100+ Japanese Boy Names Starting With B

Japanese Boy Names Starting With B
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Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Emma

Choosing the perfect name for your baby is a significant decision, and for parents who are exploring unique and meaningful names, Japanese boy names starting with B offer a variety of beautiful options. In this article, we’ll explore 100+ Japanese boy names starting with B, complete with their meanings, to help you find the right name for your little one.


Popular Japanese Boy Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BanTen thousand
BuntaroLiterary, Scholar文太郎
BunjiScholar, Second son文次
BakuTapir, Dream Eater
BunpeiScholar, Calm文平
BunshiGentleman, Scholar文士
BoshinStars, Constellation暴信
BaitoTo workバイト
BiwaLute, Musical Instrument琵琶
BoWave, Sail
BokuMe, Myself
BunzōLiterary, Triple文三
ByakuyaWhite night, Clarity白夜
BunichiScholar, First son文一
BanshouMyriad, All-encompassing万象
BunkenScholar of Law文研
BunreiSpirit of Culture文霊
BiichiBeautiful One美一
BaitoHard Worker労働者
BenScholar, Wise
BinSensitive, Quick-witted
BondoProtector of Peace邦道

Trendy Japanese Boy Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BunzoWriter, Scholar文蔵
BuntaMultitalented, Literary文太
BunpeiCalm Scholar文平
BokuroBlack Deer黒鹿
BontenBuddhist divinity梵天
BungoLiterary District文豪
BukenMartial Arts Enthusiast武剣
BenkeiWarrior Monk弁慶
BinzouCautious Man敏蔵
BirokuBeautiful Deer美鹿
BunkaCultural, Artistic文化
BukyouFaithful, Loyal仏教
BunyoLiterary, Elegant文葉
BantoTrusted Servant番頭
BunrakuPuppetry Theater文楽
BujinMartial Spirit武神
BokudaIntelligent Warrior僕打
BusonLiterature and Art文尊
ByouheiSoldier of Elegance秒兵
BunmeiEnlightenment, Civilization文明
BuakuCourageous Warrior武悪
BunshinScholar Spirit文信
BosukeHelp from Buddha仏助

Handsome Japanese Boy Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BinpeiSoldier of Light敏兵
BunchiLiterary First文知
BiouWarrior of Elegance美王
BuzanWarrior of the Mountain武山
BanzanForever Mountain万山
BontaroStrong Son勇太郎
BusuBrave Protector武須
BochiDeep Blue Star深青星
BunyoTalented Scholar文葉
BokutoMartial Path武刀
BanseiEternal Life万世
BenzoGuardian of Wisdom弁蔵
BunshouTalented Writer文章
BontanStrong Body勇身
BishouGuardian Smile微笑守
BokusaBlack Mountain黒山
BuntoScholar of Peace文頭
BenmaHorse of Strength勉馬
ByoukaFlower of Enlightenment秒花
BotaPrecious Peony牡丹
BoheiBrave Soldier勇兵
BozenCalm and Wise暴然
BanteiMountain Peak万頂
BunkoGift of Learning文庫
ByurenStar of Elegance美星

Modern Japanese Boy Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BairinPlum Grove梅林
BokugenMartial Wisdom武言
BunjinScholar Person文人
BosaiGuardian of Peace防災
ByudoWarrior of Equality武道
BinchoWhite Coal白炭
BunheiPeaceful Scholar文平
BuntaiGreat Scholar文大
BansuEternal Guardian万守
BinbuSensitive Warrior敏武
BunranPoet Scholar文乱
BiheiPeaceful Soldier美兵
BenkaiIntellectual Sea弁海
BuraHopeful, Strong希力
BoshiMotherly Star暴星
BunjiroTalented Second Son文次郎
BontenVirtuous Heaven梵天
BunrouArtistic Gentleman文朗
BoshuCalm Warrior暴主
BunenCalm Spirit文念
ByokuGentle Force美空
BiheiBeautiful Soldier美兵
BunzouScholar of Peace文蔵
BosuFearless Leader勇武
ByutoBravery in Battle武勇

Unique Japanese Boy Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BenraiOrigin of Wisdom弁来
BunhakuLiterary Pioneer文白
ByodenGuardian of Virtue美道
BontaiStrong Body and Mind文体
BojuPeaceful Master暴受
BuzouMaster of Peace武蔵
BunpouLiterary Law文法
ByuroStar of Power武浪
BosakuBlossom in Battle暴作
BunmuScholar of Strength文武
BitenStrong and Wise美天
BunkaAesthetic Culture文化
BantoFaithful Leader番頭
BunhanPeaceful One文半
BaisouArtistic Virtue美想
BoshouProtector of the Stars暴星
BunshouMaster of Writing文書
ByokuBeauty of the Sky美空
BenrouStrong Wisdom勉労
BaitoHardworking Spirit労動者
BuntaLiterary and Talented文太
BoudaiGreat Wisdom勇大
BishinSmile of Strength微心
BokudenMaster of Martial Arts武伝
BunryuFlowing Scholar文流


1. What is the significance of Japanese boy names starting with B?

Japanese boy names starting with B often carry meanings related to culture, nature, strength, and wisdom. Many of these names reflect characteristics such as scholarship, bravery, and peace.

2. How do I choose a Japanese boy name starting with B for my child?

When choosing a Japanese boy name, consider the meaning, sound, and cultural significance of the name. It’s important to select a name that resonates with your values and hopes for your child.

3. Are Japanese boy names starting with B common?

Names starting with B are less common in Japanese compared to other letters. However, they carry deep meanings and are used to convey qualities like wisdom, peace, and strength.

4. Can Japanese boy names starting with B be used outside of Japan?

Yes, many Japanese boy names starting with B have beautiful meanings and can be used internationally. Just ensure the name is easy to pronounce and respectful of the culture.

5. Do Japanese boy names starting with B have traditional roots?

Yes, many names starting with B have traditional roots, often connected to historical, cultural, or literary references in Japan.

6. What are some unique Japanese boy names starting with B?

Some unique names include Bonten (Buddhist divinity), Bunmei (Enlightenment), and Bairin (Plum Grove), each with its own special cultural or spiritual significance.

7. How can I verify the meaning of a Japanese boy name?

To verify the meaning of a Japanese boy name, you can consult Japanese language experts, cultural books, or online resources specializing in Japanese names and their meanings.


Japanese boy names starting with B offer a variety of options that carry meaningful symbolism. Whether you’re drawn to names that reflect peace, strength, or intellect, you’ll find that these names resonate deeply with rich cultural heritage. Consider the meaning and sound of each name carefully to choose the perfect one for your little boy.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.