Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Last names, or surnames, are an integral part of our identity, often carrying historical, cultural, and familial significance. Surnames that start with “Sa” are particularly interesting due to their diverse origins and meanings. These names can be found in various cultures around the world, each with its unique story. From common names like Sanders and Sanchez to more unique ones like Sabourin and Sacchetti, last names beginning with “Sa” offer a fascinating glimpse into the past and present of family lineages. This article explores the origins, meanings, and notable examples of last names starting with “Sa.”
18 Popular Last Names That Start with Sa
Popular last names often have widespread recognition and usage. Here are 18 popular last names that start with “Sa,” along with their meanings.
Last Name | Meaning |
Saab | Possibly from the Arabic given name Sabah |
Saad | From the Arabic given name Sa’d |
Saade | Lucky (Arabic origin) |
Saalfeld | Manor field (German) |
Saam | Seed (German) or ethnic people of Scandinavia (Swedish) |
Saar | Island (Estonian) |
Saari | Island (Finnish) |
Saarinen | Island dweller (Finnish) |
Saas | Settler or newcomer (German) |
Saavedra | Main house, old (Galician) |
Sabah | Morning (Arabic or Turkish) |
Sabala | Tailor (Slovak) |
Sabatelli | Born on Saturday (Italian) |
Sabatier | Shoemaker (French) |
Sabatini | Born on Saturday (Italian) |
Sabato | Saturday (Italian) |
Sabbagh | Dyer (Arabic) |
Sabbatini | Born on Saturday (Italian) |
18 Awesome Last Names That Start with Sa
Awesome last names often have a unique flair or interesting background. Here are 18 awesome last names that start with “Sa.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Sabel | Sable, black (German) |
Sabella | From Isabella (Italian) |
Saber | Patient (Arabic) |
Sabia | Wise (Italian) |
Sabin | Sabine people (Latin) |
Sabine | From the Sabine people (English) |
Sabino | From the Sabine region (Italian) |
Sable | Black (French) |
Sabo | Shoemaker (Hungarian) |
Sabol | Tailor (Slovak) |
Sabourin | From Savoy (French) |
Sacca | Bag maker (Italian) |
Sacco | Maker of sacks (Italian) |
Sachs | From Saxony (German) |
Sackman | Bag carrier (German) |
Sacks | From Saxony (German) |
Sackett | From Sacqueville (Norman French) |
Sackville | From Saqueneville (Norman French) |
18 Common Last Names That Start with Sa
Common last names are frequently encountered and widely recognized. Here are 18 common last names that start with “Sa.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Sacre | Sacred (French) |
Sadler | Maker of saddles (English) |
Sadowski | From Sadowi (Polish) |
Saeger | Sawyer (German) |
Saetern | Farm (Norwegian) |
Safar | Traveler (Arabic) |
Saffer | Glutton (French) or from a deep depression (German) |
Saffold | From the willow field (English) |
Safford | From the ford by the willow trees (English) |
Safi | Pure (Arabic) |
Safir | Sapphire (German) |
Safran | Saffron (Hebrew) |
Sagan | Maker of pots and pans (Polish) |
Sage | Wise (English) |
Sager | Sawyer (German) |
Saghir | Small, young (Arabic) |
Sagona | From Sagona, Corsica (Italian) |
Sahai | Helper (Hindi) |
18 Unique Last Names That Start with Sa
Unique last names stand out due to their rarity or distinctive sound. Here are 18 unique last names that start with “Sa.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Sahakian | Son of Isaac (Armenian) |
Sahin | Falcon (Turkish) |
Sahm | Seed merchant (German) |
Sai | Rhinoceros (Chinese) |
Saidi | Happy (Arabic) |
Sailer | Rope maker (German) |
Saindon | From Saint-Don (French) |
Saint | Holy or blameless (Old French) |
Saint-Amand | From Saint-Amand (French) |
Saito | Purification or wisteria (Japanese) |
Sajdak | Quiver maker (Polish) |
Sak | Sack maker (Polish) |
Sakai | Border (Japanese) |
Sakamoto | One who lives at the bottom of the slope (Japanese) |
Sakellaridis | Bag maker (Greek) |
Sakellarios | Treasurer (Greek) |
Saker | Falcon trainer (English) |
Sakuma | Rice field (Japanese) |
18 Prettiest Last Names That Start with Sa
Prettiest last names often have a melodic sound or pleasant association. Here are 18 prettiest last names that start with “Sa.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Sakurai | Cherry blossom (Japanese) |
Sala | Hall (Italian) |
Salaam | Peace (Arabic) |
Saladin | Righteousness of faith (Arabic) |
Salah | Righteousness (Arabic) |
Salama | Safety (Arabic) |
Salamanca | From Salamanca, Spain (Spanish) |
Salamon | Peaceful (Hungarian) |
Salas | Halls (Spanish) |
Salazar | Old hall (Basque/Spanish) |
Salcedo | Willow tree (Spanish) |
Salcido | From a willow grove (Spanish) |
Saldana | From Saldaña, Spain (Spanish) |
Sale | Hall (English) |
Salem | Peace (Arabic) |
Salerno | From Salerno, Italy (Italian) |
Sales | Halls (Spanish) |
Salinas | Salt flats (Spanish) |
18 Adorable Last Names That Start with Sa
