100+ Hispanic Last Names That Start With O [Meaning Included]

Hispanic Last Names That Start with O
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Hispanic surnames reflect a rich cultural heritage that spans continents and centuries. Last names beginning with the letter O represent a diverse subset of Hispanic family names, encompassing origins from Spain, Latin America, and beyond. These surnames often carry deep historical significance, sometimes indicating ancestral occupations, geographical origins, or familial lineages. Understanding the meanings and origins of Hispanic last names starting with O provides insight into the complex tapestry of Hispanic culture and identity. This exploration will delve into 100 such surnames, offering a glimpse into the fascinating world of Hispanic nomenclature.


100 Hispanic Last Names That Start with O

Hispanic last names beginning with O showcase the diversity and richness of Hispanic heritage. These surnames often have roots in Spanish, Portuguese, or indigenous languages of Latin America. Many reflect geographical origins, occupations of ancestors, or physical characteristics. The following table presents 100 Hispanic last names starting with O, along with their meanings, providing a fascinating glimpse into Hispanic cultural history and family legacies.

Last NameMeaning
ObandoDescendant of Obando
ObregónFrom the place of steep banks
OcampoFrom the field
OcónDerived from oak
OjedaSon of Ojedo
OlivaOlive tree
OlivaresOlive groves
OliveiraOlive tree (Portuguese)
OlmedoElm grove
OlmoElm tree
OlveraWolf’s lair
OntiverosFrom Ontiveros, Spain
OrdóñezSon of Ordoño
OrellanaFrom Orellana, Spain
OrozcoFrom Orozco, Spain
OrtegaFrom the nettle patch
OrtizSon of Ortún
OvalleFrom the valley
OviedoFrom Oviedo, Spain
OyarzunPlace of the board
OzunaFrom Ozuna, Spain
OñateAt the foot of the hill
OcañaFrom Ocaña, Spain
OdriozolaPlace of the cart track
OgandoDescendant of Ogando
OlazábalWide blacksmith shop
OlidFrom Olid, Spain
OliveraOlive grove
OlmedoElm grove
OquendoPlace at the end
OrdazSon of Ordaz
OrdoñezSon of Ordoño
OrduñaFrom Orduña, Spain
OrellanaFrom Orellana, Spain
OrihuelaFrom Orihuela, Spain
OrtegaFrom the nettle patch
OrtegoFrom the nettle patch
OrtízSon of Ortún
OsegueraPlace of the ossuary
OsunaFrom Osuna, Spain
OtáloraPlace above the smithy
OtáñezSon of Otáñez
OvelarSheep herder
OvandoDescendant of Ovando
OyarzábalWide blacksmith shop
OzoresFrom Ozores, Spain
OchandoWolf cub
OchotorenaPlace of eight springs
OjangurenFoot of the yew tree
OlavarríaNew blacksmith shop
OlcinaKitchen garden
OleaOlive grove
OlivaOlive tree
OlivaresOlive groves
OlivenciaFrom Olivenza, Spain
OliveraOlive grove
OlloquiPlace of oats
OlmedillaSmall elm grove
OnaindiaPlace of the good ford
OndateguiPlace at the foot of the path
OnrubiaPlace of the madder plant
OquendoPlace at the end
OrbegozoUpper cold place
OrdialesBarley fields
OrdoricaHigh place
OrdovasFrom Ordovás, Spain
OrdóñezSon of Ordoño
OrejuelaLittle ear
OrellanaFrom Orellana, Spain
OrenesFrom Orense, Spain
OrihuelaFrom Orihuela, Spain
OrmaecheaHouse in the wall
OropesaFrom Oropesa, Spain
OrozcoFrom Orozco, Spain
OrregoJuniper tree
OrtegaFrom the nettle patch
OrtegoFrom the nettle patch
OrtizSon of Ortún
OsunaFrom Osuna, Spain
OtónOf Teutonic origin
OyarzunPlace of the board


Hispanic last names beginning with O offer a fascinating window into the rich cultural tapestry of Spanish-speaking communities worldwide. These surnames carry with them stories of ancestral origins, occupations, and geographical connections that have been passed down through generations. From Obando to Oyarzun, each name represents a unique family history and cultural legacy. Understanding the meanings behind these names not only enriches our appreciation of Hispanic heritage but also highlights the diverse influences that have shaped Hispanic identity over centuries. As we explore these surnames, we gain valuable insights into the complex and vibrant mosaic of Hispanic culture.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.