100+ Persian Last Names That Start With O [Meaning Included]

Persian Last Names That Start with O
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Persian surnames offer a fascinating glimpse into Iran’s rich cultural tapestry, reflecting the country’s history, geography, and social structures. While last names starting with ‘O’ are less common in Persian nomenclature, they still represent a diverse array of meanings and origins. These surnames can be derived from occupations, places, personal characteristics, or ancestral lineages. Understanding these names provides insight into Persian family histories and the complex interplay of cultural influences that have shaped Iranian society over centuries. This collection of 100 Persian last names beginning with ‘O’ showcases the linguistic diversity and cultural richness of Iranian heritage.


100 Persian Last Names That Start with O

Persian last names starting with ‘O’ encompass a wide range of meanings, from geographical locations to professions and personal attributes. These surnames often have deep historical roots, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Iran and its people. While less common than surnames beginning with other letters, ‘O’ names still represent an important part of Persian onomastics.

Last NameMeaning
OstadiMaster or expert
OstadTeacher or master
OstovarReliable or steadfast
OmraniRelated to development or construction
OlfatiAffectionate or kind
OrdoubadiFrom Ordubad (a city in Azerbaijan)
OskoueiFrom Oskoo (a city in Iran)
OstovariStability or firmness
OroojiAscending or rising
OlumiRelated to sciences
OroujiRelated to ascension
OsuliPrincipled or fundamental
OzgoliFrom Ozgol (a village in Iran)
OveissiFollower of Oveys Qarani (a Muslim saint)
OjaghiRelated to fireplace or family
OrdookhaniFrom Ordookhan (a place name)
OmoomiPublic or general
OwjiRelated to pinnacle or summit
OrdoobadiFrom Ordubad (a city in Azerbaijan)
OstadkarMaster craftsman
OstovanPillar or support
OtaredianRelated to the planet Mercury
OveisiRelated to Oveys (a name)
OrdoubadiFrom Ordubad (a city in Azerbaijan)
OskooeiFrom Oskoo (a city in Iran)
OstadiMastery or expertise
OstadpourSon of a master
OstadzadehChild of a teacher
Ostad-RahimiMaster Rahimi
Osouli-TehraniPrincipled person from Tehran
OwliaeiRelated to saints or guardians
OzmaeiGreat or grand
OrdokhaniFrom Ordokhan (a place name)
OmidianDescendants of Omid
OroumchiFrom Urumqi (a city in China)
OskooiFrom Oskoo (a city in Iran)
OstadaliMaster Ali
OstadhassanMaster Hassan
OwhadiUnited or unified
OzgoliFrom Ozgol (a village in Iran)
OrdoobadiFrom Ordubad (a city in Azerbaijan)
OstadahmadiMaster Ahmadi
OstadmohammadiMaster Mohammadi
OstadnejadOf master lineage
OstadpashaMaster Pasha
OstadsharifMaster Sharif
OstadzadeChild of a master
OveyssianFollower of Oveys
Ozar-HoshangFire of Hoshang
Ostad-EbrahimMaster Ebrahim
Ostad-GholiMaster Gholi
Ostad-HosseinMaster Hossein
Ostad-JafarMaster Jafar
Ostad-KarimMaster Karim
Ostad-MahmoudMaster Mahmoud
Ostad-RezaMaster Reza
Ostad-SafarMaster Safar
Ostad-ValiMaster Vali
OstadaghaMaster Agha
OstadghaffarMaster Ghaffar
OstadghafourMaster Ghafour
OstadhadiMaster Hadi
OstadhamidMaster Hamid
OstadjavadMaster Javad
OstadkazemMaster Kazem
OstadkhosroMaster Khosro
OstadmajidMaster Majid
OstadmehdiMaster Mehdi
OstadmoradMaster Morad
OstadmortezaMaster Morteza
OstadnaderMaster Nader
OstadnaserMaster Naser
OstadrahimMaster Rahim
OstadrashidMaster Rashid
OstadsadeghMaster Sadegh
OstadsaeedMaster Saeed
OstadsalehMaster Saleh
OstadsamadMaster Samad
OstadshabanMaster Shaban
OstadyahyaMaster Yahya
OstadyousefMaster Yousef
OstadzamanMaster Zaman
OwhadianUnited ones
OzanianGreat ones


This collection of 100 Persian last names starting with ‘O’ demonstrates the rich linguistic and cultural heritage of Iran. Each surname carries its own unique story, often reflecting the family’s ancestral origins, professions, or notable characteristics. From Oghabi, meaning “eagle-like,” to Ozgur, meaning “free,” these names paint a vivid picture of Persian culture and history. They serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of Iranian civilization and the diverse influences that have shaped it over millennia. As we explore these names, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complex tapestry of Persian identity and the importance of names in preserving cultural heritage across generations.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.