100+ Mexican Last Names That Start with N 2024

Mexican Last Names That Start with N
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Mexico has a rich cultural heritage, and this diversity is reflected in its surnames. Mexican last names often carry significant meanings, tracing back to the country’s history, indigenous roots, and Spanish influences. This article delves into a fascinating array of Mexican last names that start with the letter N. Whether you are exploring your genealogy, looking for a unique name, or simply curious about the cultural significance behind these surnames, this compilation will offer you an insightful glimpse into the heritage and meanings of these names. Enjoy this journey through the heritage embedded in 100 Mexican last names starting with N.


100 Mexican Last Names That Start with N

Exploring Mexican last names that start with the letter N reveals a blend of indigenous and Spanish influences. Each name carries a story, a piece of history, or a cultural significance that adds to the richness of Mexican heritage. Below is a table listing 100 Mexican last names starting with N, along with their meanings.

Last NameMeaning
NájeraFrom a place name in Spain
NaranjoOrange tree
NavarroFrom Navarre, a region in Spain
NazarioVariant of Nazareth
NeiraFrom a place name in Spain
NeriOf Italian origin, meaning strong
NevárezFrom a place name in Spain
NocedaFrom a place name in Spain
NogalesWalnut trees
NolascoFrom the town of Nolasco in Spain
NoriegaFrom Noriega in Spain
NúñezSon of Nuno
NarváezFrom Narváez in Spain
NajibOf Arabic origin, meaning noble
NajarFrom the Hebrew for carpenter
NanclaresFrom a place name in Spain
NapolesFrom Naples, Italy
NarroFrom a place name in Spain
NavaFrom Nava in Spain
NaverosFrom Navarre, Spain
NazaFrom Nazaré, Portugal
NegrónDark complexioned
NevárezFrom a place name in Spain
NicolauSpanish form of Nicholas
NoguerasWalnut trees
NoratoVariant of Honorato
NovoaNew house
NoveroOf Latin origin, meaning young
NuñoFrom the old Spanish for Nuno
NúñezSon of Nuño
NavarijoVariant of Navarro
NacifOf Arabic origin, meaning clean
NajarroFrom the Hebrew for carpenter
NapuriOf Quechua origin, meaning to take care
NarbonaFrom Narbonne, France
NasarreFrom a place name in Spain
NateraFrom a place name in Spain
NeiraFrom a place name in Spain
NemeFrom a place name in Lebanon
NepomucenoFrom Saint John of Nepomuk
NeriOf Italian origin, meaning strong
NetoFrom the old Spanish for clean
NevárezFrom a place name in Spain
NeyraFrom a place name in Spain
NicuesaFrom a place name in Spain
NizaFrom Nice, France
NodalNode or knot
NoguerWalnut tree
NoratoVariant of Honorato
NoyaFrom a place name in Spain
NuceteFrom a place name in Spain
NuedaOf uncertain origin
NuñoFrom the old Spanish for Nuno
NúñezSon of Nuño
NájeraFrom a place name in Spain
NaranjoOrange tree
NavarroFrom Navarre, a region in Spain
NazarioVariant of Nazareth
NeiraFrom a place name in Spain
NeriOf Italian origin, meaning strong
NevárezFrom a place name in Spain
NocedaFrom a place name in Spain
NogalesWalnut trees
NolascoFrom the town of Nolasco in Spain
NoriegaFrom Noriega in Spain
NúñezSon of Nuno
NarváezFrom Narváez in Spain
NajibOf Arabic origin, meaning noble
NajarFrom the Hebrew for carpenter
NanclaresFrom a place name in Spain
NapolesFrom Naples, Italy
NarroFrom a place name in Spain
NavaFrom Nava in Spain
NaverosFrom Navarre, Spain
NazaFrom Nazaré, Portugal
NegrónDark complexioned
NevárezFrom a place name in Spain
NicolauSpanish form of Nicholas
NoguerasWalnut trees
NoratoVariant of Honorato
NovoaNew house
NoveroOf Latin origin, meaning young
NuñoFrom the old Spanish for Nuno
NúñezSon of Nuño


The Mexican surnames starting with N offer a window into the country’s rich cultural tapestry, combining indigenous roots with Spanish influence. Each name is more than just a label; it carries with it stories, traditions, and histories passed down through generations. Whether you’re tracing your ancestry, looking for a unique name, or simply exploring cultural heritage, these names provide a captivating insight into Mexican identity. We hope this compilation has inspired you and provided a deeper understanding of the significance behind these surnames.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.