190+ Last Names That Start With Ha [Meaning Included]

Last Names That Start with Ha
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Last names that start with “Ha” are diverse and culturally rich, spanning various regions and languages. These surnames can be found in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and the Americas, each carrying unique historical and linguistic significance. These surnames reflect various origins and meanings from common names like Hall and Harris to more unique ones like Habibi and Haakonsson. Whether derived from occupations, geographical locations, or ancestral lineage, last names beginning with “Ha” offer a fascinating glimpse into human societies’ cultural and historical tapestry.

19 Popular Last Names That Start with Ha

Popular last names often have widespread recognition and usage. Here are 19 popular last names that start with “Ha,” along with their meanings.

Last NameMeaning
HaabGerman/Swiss: from elements meaning “battle” and “bright”
HaackGerman/Dutch: from word for “hook”, possibly a nickname or occupational name
HaafSouth German/Swiss: occupational name for a potter
HaagGerman/Dutch: one who lives near a hedged enclosure
HaakeVariant of Haack
HaakensonAmericanized form of Norwegian Håkensen
HaalandNorwegian: from Old Norse elements meaning “high” and “land”
HaanDutch: nickname from word for “rooster”
HaapalaFinnish: from words meaning “aspen” and “place”
HaarGerman: topographic name for someone living on a sandy ridge
HaarmannGerman: occupational name for a flax or hemp worker
HaasGerman: nickname for a swift runner or occupational name for a hare hunter
HaaseGerman: variant of Haas
HabeckGerman: from a diminutive of the given name Habo
HaberJewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a grain merchant
HaberlandGerman: habitational name from places named Haberland
HabermanGerman: occupational name for an oat farmer
HabertFrench: occupational name for a maker of hauberks (chain mail armor)
HabibArabic: meaning “beloved” or “friend”

19 Awesome Last Names That Start with Ha

Awesome last names often have a unique flair or interesting background. Here are 19 awesome last names that start with “Ha.”

Last NameMeaning
HachGerman: from a short form of the personal name Haching
HackerGerman: occupational name for a hewer of wood
HackettEnglish: from a diminutive of Hake, a medieval personal name
HackmanEnglish: occupational name for a maker of hacks (hoes or mattocks)
HackneyEnglish: habitational name from Hackney in London
HaddadArabic: occupational name meaning “blacksmith”
HaddenScottish: from a place name meaning “heath-covered hill”
HaddockEnglish: occupational name for a fisherman or fish seller
HadleyEnglish: habitational name from various places named Hadley
HaefnerGerman: occupational name for a potter
HaganIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÁgáin “descendant of Ágán”
HageGerman: topographic name for someone living by a hedge
HagelGerman: topographic name for someone living near hazel trees
HagenGerman: topographic name for someone living by a hedge
HagerGerman: habitational name from any of several places named Hag
HagermanDutch: occupational name for a maker of fences or hedges
HaggardEnglish: nickname for a wild or untamed person
HagoodEnglish: from a medieval personal name
HahnGerman: nickname from word meaning “rooster”

19 Common Last Names That Start with Ha

Common last names are frequently encountered and widely recognized. Here are 19 common last names that start with “Ha.”

Last NameMeaning
HaileyEnglish: habitational name from places named Hailey
HainesEnglish: patronymic from the personal name Hain
HaireIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÍr “descendant of Ír”
HajekCzech: nickname meaning “little grove”
HakeGerman: from a medieval personal name
HalbertEnglish: from the Old German personal name Halbeard
HaleEnglish: topographic name for someone living in a nook or hollow
HaleyIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÉalaighthe
HalfpennyEnglish: nickname for someone who paid a halfpenny rent
HallEnglish: occupational name for someone employed at a hall
HallamEnglish: habitational name from places named Hallam
HallerGerman: habitational name for someone from a place called Hall
HallettEnglish: from a diminutive of Hal, a medieval personal name
HallidayScottish: from Old English halig dæg “holy day”
HallmanGerman: occupational name for someone employed at a hall
HalloranIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAllmhuráin
HallowsEnglish: topographic name from Middle English halgh “nook, recess”
HalperYiddish: occupational name for a peddler
HalseyEnglish: habitational name from Halsey in Hertfordshire

19 Unique Last Names That Start with Ha

Unique last names stand out due to their rarity or distinctive sound. Here are 19 unique last names that start with “Ha.”

