100+ Mexican Last Names That Start with O 2024

Mexican Last Names That Start with O
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Mexican surnames are a rich tapestry of history, culture, and heritage, reflecting the diverse influences that have shaped the nation over centuries. Names starting with the letter “O” represent a unique subset of this linguistic legacy, often tracing their roots to indigenous languages, Spanish colonization, and even other European influences. These surnames can provide insights into family histories, regional origins, and ancestral occupations. As we explore this collection of 100 Mexican last names beginning with O, we’ll uncover a fascinating array of meanings and origins that showcase the depth and diversity of Mexican cultural identity.


100 Mexican Last Names That Start with O

Mexican surnames starting with O encompass a wide range of origins and meanings. Some reflect geographical locations, others denote ancestral occupations, while many have roots in indigenous languages or Spanish heritage. This diverse collection of names illustrates the rich cultural tapestry of Mexico.

Last NameMeaning
ObregónFrom a place name meaning “upper region”
OcampoFrom a place name in Galicia, Spain
OchoaBasque name meaning “wolf”
OcónFrom a place name meaning “hill”
OgazónDerived from the Basque word for “stranger”
OjedaFrom a place name meaning “forest”
OlagueOf Basque origin, meaning “blacksmith’s workshop”
OlavarríaBasque name meaning “new ironworks”
OlazábalBasque name meaning “wide forge”
OlivaDerived from “olive”
OlivaresMeaning “olive groves”
OliveraRelated to olive trees
OlmedoFrom a place name meaning “elm grove”
OlmosMeaning “elm trees”
OlveraFrom a place name meaning “place of wolves”
OntiverosFrom a place name in Spain
OrdazFrom a place name in Asturias, Spain
OrdóñezPatronymic meaning “son of Ordoño”
OrellanaFrom a place name meaning “golden”
OropezaFrom a place name meaning “golden weight”
OrozcoBasque name meaning “cold water”
OrtegaMeaning “nettle plant”
OrtizPatronymic meaning “son of Ortún”
OsorioFrom a Germanic name meaning “divine spear”
OsunaFrom a place name in Andalusia, Spain
OteroMeaning “hill” or “high ground”
OvalleFrom a place name meaning “valley”
OyarzúnBasque name meaning “place of boards”
OzunaVariant of Osuna
OcañaFrom a place name in Toledo, Spain
OchoaBasque name meaning “wolf”
OcegueraDerived from “bear’s cave”
OchoaBasque name meaning “wolf”
OdriozolaBasque name meaning “place of oxen”
OgazOf Basque origin
OlacheaOf Basque origin
OlaldeBasque name meaning “side of the forge”
OlavarrietaBasque name meaning “new ironworks”
OlidenBasque name meaning “beside the forge”
OlivasRelated to olive trees
OliveiraPortuguese name meaning “olive tree”
OlmedaMeaning “elm grove”
OlmoMeaning “elm tree”
OlsenScandinavian name meaning “son of Ole”
OlveraFrom a place name meaning “place of wolves”
OnofreFrom a Greek name meaning “bearer of victory”
OquendoBasque name meaning “hill”
OrdoricaOf Basque origin
OrdoñezPatronymic meaning “son of Ordoño”
OrendainBasque name meaning “deer’s hill”
OrihuelaFrom a place name in Alicante, Spain
OrnelasFrom a place name in Portugal
OropesaFrom a place name meaning “golden weight”
OroscoVariant of Orozco
OrtaMeaning “vegetable garden”
OrtegaMeaning “nettle plant”
OrtízPatronymic meaning “son of Ortún”
OsegueraDerived from “bear’s cave”
OsornioFrom a place name in Palencia, Spain
OssaMeaning “bear”
OtáñezOf Basque origin
OteroMeaning “hill” or “high ground”
OviedoFrom a place name in Asturias, Spain
OyarzabalBasque name meaning “wide board”
OzunaVariant of Osuna
ObandoFrom a place name in Extremadura, Spain
ObesoMeaning “obese” or “corpulent”
OcañaFrom a place name in Toledo, Spain
OchoaBasque name meaning “wolf”
OcónFrom a place name meaning “hill”
OdriozolaBasque name meaning “place of oxen”
OgaldeOf Basque origin
OjangurenBasque name meaning “foot of the iron hill”
OlarraBasque name meaning “hen house”
OleaRelated to olive trees
OlguínDerived from a Germanic name meaning “holy”
OlivárezMeaning “olive groves”
OliverosRelated to olive trees
OlmedoFrom a place name meaning “elm grove”
OlmosMeaning “elm trees”
OñateBasque name meaning “foot of the hill”
OntiverosFrom a place name in Spain
OquendoBasque name meaning “hill”
OrdazFrom a place name in Asturias, Spain
OrdóñezPatronymic meaning “son of Ordoño”
OrellanaFrom a place name meaning “golden”
OrihuelaFrom a place name in Alicante, Spain
OropezaFrom a place name meaning “golden weight”
OrozcoBasque name meaning “cold water”
OrtegaMeaning “nettle plant”
OrtízPatronymic meaning “son of Ortún”
OsegueraDerived from “bear’s cave”
OsorioFrom a Germanic name meaning “divine spear”
OsunaFrom a place name in Andalusia, Spain
OteroMeaning “hill” or “high ground”
OvalleFrom a place name meaning “valley”
OyarzúnBasque name meaning “place of boards”
OzunaVariant of Osuna


This collection of 100 Mexican last names starting with O offers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Mexican heritage. From indigenous roots to Spanish influences and even traces of other European cultures, these surnames reflect the diverse history of Mexico. Each name carries with it a unique story, often tied to geographical locations, ancestral occupations, or personal characteristics. As we’ve seen, many of these names have Basque origins, highlighting the significant impact of Basque immigration on Mexican culture. Others are derived from place names in Spain or have meanings related to nature, such as trees or landforms. By understanding the origins and meanings of these names, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complex cultural identity of Mexico and the families who bear these surnames.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.