160+ Last Names That Start with Mc [Meaning Included]

Last Names That Start with Mc
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Last names beginning with “Mc” have a rich history deeply rooted in Scottish and Irish heritage. The prefix “Mc” or “Mac” originates from the Gaelic word “mac,” meaning “son of,” and was traditionally used to denote patrilineal descent. These surnames reflect the complex tapestry of Celtic culture, clan systems, and family lineages that have endured for centuries. From the rugged highlands of Scotland to the emerald fields of Ireland, Mc surnames have spread across the globe, carried by generations of emigrants seeking new opportunities. Today, these names continue to evoke a sense of pride and connection to ancestral roots for millions worldwide.

16 Popular Last Names That Start with Mc

Popular last names often have widespread recognition and usage. Here are 16 popular last names that start with “Mc,” along with their meanings.

Last NameMeaning
McCabeSon of Cabe
McCaffertySon of the prosperous one
McCaffreySon of the wealthy one
McCaigSon of the hawker or peddler
McCallSon of the battle chief
McCallionSon of the powerful warrior
McCallumSon of the dove
McCalmontSon of the bald mountain
McCambridgeSon of the crooked one
McCandlessSon of the fearless one
McCannSon of the hound of battle
McCarneySon of the victorious one
McCarthySon of the loving one
McCartySon of the watchful one
McCauleySon of the noble one
McCauslandSon of the victorious land

16 Awesome Last Names That Start with Mc

Awesome last names often have a unique flair or interesting background. Here are 16 awesome last names that start with “Mc.”

Last NameMeaning
McClainSon of the servant of John
McClaneSon of the religious man
McClarenSon of the servant of Lawrence
McClarySon of the clerk or scribe
McClearySon of the cleric or clerk
McClellanSon of the servant of Saint Fillan
McClellandSon of the servant of Saint Fillan
McClendonSon of the servant of the hill
McClintockSon of the red-haired one
McCloskeySon of the adroit one
McClureSon of the red-haired warrior
McClusterSon of the engraver
McCollumSon of the dove
McConaugheySon of the hound of the plain
McConnellSon of the chieftain
McCordSon of the guardian

16 Common Last Names That Start with Mc

Common last names are frequently encountered and widely recognized. Here are 16 common last names that start with “Mc.”

Last NameMeaning
McCormackSon of the charioteer
McCormickSon of the charioteer
McCoySon of the fiery one
McCrackenSon of the cracked
McCraeSon of prosperity
McCraySon of prosperity
McCreadySon of the red-haired one
McCreeSon of the heart
McCrorySon of the rosy-cheeked one
McCueSon of the fire
McCullaghSon of the strong man
McCullenSon of the holly
McCulloughSon of the Viking
McCullySon of the woodsman
McCurdySon of the skilled one
McCuskerSon of the caster or thrower

16 Unique Last Names That Start with Mc

Unique last names stand out due to their rarity or distinctive sound. Here are 16 unique last names that start with “Mc.”

Last NameMeaning
McCutcheonSon of the raven’s son
McDanielSon of Daniel
McDermottSon of the free man
McDonaldSon of Donald
McDonnellSon of Donald
McDougalSon of Dougal
McDougallSon of Dougal
McDowellSon of the black stranger
McEachernSon of the horse lord
McElroySon of the red-haired servant
McFaddenSon of the little fierce one
McFarlandSon of the far land
McFarlaneSon of the far land
McGeeSon of Aodh
McGillSon of the foreigner
McGinnSon of the birth

16 Prettiest Last Names That Start with Mc

Prettiest last names often have a melodic sound or pleasant association. Here are 16 prettiest last names that start with “Mc.”

Last NameMeaning
McGinnisSon of the fair-haired one
McGovernSon of the blacksmith
McGowanSon of the blacksmith
McGrathSon of grace
McGregorSon of Gregory
McGuckinSon of the blacksmith
McHughSon of Hugh
McIntireSon of the craftsman
McIntoshSon of the leader
McIntyreSon of the carpenter
McKaySon of the fire
McKeeSon of Aodh
McKennaSon of the handsome one
McKenzieSon of Kenneth
McKibbenSon of the white-haired one
McKillopSon of Philip

16 Adorable Last Names That Start with Mc

Adorable last names often evoke a sense of charm or endearment. Here are 16 adorable last names that start with “Mc.”