Last NameMeaning
HalsteadEnglish: habitational name from places named Halstead
HalvorsenNorwegian: patronymic from the personal name Halvor
HamEnglish: topographic name for someone who lived by a pasture
HamanGerman: from a short form of the personal name Hermann
HamblinEnglish: from a diminutive of Hambel, a medieval personal name
HambrickEnglish: habitational name from Hambridge in Somerset
HamburgGerman: habitational name from the city of Hamburg
HamelFrench: topographic name for someone living where there were hamels (small farms)
HamerEnglish: occupational name for a maker of hammers
HamidArabic: from a personal name meaning “praiseworthy”
HamiltonScottish: habitational name from Hamilton in Lanarkshire
HamlinEnglish: from the Old German personal name Hamelin
HammGerman: topographic name for someone living in a river bend
HammerGerman: occupational name for a maker or user of hammers
HammondEnglish: from the Old Norse personal name Hámundr
HammonsEnglish: patronymic from Hammond
HamptonEnglish: habitational name from places named Hampton
HamrickGerman: from a personal name composed of elements meaning “home” and “power”
HanbyEnglish: habitational name from Hanby in Lincolnshire

19 Prettiest Last Names That Start with Ha

Prettiest last names often have a melodic sound or pleasant association. Here are 19 prettiest last names that start with “Ha.”

Last NameMeaning
HancockEnglish: from a medieval personal name
HandEnglish: nickname for a person with a noticeable hand
HandleyEnglish: habitational name from places named Handley
HandyEnglish: nickname for a person with skillful hands
HaneyIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÉanna
HanfordEnglish: habitational name from places named Hanford
HanksEnglish: patronymic from Hank, a medieval personal name
HanleyEnglish: habitational name from places named Hanley
HanlonIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAnluain
HannaIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAnnaigh
HannahScottish: from the Hebrew personal name meaning “He (God) has favored me”
HannanIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAnnáin
HannonIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAnnáin
HanrahanIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAnracháin
HansGerman: from a short form of Johannes
HansenDanish, Norwegian: patronymic from Hans
HansonEnglish, Swedish: patronymic from Hans
HanssonSwedish: patronymic from Hans
HarbaughGerman: habitational name from a place called Harbach

19 Adorable Last Names That Start with Ha

Adorable last names often evoke a sense of charm or endearment. Here are 19 adorable last names that start with “Ha.”

Last NameMeaning
HarbourEnglish: topographic name for someone living near a shelter
HarcourtEnglish: habitational name from places in Normandy
HardawayEnglish: habitational name from Hardaway in Gloucestershire
HardcastleEnglish: habitational name from Hardcastle in Yorkshire
HardenEnglish: habitational name from places named Harden
HarderGerman: comparative of Hart, a nickname meaning “hard, severe”
HardinEnglish: from the Old English personal name Hearding
HardingEnglish: patronymic from the Old English personal name Heard
HardmanEnglish: nickname for a brave or hardy person
HardwickEnglish: habitational name from places named Hardwick
HardyEnglish: nickname meaning “brave, hardy”
HareEnglish: nickname from Middle English hare “hare”
HargisEnglish: patronymic from the medieval personal name Harjis
HargreavesEnglish: patronymic from a medieval personal name
HargroveEnglish: habitational name from Hargrave in Cheshire or Northamptonshire
HarkerEnglish: occupational name for a listener or eavesdropper
HarkinsIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hEarcáin
HarknessScottish: habitational name from Harkness in Dumfriesshire
HarlanEnglish: habitational name from Harland in Devon

19 Beautiful Last Names That Start with Ha

Beautiful last names often have an elegant sound or meaning. Here are 19 beautiful last names that start with “Ha.”

Last NameMeaning
HarleyEnglish: habitational name from places named Harley
HarlowEnglish: habitational name from places named Harlow
HarmanEnglish: from the Old German personal name Harman
HarmonEnglish: variant of Harman
HarmsGerman: patronymic from the personal name Harm
HarnishGerman: from a pet form of the personal name Hermann
HaroldEnglish: from an Old English personal name
HarperEnglish: occupational name for a harper, a player of the harp
HarrellEnglish: from a medieval personal name
HarringtonEnglish: habitational name from places named Harrington
HarrisEnglish: patronymic from Harry, a pet form of Henry
HarrisonEnglish: patronymic from Harry
HarroldEnglish: variant of Harold
HartEnglish: nickname from Old English heorot “hart, stag”
HartleyEnglish: habitational name from places named Hartley
HartmanGerman: from a personal name composed of elements meaning “hardy” and “man”
HartnettIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAirtneada
HartsfieldEnglish: habitational name from Hartsfield in Sussex
HartungGerman: from a personal name meaning “hardy”

19 Modern Last Names That Start with Ha

Modern last names often have contemporary usage or associations. Here are 19 modern last names that start with “Ha.”

