100+ Persian Last Names That Start with K [Meaning Included]

Persian Last Names That Start with K
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Persian surnames offer a fascinating glimpse into Iran’s rich cultural heritage and history. Last names in Iran often reflect ancestral occupations, geographic origins, personal characteristics, or family lineages. The practice of adopting formal surnames in Iran is relatively recent, dating back to the early 20th century when the government mandated their use. This article explores 100 Persian last names that begin with the letter K, showcasing the diversity and meaning behind these familial identifiers. From common occupational names to those derived from places or personal traits, these surnames paint a vivid picture of Iranian society and traditions.


100 Persian Last Names That Start with K

Persian last names beginning with K encompass a wide range of meanings and origins. Many reflect traditional occupations, while others are derived from geographic locations, personal characteristics, or ancestral connections. The following table presents 100 such surnames along with their meanings, offering insight into the rich tapestry of Iranian family names.

Last NameMeaning
KabiriGreat, large
KadkhodaVillage chief
KafaeeSufficient, adequate
KahaniAncient, old
KalantarMayor, chief
KalantariRelated to the mayor
KamaliPerfect, complete
KamranSuccessful, fortunate
KaramiGenerous, noble
KargarWorker, laborer
KarimiGenerous, benevolent
KashiFrom the city of Kashan
KasraeiRoyal, imperial
KavianiRelated to the legendary Kaviani banner
KazemiGreat, magnificent
KeshavarzFarmer, agriculturist
KhademServant, attendant
KhalajiFrom the Khalaj tribe
KhaliliFriend, companion
KhatamiSeal, finality
KhayyamTent maker
KhosraviRoyal, kingly
KhorasaniFrom the Khorasan region
KhorsandiHappy, content
KianiRoyal, of noble lineage
KianooshIntelligent, wise
KiarostamiFrom the village of Kiarostam
KohanAncient, old
KoushaHardworking, diligent
KadivarVillage headman
KaghazchiPaper maker or seller
KalhorFrom the Kalhor tribe
KamaliPerfect, complete
KamyarSuccessful friend
KananiFrom Canaan
KarbaschiCotton cloth maker or seller
KarimzadehSon of the generous one
KashaniFrom the city of Kashan
KashfiDiscoverer, explorer
KavehLegendary blacksmith
KavusiRelated to King Kavus
KazemianDescendants of Kazem
KeivaniRelated to Saturn (planet)
KermaniFrom the city of Kerman
KeshavarzianRelated to farming
KeshtkaarCultivator, farmer
KhaghaniRoyal, imperial
KhakpourSon of the soil
KhaksarHumble, modest
KhaleghiCreative, related to the creator
KhalkhaliFrom the city of Khalkhal
KhamsehFrom the Khamseh region
KhanizadehSon of the khan (leader)
KhanmohammadiSon of Khan Mohammad
KhomeiniFrom the town of Khomein
KhoroushiRoaring, thunderous
KhosravaniRoyal, princely
KhoyiFrom the city of Khoy
KiafarProud, dignified
KiakojouriFrom Kiakojour village
KiasariFrom Kiasar village
KoohkanMountain carver
KoosheshEffort, endeavor
KowsariFrom Kowsar (river in paradise)
KurdistaniFrom Kurdistan
KushkiPalace dweller
KazemnejadDescendant of Kazem
KeshtkarFarmer, cultivator
KhajehnouriLight of the master
KhakzadBorn of the soil
KhansariFrom the city of Khansar
KhorshidiSun-like, radiant
KhoshnevisGood writer
KiamaneshOf noble nature
KianbakhtOf royal fortune
KoushkiFrom the palace


These 100 Persian last names starting with K offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Iranian culture and history. From occupational titles to geographic origins, personal attributes to ancestral connections, each surname tells a unique story. These names not only serve as identifiers but also as links to Iran’s past, preserving traditions and family histories across generations. As Iran continues to evolve, these surnames remain a testament to the country’s diverse heritage, connecting modern Iranians to their roots and cultural identity. Understanding the meanings behind these names provides valuable insights into Iranian society, its values, and the enduring importance of family and lineage in Persian culture.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.