100+ Persian Last Names That Start with L [Meaning Included]

Persian Last Names That Start with L
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Persian surnames offer a fascinating glimpse into Iran’s rich cultural tapestry, reflecting the country’s history, geography, and social structures. Last names beginning with ‘L’ represent a diverse subset of Persian family names, encompassing various origins and meanings. These surnames may derive from ancestral professions, geographic locations, personal characteristics, or familial lineages. As we explore this collection of 100 Persian last names starting with ‘L’, we’ll uncover a wealth of linguistic and cultural heritage, providing insights into the complex tapestry of Iranian society and its enduring traditions.


100 Persian Last Names That Start with L

Persian last names starting with ‘L’ showcase the diversity and richness of Iranian culture. These surnames often have deep historical roots, reflecting ancestral professions, geographic origins, personal traits, or family lineages. The following table presents 100 unique Persian last names beginning with ‘L’, along with their meanings, offering a glimpse into the fascinating world of Iranian nomenclature.

Last NameMeaning
LarijaniFrom Larijan, a region in Mazandaran
LotfiKind, gentle
LahijiFrom Lahijan, a city in Gilan
LashkariMilitary, soldier
LatifiGraceful, kind
LavassaniFrom Lavasan, a city near Tehran
LohrasbiDescendant of Lohrasp, a legendary king
LalehzarTulip field
LashgariArmy, military
LahutiTheological, divine
LameeiShining, brilliant
LankaraniFrom Lankaran, a city in Azerbaijan
LashkarianOf the army
LatifianDescendants of Latif
LoqmaniWise, sage
LorzadehSon of Lorz
LahoutiSpiritual, divine
LavasaniFrom Lavasan
LajvardiAzure, lapis lazuli
LalezariOf the tulip garden
LashgarianMilitary family
LatifpourSon of Latif
LolachiPearl dealer
LornejadOf Lor ethnicity
LahijaniFrom Lahijan
LashkararaArmy adorner
LatifzadehChild of Latif
LaalpourSon of Laal (ruby)
LaghaiiCancelled, abolished
LahoutianOf divine nature
LakOf Lak ethnicity
LalehpourSon of tulip
LameizadehChild of Lamei
LangroudiFrom Langroud, a city in Gilan
LatifkarKind worker
LavaniGraceful, charming
LeilabadiFrom Leilabad
LorestaniFrom Lorestan province
LotfabadiFrom Lotfabad
LotfianDescendants of Lotfi
LotfollahiGod’s kindness
LahijiFrom Lahij, a village in Azerbaijan
Lak-DezhLak fortress
LalehkarTulip worker
LameiiShining, brilliant
LangaroudiFrom Langaroud
LashkarianOf the army
LatifnejadKind lineage
LavaniGraceful, charming
LayeghianWorthy ones
LohrasbpourSon of Lohrasp
LotfizadehChild of Lotfi
LahidjiFrom Lahidjan, a city in Gilan
LakkianOf Lak ethnicity
LalehzarianOf the tulip field
LankaraniFrom Lankaran
LashkarboloukiArmy division
LatifianKind ones
LavasanianFrom Lavasan
LoghmanhakimWise Loghman
LotfollahianGod’s kindness
LahijanianFrom Lahijan
LameianShining ones
LangroudiFrom Langroud
Lashkari-TabarOf military lineage
LatifkhaniKind ruler
LavassanianFrom Lavasan
LoqmanzadehChild of Loqman
LotfianKind ones
LahoutizadehChild of divine nature
LalehestanLand of tulips
LamekarShining worker
LankaranFrom Lankaran
LashkaripourSon of the military
LatifniaKind nature
LazemianNecessary ones
LorestanizadehChild of Lorestan
LotfabadianFrom Lotfabad
LahidjanFrom Lahidjan
LameradShining lineage
LankaranyFrom Lankaran
LashkarizadehChild of the military
LatifpourSon of Latif
LavayianGraceful ones
LeilizadehChild of Leili
LorkiOf Lor ethnicity
Lotfi-NejadKind lineage


The exploration of these 100 Persian last names starting with ‘L’ reveals the intricate connections between language, culture, and identity in Iranian society. Each surname carries a unique story, whether it’s rooted in ancient professions, geographic origins, personal attributes, or family histories. These names serve as linguistic fossils, preserving fragments of Iran’s rich cultural heritage and providing insights into the country’s diverse regional and ethnic makeup. As we conclude this journey through Persian nomenclature, we’re reminded of the power of names to connect us to our past, define our present, and shape our cultural identity for generations to come.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.