Adorable last names often evoke a sense of charm or endearment. Here are 18 adorable last names that start with “Sa.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Salisbury | From Salisbury, England (English) |
Salleh | Righteous (Arabic) |
Salley | From the willow meadow (English) |
Salling | From Salling, Denmark (Danish) |
Sallis | From the manor house (English) |
Salloway | From the willow way (English) |
Salmon | Peaceful (French) |
Salomon | Peaceful (French/German/Jewish) |
Salter | Salt maker or seller (English) |
Saltzman | Salt merchant (German/Jewish) |
Salvador | Savior (Spanish/Portuguese) |
Salvage | Wild, uncouth (English) |
Salvaggio | Wild (Italian) |
Salvatore | Savior (Italian) |
Salvi | Safe (Italian) |
Salvia | Sage (Italian) |
Salvini | Little savior (Italian) |
Salvo | Safe (Italian) |
18 Beautiful Last Names That Start with Sa
Beautiful last names often have an elegant sound or meaning. Here are 18 beautiful last names that start with “Sa.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Salzman | Salt merchant (German/Jewish) |
Sam | Son of Samuel (English) |
Samad | Eternal (Arabic) |
Samara | Saddle maker (Greek) |
Samaras | Saddler (Greek) |
Sambrook | Sandy brook (English) |
Sammons | Son of Simon (English) |
Samoilov | Son of Samuel (Russian) |
Sampedro | Saint Peter (Spanish) |
Sampson | Sun or service (English/French) |
Sams | Son of Samuel (English) |
Samson | Sun or service (English/French) |
Samuel | Name of God (English/Welsh/French/Jewish) |
Samuels | Son of Samuel (English) |
Samuelson | Son of Samuel (English) |
Sanborn | Sandy stream (English) |
Sanches | Son of Sancho (Portuguese) |
Sanchez | Son of Sancho (Spanish) |
18 Modern Last Names That Start with Sa
Modern last names often have contemporary usage or associations. Here are 18 modern last names that start with “Sa.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Sanchis | Son of Sancho (Catalan) |
Sancho | Saint (Spanish) |
Sandberg | Sand mountain (Swedish/Norwegian/Jewish) |
Sandel | Little Alexander (German) |
Sander | Defender of mankind (German/Danish) |
Sanders | Son of Alexander (English) |
Sanderson | Son of Alexander (English) |
Sandhu | Descendant of Sandhu (Punjabi) |
Sandin | From the sandy area (Swedish) |
Sandler | Sandal maker (German/Jewish) |
Sandoval | From Sandoval, Spain (Spanish) |
Sands | From sandy ground (English) |
Sandstrom | Sand stream (Swedish) |
Sandy | From the sandy area (Scottish) |
Sanford | Sand ford (English) |
Sanger | Singer (German) |
Sangster | Singer or chanter (English/Scottish) |
Sani | Exalted (Arabic) |
18 Famous Last Names That Start with Sa
Famous last names are often associated with well-known individuals or families. Here are 18 famous last names that start with “Sa.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Sanjuan | Saint John (Spanish) |
Sanna | Tusk or fang (Italian) |
Sano | Help field (Japanese) |
Sansom | Son of Samson (English) |
Santana | From a place named after Saint Anna (Spanish/Portuguese) |
Santangelo | Saint Angel (Italian) |
Santiago | Saint James (Spanish/Portuguese) |
Santillan | From Saint Julian (Spanish) |
Santini | Little saint (Italian) |
Santo | Saint (Italian) |
Santoro | All saint’s day (Italian) |
Santos | Saint (Portuguese/Spanish) |
Santucci | Little saint (Italian) |
Sanz | Son of Sancho (Spanish) |
Sappington | From Sapperton, soap maker’s town (English) |
Sarabia | From Sarabia, Spain (Spanish) |
Saracino | Saracen, Arab (Italian) |
Saragossa | From Zaragoza, Spain (Spanish) |
18 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with Sa
Gorgeous last names that start with “Sa” often have an elegant and sophisticated sound. These names can evoke a sense of beauty and refinement.
Last Name | Meaning |
Sarah | Princess (Hebrew) |
Saraiva | Bramble (Portuguese) |
Sarandon | From Saint-Rendon (French) |
Sarasin | Saracen (French) |
Saraswat | Eloquent (Sanskrit) |
Sargent | Servant (English) |
Sarkisian | Son of Sarkis (Armenian) |
Sarmiento | Vine shoot (Spanish) |
Sarna | Deer (Polish) |
Sarno | From Sarno, Italy (Italian) |
Sartain | Tailor (French) |
Sartor | Tailor (Italian/German) |
Sartori | Tailor (Italian) |
Sasaki | Small peninsula (Japanese) |
Sasser | Saxon (German) |
Sasso | Stone (Italian) |
Satchell | Bag or satchel maker (English) |
Sato | Help wisteria (Japanese) |
Last names that start with “Sa” encompass a rich tapestry of cultural and historical narratives. Whether derived from occupations, geographical locations, or personal characteristics, these surnames provide valuable insights into the lives and societies of our ancestors. They serve as a link to our heritage and a reminder of the diverse paths that have shaped our identities. As we continue to explore and understand these names, we not only honor our past but also enrich our present and future connections. The study of surnames like those starting with “Sa” is a testament to the enduring legacy of human history and its impact on our identities.