Last NameMeaning
HartwellEnglish: habitational name from places named Hartwell
HarveyEnglish: from the Breton personal name Haerviu
HarwoodEnglish: habitational name from places named Harwood
HaskinsEnglish: patronymic from Haskin, a diminutive of Has(s)e
HaskellEnglish: from the Old Norse personal name Áskell
HaslettScottish: habitational name from Hazlehead in Ayrshire
HassanArabic: from a personal name meaning “handsome”
HassellEnglish: topographic name from Old English hæsel “hazel”
HastingsEnglish: habitational name from Hastings in Sussex
HatchEnglish: topographic name for someone living by a gate
HatcherEnglish: occupational name for a maker of hatches (gates)
HathawayEnglish: habitational name from Hathaway in Gloucestershire
HatfieldEnglish: habitational name from places named Hatfield
HathorneEnglish: habitational name from Hawthorne in Durham
HatleyEnglish: habitational name from places named Hatley
HattonEnglish: habitational name from places named Hatton
HauerGerman: occupational name for a maker of hoes
HaugGerman: topographic name for someone living by a hill
HaugenNorwegian: topographic name meaning “the hill”

19 Famous Last Names That Start with Ha

Famous last names are often associated with well-known individuals or families. Here are 19 famous last names that start with “Ha.”

Last NameMeaning
HaugheyIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hEochaidh
HaughtonEnglish: habitational name from places named Haughton
HauserGerman: occupational name for a keeper of a house or hostel
HavensEnglish: topographic name from Middle English haven “harbor”
HawesEnglish: topographic name from Old English haga “enclosure”
HawkEnglish: nickname from Old English hafoc “hawk”
HawkesEnglish: patronymic from Hawk
HawkinsEnglish: patronymic from Hawk
HawleyEnglish: habitational name from places named Hawley
HaworthEnglish: habitational name from Haworth in Yorkshire
HawthorneEnglish: topographic name for someone living by a hawthorn hedge
HaydenEnglish: habitational name from places named Hayden
HayesEnglish: topographic name from Old English hæg “enclosure”
HaynesEnglish: patronymic from the medieval personal name Hain
HaysEnglish: topographic name from Old English hæg “enclosure”
HaywardEnglish: occupational name for a keeper of the fences
HaywoodEnglish: habitational name from places named Haywood
HazelEnglish: topographic name for someone living by a hazel tree
HazlettIrish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hEidhneacháin

19 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with Ha

Gorgeous last names that start with “Ha” often have an elegant and sophisticated sound. These names can evoke a sense of beauty and refinement.

Last NameMeaning
HabbalArabic: occupational name meaning “rope maker”
HabgoodEnglish: nickname from Middle English hab “have” and good “good”
HabichtGerman: nickname from word meaning “hawk”
HachmanGerman: from a diminutive of the personal name Hach
HackGerman: from a short form of the personal name Hake
HackbarthGerman: from a compound of hacken “to chop” and bart “axe”
HackelGerman: from a diminutive of the personal name Hake
HackettEnglish: from a diminutive of the personal name Hake
HacklGerman: from a diminutive of the personal name Hake
HackmanEnglish: occupational name for a maker of hacks (hoes or mattocks)
HacohenHebrew: from a personal name meaning “the priest”
HaddenhamEnglish: habitational name from Haddenham in Buckinghamshire
HaddonEnglish: habitational name from places named Haddon
HadeEnglish: from a medieval personal name
HadfieldEnglish: habitational name from Hadfield in Derbyshire
HadleyEnglish: habitational name from places named Hadley
HadlockEnglish: from a medieval personal name
HadrianLatin: from a personal name meaning “from H


Exploring last names that start with “Ha” reveals a rich mosaic of cultural heritage and linguistic diversity. These surnames not only serve as identifiers but also carry stories of migration, occupation, and familial lineage. From the widely recognized Hall and Harris to the culturally specific Habibi and Haakonsson, each name provides a unique insight into the history and traditions of different communities. Understanding these surnames helps us appreciate the interconnectedness of human history and the shared narratives that bind us across different cultures and generations.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.