100+ Japanese Boy Names Starting With S

Japanese Boy Names Starting With S
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Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Emma

Choosing the right name for your child is an exciting but important decision. If you are considering names that reflect Japanese heritage and want to explore Japanese boy names starting with S, this list is perfect for you. Japanese names are rich with cultural significance and carry meanings that reflect virtues, nature, and other essential elements. Here, we have compiled a comprehensive list of Japanese boy names starting with S, along with their meanings and Japanese characters.


Popular Japanese Boy Names Starting With S With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
SatoshiWise, fast learner
ShoTo fly, soar
ShotaProsperous, thick翔太
ShunTalented, speed
SosukeMediator, assistant宗介
SeijiLawful, just政治
ShinReal, genuine
SubaruUnite, cluster of stars
ShingoGenuine, protect真吾
SuguruExcellent, superior
ShionAster (flower)紫苑
ShigeruLuxuriant, flourishing
SaburoThird son三郎
SeiichiSincere first son誠一
ShizukaQuiet, calm
ShomaCorrect, reality正真
SakuTo blossom
SetsunaMoment, instant刹那
SeiyaStarry night星矢
SenHermit, wizard
ShinyaReal, genuine信也
ShiroFourth son, castle四郎
ShujiDiscipline, administration修司
SusumuProgress, advancement

Trendy Japanese Boy Names Starting With S With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
SuzuBell, chime
SeitoSincere, person正人
ShinsukeFaith, help信介
SomaReal, genuine壮馬
SatoshiKnowledge, wisdom
ShunpeiTalented, smooth俊平
SeizoQuiet, composed静三
SeigoJustice, genuine正吾
ShirotaWide, vast広田
SanosukeThird son, assistance左之助
SadaoDecisive, authoritative定夫
SatoshiFast learner, clear thinker
ShuMaster, lord
SumioIntellectual, scholarly澄夫
SoichiroProsperous, first son宗一郎
SuguruSuperb, great
ShikamaruDeer circleシカ丸
SaizoQuiet, calm才蔵
ShoheiFlourishing, peaceful翔平
SoshiLeader, guidance宗士
ShizutoQuiet, calm静人
ShueiBrilliant, talented秀英
SenzaburoThousand sons千三郎
SabutoThird son三兎
ShihiroVast, wide志広

Handsome Japanese Boy Names Starting With S With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
SaizoFast, agile才蔵
SugoAmazing, superb優郷
ShueiBrilliant, talented秀英
SumiyaClear, genuine澄也
SeiPure, refined
SatoruEnlightened, wise
ShigenobuStrong, resolute重信
ShintaTrue, genuine新太
SeigetsuPure moon清月
ShionAster flower紫苑
SadaSettled, calm
ShikenExam, test試験
ShogoSoar, ascend翔悟
ShinpeiGenuine, smooth信平
ShomaCorrect, genuine正真
ShunsakuTalented, created俊作
SakuyaBlossom, flower咲夜
ShiseiResolve, determination志成
ShichiroSeventh son七郎
ShinobuEndurance, perseverance
SuisenNarcissus flower水仙
SeishiTrue will, purpose誠志
ShigeruFlourish, grow
SeiichiPure, first son誠一
SeikoSincere, child誠子

Modern Japanese Boy Names Starting With S With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
ShiroCastle, fourth son四郎
ShigeakiLuxuriant, bright茂明
ShigenoriFlourishing, model茂則
ShigetoLuxuriant person茂人
ShojiProsperous, steady昇二
ShigeruProsper, flourish
SeitaPure, sincere清太
SeizoQuiet, tranquil静蔵
SumihiroClear, vast澄広
SusumuProgress, advance
SeitaroPure, first son清太郎
ShomaCorrect, reality正真
SatoruEnlightened, wise
ShogoAscend, rise翔悟
ShintaTrue, new新太
ShinjiTrue second son真二
ShozoFly, ascend翔蔵
ShunpeiTalented, calm俊平
ShotaProsperous, abundant翔太
ShuzoTalented, skillful秀蔵
ShoheiFlourish, peace翔平
ShiheiTalent, excellent志平
SeitaroPure, bright son清太郎
ShuheiMaster of peace主平
ShirotaFourth son, wide四郎太

Unique Japanese Boy Names Starting With S With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
SeiichiPure first son誠一
SeikaPure flower清花
SeijiJustice, lawful政治
SeijiroLawful second son誠次郎
SeinoPure field清野
SeiraPure heaven清空
SeikoSincere child誠子
SeirenPure lotus清蓮
ShichiroSeventh son七郎
ShigenoriFlourishing model茂則
ShigetomoLuxuriant friend茂友
ShikoPoetry child詩子
ShinReal, genuine
ShinoBamboo field竹野
ShinsukeGenuine helper真助
ShinyaReal, true真也
ShinzouGenuine, reliable真造
ShogoTo soar, ascend翔悟
ShotaProsperous, thick翔太
ShujiMaster of administration修司
ShukuroMaster of fortune修黒
SotaBig and thick壮太
SugiharaCedar field杉原
SugimotoCedar origin杉本
SuguruSuperb, excellent


1. What are some popular Japanese boy names starting with S?

Popular Japanese boy names starting with S include Sora, Sho, Shun, Subaru, and Satoshi. These names are not only commonly used but carry beautiful meanings.

2. What does the name Satoshi mean?

Satoshi means “wise” or “fast learner” in Japanese. It is a popular name that reflects intelligence and knowledge.

3. Is the name Shin common in Japan?

Yes, Shin is a relatively common name in Japan, and it means “real” or “genuine.” It can also be used as part of a longer name, such as Shinichi.

4. What does the name Shiro mean in Japanese?

Shiro has dual meanings, depending on the kanji used. It can mean “fourth son” or “castle.”

5. Are there any nature-inspired Japanese boy names starting with S?

Yes, names like Sora, which means “sky,” and Suisen, which refers to the narcissus flower, are nature-inspired names starting with S.

6. What is the meaning of the name Subaru in Japanese?

Subaru means “unite” or refers to the famous Pleiades star cluster. It is both a traditional name and a well-known brand.

7. Can Japanese boy names starting with S have spiritual or virtuous meanings?

Yes, many Japanese names carry spiritual or virtuous meanings. For example, Seiji means “lawful” or “just,” and Shinsuke means “faith” or “help.”


Japanese boy names starting with S offer a wide variety of meanings that reflect wisdom, nature, strength, and serenity. Whether you’re looking for a traditional name with deep cultural roots or a modern name with a strong meaning, there is something in this list for everyone. By choosing a Japanese boy name starting with S, you are selecting a name that will carry significance throughout your child’s life.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.