100+ Hispanic Last Names That Start with H [Meaning Included]

Hispanic Last Names That Start with H
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Hispanic last names that start with the letter H offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of Spanish-speaking communities. These surnames, often steeped in history and tradition, reflect diverse origins ranging from patronymics and occupations to geographical features and personal characteristics. As we explore this collection of Hispanic surnames beginning with H, we embark on a journey through time, tracing the linguistic and cultural influences that have shaped these family names. From the widely recognized Hernandez to lesser-known gems like Huidobro, each name tells a unique story of heritage and identity.


100 Hispanic Last Names That Start with H

Hispanic surnames beginning with H encompass a wide array of origins and meanings. Many of these names have roots in Spanish, Portuguese, and indigenous languages of Latin America. Some are patronymic, derived from given names, while others are toponymic, referring to places of origin. Occupational surnames and those describing personal characteristics are also common. Here’s a comprehensive list of 100 Hispanic last names starting with H, along with their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
HernandezSon of Hernando
HerreraBlacksmith or iron worker
HidalgoNobleman or gentleman
HuertaOrchard or garden
HurtadoStolen or orphaned
HenriquezSon of Henrique
HaroFrom the town of Haro
HermosoHandsome or beautiful
HinojosaPlace of fennel
HerediaInherited estate
HolguinRelaxed or at ease
HoyosHoles or hollows
HigueraFig tree
HortaGarden or orchard
HuertasGardens or orchards
HuergoFrom the village of Huergo
HuescaFrom the city of Huesca
HerasThreshing floors
Hurtado de MendozaCompound name: stolen/orphaned of Mendoza
HenestrosaPlace of broom plants
HerranFrom the village of Herrán
HinojosKnees or fennel
HorcajoFork in the road
HorcajadaForked or Y-shaped
HormazabalWall of the valley
HornedoPlace of ovens
HortigosaPlace of nettles
HoyoHole or hollow
HozSickle or gorge
HualdeLow land
HuamaniHawk (Quechua origin)
HuapayaSacred stone (Quechua origin)
HuarancaThousand (Quechua origin)
HuarcayaSling or to hang (Quechua origin)
HuayhuaTo carry (Quechua origin)
HuelgaStrike or holiday
Huerta-MercadoCompound name: garden-market
HuidobroFrom the village of Huidobro
HumalaTo level or flatten (Quechua origin)
HumanesFrom the town of Humanes
Hurtado de BarreraCompound name: stolen/orphaned of Barrera
Hurtado de ZaldivarCompound name: stolen/orphaned of Zaldivar
HusseyDerived from the French “Houssaye” (holly grove)
HectorHolder or possessor (Greek origin)
HelgueraPlace of ferns
HenaoFrom the region of Hainaut
Heredia-VazquezCompound name: inherited estate-Vazquez
HernandesVariant of Hernandez
HerradorFarrier or blacksmith
HerranzSon of Herrando
HerrejonSmall blacksmith
Herrero-LopezCompound name: blacksmith-Lopez
Hidalgo-GatoCompound name: nobleman-cat
HierrezueloSmall iron
HiginioHealthy (Greek origin)
HilarioCheerful or merry
HipólitoFreer of horses (Greek origin)
Holguín-VerasCompound name: relaxed-truths
HorcasitasLittle forks
HormazábalWall of the valley (Basque origin)
HornillosSmall ovens
Horta-OsorioCompound name: garden-bear
HoyuelaSmall hole
HuacujaUnknown (possibly indigenous origin)
HuamanchumoPriest’s head (Quechua origin)
HuancasRock or stone (Quechua origin)
Huapaya-CabreraCompound name: sacred stone-goatherd
HuarachiSandal (Aymara origin)
Huarcaya-QuispeCompound name: sling-crystal
HuayhuacaUnknown (possibly Quechua origin)
HuaynalayaUnknown (possibly Quechua origin)
Huergo-FernandezCompound name: from Huergo-son of Fernando
Huertas-GarciaCompound name: gardens-son of Garcia
HueteFrom the city of Huete
HuezoUnknown (possibly indigenous origin)
HuiciUpper part (Basque origin)
Huidobro-RoaCompound name: from Huidobro-Roa
Hurtado-CaroCompound name: stolen/orphaned-dear
Hurtado-GomezCompound name: stolen/orphaned-son of Gome
Hurtado-PerezCompound name: stolen/orphaned-son of Pedro
Hurtado-SotoCompound name: stolen/orphaned-grove
Hurtado-SuarezCompound name: stolen/orphaned-son of Suero
HusainHandsome (Arabic origin)
Hurtado-ValdezCompound name: stolen/orphaned-of the valley
Hurtado-VenegasCompound name: stolen/orphaned-from Venegas
Hurtado-ZavalaCompound name: stolen/orphaned-wide plain


As we conclude our exploration of Hispanic last names starting with H, we are reminded of the intricate web of history, culture, and language that these surnames represent. Each name carries within it a story of migration, family lineage, and cultural identity. From the widespread Hernandez to the unique Huidobro, these surnames serve as linguistic bridges connecting past and present, offering insights into the diverse heritage of Spanish-speaking communities worldwide. As we continue to celebrate and preserve these names, we honor the rich tapestry of Hispanic culture and the enduring legacy of those who came before us.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.