100+ Mexican Last Names That Start with A 2024

Mexican Last Names That Start with A
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Exploring the rich tapestry of Mexican heritage through last names provides fascinating insights into the country’s history and cultural diversity. Names that begin with the letter ‘A’ are particularly intriguing, often reflecting ancient traditions, occupations, and characteristics attributed to families. This article delves into 100 Mexican surnames, starting with ‘A,’ unveiling their meanings and origins. This list serves genealogical interests and enriches the understanding of linguistic and cultural evolution within Mexican society.


100 Mexican Last Names That Start with A

Mexican last names starting with the letter ‘A’ offer a window into the ancestry and societal roles of the bearers. These surnames can originate from native languages such as Nahuatl, Spanish influences, or even other European languages due to historical migrations. The meanings behind these names are as diverse as the landscapes of Mexico, ranging from occupational to descriptive, and even geographical origins.

Last NameMeaning
AcevedoFrom the grove of holly trees
AcostaFrom the coast
AguilarFrom the place of eagles
AguirreProminent, exalted
AlarcónFrom the fortress
AlbaDawn, white
AlcaláFrom the citadel
AldanaFrom the old valley
AlegríaJoy, happiness
AlmadaFrom the poplar grove
AlmanzaFrom the landmark stone
AlmonteFrom the mountain
AltamiranoFrom the high lookout
AlvaradoFrom the white place
AlvarengaFrom the alder bank
AlvarezSon of Alvaro
AmayaFrom the mother city
AndradeFrom the area of Andres
AnguianoFrom Anguiano town
AntónPriceless, inestimable
AparicioAppearance, manifestation
AraizaFrom Araiza
ArandaFrom Aranda
ArceMaple tree
ArellanoFrom Arellano
ArenasFrom the sand
ArgüelloLittle fiery one
AriasSon of Aria
ArmendárizFrom the mountain home
ArredondoFrom the rounded estate
ArreolaFrom the wheelmaker’s shop
ArriagaFrom the rocky land
ArteagaFrom the noble one
AstorgaFrom Astorga
AvalosFrom Avalos
AvendañoOld pasture land
AvilésFrom Avilés
AyalaFrom the hill
AyónFrom Ayón
AzuelaFrom the tool maker’s shop
AzuaraFrom Azuara
AcevesDescendant of knights
AcuñaFrom the water meadow
AguadoFrom the watered field
AgudoSharp, keen
AgueroOmen, sign
AgustinVenerable, consecrated
AlamilloFrom the little poplar tree
AlatorreFrom the tower
AlbarránFrom the outer barrier
AlcarazFrom Alcaraz
AlcocerFrom Alcocer
AldereteFrom the elder tree area
AlmaguerFrom the granary
AlmazánFrom Almazán
AlmedaFrom the poplar tree
AlmodóvarFrom the round place
AlonsoReady for battle
AltamiraFrom the high view
AltarAltar, high place
AlvarGuardian of all
AlvearFrom the poplar grove
AnchondoFrom the deep water
AndaluzFrom Andalusia
AndrésManly, brave
AnzaldoFrom Anzaldo
AparicioAppearance, manifestation
ApodacaFrom Apodaca
AragónFrom Aragon
ArambulaFrom the bower
AraujoFrom Araujo
ArcosFrom the arches
ArechigaFrom the arechiga plant area
ArenazaFrom the big sand area
ArgoteFrom the Argote area
ArguelloSmall, fiery one
AriaAria, melody
ArizmendiFrom the old mountain
ArmentaFrom the arms
ArredondoFrom the rounded estate
ArrolloFrom the stream
ArvizuFrom Arvizu
AstudilloFrom the little star
AviñaFrom Aviña
AyónFrom Ayón
AzamarFrom Azamar
AzañaFrom the clearing
AznarFrom Aznar


This exploration of Mexican last names beginning with ‘A’ reveals the deep-rooted connections between names and the geographic, historical, and cultural identities of families. Understanding these names enriches our appreciation of the diversity and cultural heritage that shapes individuals and communities. Whether for genealogical research, cultural exploration, or simple curiosity, the stories behind these surnames are a compelling part of Mexico’s vibrant cultural mosaic.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.