100+ Hispanic Last Names That Start With A [Meaning Included]

Hispanic Last Names That Start with A
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Hispanic last names carry rich histories and cultural significance, often reflecting the geographical, occupational, or familial origins of the individuals who bear them. Names that start with the letter “A” are particularly diverse, showcasing a variety of influences from Spanish, Basque, and other Iberian cultures. These surnames not only serve as identifiers but also connect individuals to their ancestral roots and heritage. In this article, we will explore 100 Hispanic last names that start with the letter “A,” delving into their meanings and origins to better understand the stories they tell.


100 Hispanic Last Names That Start with A

Hispanic surnames beginning with “A” encompass a wide range of meanings, from geographical locations to personal characteristics. Below is a comprehensive list of 100 such last names, along with their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AbadAbbot or priest
AbadiaAbbey or monastery
AbajoBelow or lower
AbalosPoplar tree
AbascalFrom the place of Abascal
AbregoOpen space or pasture
AbrilApril (springtime)
AcevedoGrove of holly trees
AcevesVariant of Acevedo
AcostaFrom the coast
AcuñaFrom the place of Acuña
AdamesDescendant of Adam
AdanMan or earth
AguadoWatered or irrigated land
AgueroProminent or exposed place
AguilarEagle’s lair
AguinisFrom the place of Aguinis
AlanisFrom the place of Alanis
AlbaDawn or white
AlbaceteFrom the place of Albacete
AlbarranFrom the place of Albarran
AlbornozFrom the place of Albornoz
AlcalaFortress or castle
AldanaFrom the place of Aldana
AlegriaJoy or happiness
AlejandroDefender of mankind
AlfonzoNoble and ready
AliagaFrom the place of Aliaga
AlmazanFrom the place of Almazan
AlonsoNoble and ready
AlonzoVariant of Alonso
AltamiranoHigh place
AlvarezSon of Alvaro
AmadorLover or beloved
AmayaFrom the place of Amaya
AmbrizFrom the place of Ambriz
AnayaFrom the place of Anaya
AndradeFrom the place of Andrade
AnguloAngle or corner
AparicioAppearance or apparition
ApodacaFrom the place of Apodaca
AragonFrom the region of Aragon
AranaValley or grove
ArandaFrom the place of Aranda
ArceMaple tree
ArellanoFrom the place of Arellano
ArenalSandy place
ArevaloFrom the place of Arevalo
ArgüelloFrom the place of Argüello
AriasFarmer or plowman
ArizaFrom the place of Ariza
ArmasWeapons or arms
ArmentaHerd or flock
ArmijoLittle arm
ArredondoRound or circular place
ArriagaFrom the place of Arriaga
ArriolaFrom the place of Arriola
ArteagaFrom the place of Arteaga
ArzolaFrom the place of Arzola
AsencioAscension or rise
AstorgaFrom the place of Astorga
AtencioAttention or care
AvalosFrom the place of Avalos
AvilaFrom the city of Avila
AyalaHillside or slope
AyonFrom the place of Ayon
AzarChance or luck
AznarShepherd or guardian
AzpeitiaFrom the place of Azpeitia
AzuaFrom the place of Azua
AzucenaLily flower


The exploration of Hispanic last names beginning with “A” reveals a fascinating tapestry of cultural, geographical, and historical influences. These surnames not only serve as personal identifiers but also as connections to ancestral lands and professions. Understanding the meanings behind these names enriches our appreciation of Hispanic heritage and the diverse stories embedded within each surname. Whether derived from nature, occupations, or locations, these names continue to carry the legacy of the past into the present, reflecting the enduring significance of family and identity in Hispanic culture.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.