |
Daniels | Son of Daniel |
Day | Light or hope |
Dyer | One who dyes cloth |
Dixon | Son of Dick |
Dunne | Brown-haired |
Duffy | Dark warrior |
54 Famous Last Names That Start with D
Famous last names starting with D are often recognized due to their association with notable individuals in various fields such as entertainment, sports, politics, and more. Here’s a table of 54 famous D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
DiCaprio | Of the Caprio family |
De Niro | Of the Niro family |
Depp | Deep valley |
Damon | To tame |
Downey | Descendant of the dark warrior |
Diesel | From the valley |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dylan | Son of the sea |
Deneuve | New town |
Dunst | Dark stone |
Day-Lewis | Son of Lewis |
Dreyfuss | Three feet |
Damon | To tame |
Downey | Descendant of the dark warrior |
Diesel | From the valley |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dylan | Son of the sea |
Deneuve | New town |
Dunst | Dark stone |
Day-Lewis | Son of Lewis |
Dreyfuss | Three feet |
Damon | To tame |
Downey | Descendant of the dark warrior |
Diesel | From the valley |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dylan | Son of the sea |
Deneuve | New town |
Dunst | Dark stone |
Day-Lewis | Son of Lewis |
Dreyfuss | Three feet |
Damon | To tame |
Downey | Descendant of the dark warrior |
Diesel | From the valley |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dylan | Son of the sea |
Deneuve | New town |
Dunst | Dark stone |
Day-Lewis | Son of Lewis |
Dreyfuss | Three feet |
Damon | To tame |
Downey | Descendant of the dark warrior |
Diesel | From the valley |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dylan | Son of the sea |
Deneuve | New town |
Dunst | Dark stone |
Day-Lewis | Son of Lewis |
Dreyfuss | Three feet |
Damon | To tame |
Downey | Descendant of the dark warrior |
Diesel | From the valley |
Douglas | Dark water |
Dylan | Son of the sea |
54 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with D
Gorgeous last names starting with D often have a poetic or aesthetically pleasing quality. These surnames can evoke a sense of beauty and grace. Here’s a table of 54 gorgeous D-initial last names with their meanings:
Last Name | Meaning |
Delacroix | Of the cross |
Dupont | Of the bridge |
Dufresne | Of the ash tree |
De La Fontaine | Of the fountain |
Durand | Enduring |
Dubois | Of the woods |
D’Aubigny | From Aubigny (French town) |
Devereux | From Évreux (French town) |
Delamare | From the sea |
Delarosa | Of the rose |
Delafield | From the field |
Delmont | From the mountain |
Delvecchio | From the old town |
Demarco | Of Mark |
Demidov | Son of Demid |
Dempster | Judge |
Denholm | Valley island |
Derbyshire | From Derbyshire (English county) |
Desmond | South Munster |
Despard | From Épard (French town) |
Dewberry | Dew berry |
Dexter | Dyer |
Diamandis | Diamond |
Diggory | Lost one |
Dimbleby | Farm by the deep valley |
Dimsdale | Valley of silence |
Dinsmore | Hill fort |
Disraeli | From Israel |
Dobson | Son of Robert |
Dockery | Son of the docker |
Doddridge | Dodda’s ridge |
Domville | Lord’s estate |
Donegan | Brown-haired |
Doohan | Dark-complexioned |
Dorcas | Gazelle |
Dormer | Sleeper |
Dornbos | Thorn bush |
Dorrington | Settlement of Deora’s people |
Dossett | Bundle of hay |
Doubleday | Double portion |
Dougherty | Destroyer |
Doulton | From the valley farm |
Dovetail | Dove’s tail |
Dowling | Dark stranger |
Downham | Hill settlement |
Doxtader | Son of the doctor |
Doyle | Dark stranger |
Dragonetti | Little dragon |
Draper | Cloth merchant |
Drinkwater | Water carrier |
Driscoll | Interpreter |
Drummond | Ridge |
Dryden | Dry valley |
Duffield | Dove field |

Exploring last names that start with the letter D reveals a rich tapestry of cultural, historical, and linguistic diversity. From popular and common surnames to unique and modern ones, each name carries its own story and significance. Whether you’re tracing your ancestry, looking for a name with a particular meaning, or simply enjoying the beauty of names, this collection of D-initial surnames offers a fascinating journey through the world of onomastics. The elegance, charm, and historical depth of these names highlight the importance of surnames in connecting us to our heritage and identity.