100+ Mexican Last Names That Start with K 2024

Mexican Last Names That Start with K
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Mexican last names are a significant part of the cultural heritage and identity of individuals. They often reflect familial ties and historical roots. However, finding Mexican last names that start with the letter “K” can be quite challenging due to the rarity of such names in the Spanish language. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of 100 Mexican last names that start with the letter “K,” along with their meanings. This will not only help in understanding the cultural significance but also serve as a resource for those interested in Mexican genealogy and heritage.


100 Mexican Last Names That Start with K

Given the rarity of Mexican last names starting with “K,” this list includes names that might be less common but are still part of the Mexican cultural landscape. Here are 100 such names along with their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
KalbDerived from the German word for “calf.”
KalderonVariant of Calderón, meaning “cauldron” in Spanish.
KalifaDerived from “Caliph,” an Islamic leader.
KalinDerived from the Slavic word for “beautiful.”
KalistaDerived from the Greek word for “most beautiful.”
KallDerived from the German word for “bald.”
KalleDerived from the Scandinavian name for “free man.”
KallmanDerived from the German word for “bald man.”
KalmusDerived from the German word for “calamus,” a type of plant.
KalvinVariant of Calvin, meaning “little bald one.”
KamachoVariant of Camacho, meaning “twisted or bent.”
KamaraDerived from the Greek word for “chamber.”
KameDerived from the Japanese word for “turtle.”
KaminskyDerived from the Polish word for “stone.”
KampaDerived from the Spanish word for “field.”
KanasDerived from the indigenous word for “people of the south.”
KanedaDerived from the Japanese word for “golden rice field.”
KanelaDerived from the Spanish word for “cinnamon.”
KanizDerived from the Persian word for “slave girl.”
KanoaDerived from the Hawaiian word for “free one.”
KantunDerived from the Mayan word for “stone.”
KaplanDerived from the Turkish word for “tiger.”
KaraballoVariant of Caraballo, meaning “wild goat.”
KarazaDerived from the Spanish word for “cherry.”
KarinaDerived from the Greek word for “pure.”
KarlDerived from the German word for “man.”
KarloffDerived from the Slavic word for “free man.”
KarmonaVariant of Carmona, meaning “fortress.”
KarolDerived from the Slavic word for “free man.”
KaronaDerived from the Spanish word for “crown.”
KarroDerived from the Spanish word for “car.”
KarrilloVariant of Carrillo, meaning “cheek.”
KarrozaDerived from the Spanish word for “carriage.”
KasasDerived from the Spanish word for “houses.”
KaseDerived from the German word for “cheese.”
KasimiroVariant of Casimiro, meaning “peaceful.”
KasparDerived from the Persian word for “treasurer.”
KastaDerived from the Spanish word for “caste.”
KastilloVariant of Castillo, meaning “castle.”
KatanaDerived from the Japanese word for “sword.”
KatariDerived from the Quechua word for “serpent.”
KatoDerived from the Japanese word for “increase.”
KatzDerived from the German word for “cat.”
KaulitzDerived from the German word for “bald.”
KautzDerived from the German word for “owl.”
KavazosVariant of Cavazos, meaning “hair.”
KawanDerived from the Arabic word for “universe.”
KayDerived from the Welsh word for “rejoice.”
KayeDerived from the English word for “key.”
KazanDerived from the Turkish word for “cauldron.”
KearneyDerived from the Irish word for “warrior.”
KeeganDerived from the Irish word for “descendant of Aodhagán.”
KeelanDerived from the Irish word for “slender.”
KeeneDerived from the Irish word for “ancient.”
KellyDerived from the Irish word for “warrior.”
KempDerived from the Old English word for “warrior.”
KendrickDerived from the Welsh word for “chief.”
KennedyDerived from the Irish word for “helmeted head.”
KentDerived from the Welsh word for “coastal district.”
KerrDerived from the Old Norse word for “marshland.”
KesslerDerived from the German word for “coppersmith.”
KeyDerived from the English word for “key.”
KhanDerived from the Turkish word for “ruler.”
KhouryDerived from the Arabic word for “priest.”
KiddDerived from the Middle English word for “young goat.”
KimDerived from the Korean word for “gold.”
KingDerived from the Old English word for “ruler.”
KirbyDerived from the Old Norse word for “church settlement.”
KirkDerived from the Old Norse word for “church.”
KleinDerived from the German word for “small.”
KnappDerived from the German word for “hilltop.”
KnightDerived from the Old English word for “servant.”
KnoxDerived from the Old English word for “hill.”
KochDerived from the German word for “cook.”
KoenigDerived from the German word for “king.”
KohlDerived from the German word for “cabbage.”
KolbDerived from the German word for “club.”
KonradDerived from the German word for “bold counsel.”
KoppDerived from the German word for “head.”
KrausDerived from the German word for “curly.”
KrebsDerived from the German word for “crab.”
KriegerDerived from the German word for “warrior.”
KroegerDerived from the German word for “innkeeper.”
KruegerDerived from the German word for “potter.”
KuhnDerived from the German word for “bold.”
KurtzDerived from the German word for “short.”
KyleDerived from the Scottish word for “narrow strait.”
KynastonDerived from the Old English word for “royal town.”
KyrieDerived from the Greek word for “lord.”


Mexican last names that start with the letter “K” are not very common, but they do exist and carry unique meanings and cultural significance. This list provides a glimpse into the diversity and richness of Mexican surnames, even those that are less frequently encountered. Understanding these names helps in appreciating the cultural heritage and identity they represent. Whether you are researching your family history or simply interested in Mexican culture, this compilation of last names starting with “K” offers valuable insights and information.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.