Last NameMeaning
McKinleySon of the fair hero
McKinneySon of the fair one
McKittrickSon of the wise ruler
McKnightSon of the knight
McLachlanSon of the lake
McLainSon of the servant
McLarenSon of the servant
McLaughlinSon of Lochlann
McLaurinSon of Lawrence
McLeanSon of the servant of John
McLellanSon of the servant
McLemoreSon of the great man
McMahonSon of the bear
McManusSon of Manus
McMasterSon of the master
McMillanSon of the miller

16 Beautiful Last Names That Start with Mc

Beautiful last names often have an elegant sound or meaning. Here are 16 beautiful last names that start with “Mc.”

Last NameMeaning
McMillenSon of the miller
McNabbSon of the abbot
McNallySon of the poor man
McNameeSon of the nameless one
McNamaraSon of the hound of the sea
McNealSon of Neil
McNeelySon of the passionate one
McNultySon of the cloud
McPhersonSon of the parson
McQueenSon of the kind
McQuillanSon of the hound of valor
McRaeSon of grace
McShaneSon of John
McSorleySon of the chief
McTavishSon of Tavish
McVaySon of the junior

16 Modern Last Names That Start with Mc

Modern last names often have contemporary usage or associations. Here are 16 modern last names that start with “Mc.”

Last NameMeaning
McVeySon of the lively one
McWilliamsSon of William
McAdamsSon of Adam
McAllisterSon of Alistair
McBainSon of the fair-born
McBrideSon of the servant of Bridget
McCabeSon of the helmeted man
McCaddonSon of the holy one
McCarronSon of the spearman
McCarterSon of the guardian of the cart
McChristianSon of the follower of Christ
McCleodSon of the ugly man
McClungSon of the stronghold
McCormishSon of the servant of Saint Michael
McCoySon of Hugh
McCurdySon of the herder

16 Famous Last Names That Start with Mc

Famous last names are often associated with well-known individuals or families. Here are 16 famous last names that start with “Mc.”

Last NameMeaning
McDermondSon of the deep valley
McElhaneySon of the old warrior
McFateSon of fate
McGillicuddySon of the hazel-headed one
McGlassonSon of the green grass
McGlothlinSon of the little gray one
McGlynnSon of the glen
McGruderSon of the embracer
McHaleSon of the saltwater
McIlwainSon of the youthful one
McInerneySon of the lord
McIverSon of the bow army
McKaySon of fire
McKellarSon of the bright-headed one
McKendrickSon of Henry
McKimSon of the ruler

16 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with Mc

Gorgeous last names that start with “Mc” often have an elegant and sophisticated sound. These names can evoke a sense of beauty and refinement.

Last NameMeaning
McKinnonSon of the fair born
McKinstrySon of the industrious one
McKissackSon of Isaac
McLaneSon of the warrior
McMahonSon of the monk
McMillionSon of the big hero
McNairSon of the heir
McNamaraSon of the sea warrior
McNarySon of the horseman
McNealSon of Neil
McNeeseSon of the passionate one
McNicholasSon of Nicholas
McPheeSon of the dark-skinned man
McPhersonSon of the parson
McQuadeSon of the gentle
McQuarrieSon of the proud


The enduring popularity of Mc surnames speaks to the lasting impact of Scottish and Irish cultural heritage on the global stage. These names serve as living links to a rich past, connecting modern individuals to ancestral traditions and histories. While the clan systems that gave rise to many Mc surnames have largely faded, the names themselves continue to evolve and adapt in our multicultural world. Whether it’s McCarthy, McDonald, or McKenzie, these surnames carry with them stories of resilience, migration, and cultural preservation. As we move forward, Mc surnames stand as proud testaments to the enduring legacy of Celtic heritage and the complex tapestry of human genealogy.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.