100+ Japanese Boy Names Starting With N

Japanese Boy Names Starting With N
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Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Emma

Japanese boy names starting with N offer a rich blend of culture, history, and meaning. Whether you’re looking for a name that signifies strength, peace, or wisdom, Japanese boy names starting with N provide a variety of options, each with its unique significance. In this article, we’ll explore over 100 Japanese boy names that start with the letter N, along with their meanings and Japanese characters.


Popular Japanese Boy Names Starting With N With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
NaoHonest, Straightforward
NaokiHonest Tree, Straight Tree直樹
NaoyaHonest and Brave直哉
NariThunder, Success
NaruhitoVirtuous Person徳仁
NaotoHonest Person直人
NoboruAscend, Rise
NobuFaith, Trust
NobuhikoTrustworthy Prince信彦
NobuyukiTrustworthy Happiness信幸
NoriLaw, Rule
NorioMan of Principle規男
NoritakaHonorable Hawk範孝
NorihiroSpreading Principle範弘
NatsuoSummer Man夏雄
NatsukiSummer Hope夏希
NaohiroGreat Honesty直宏
NaomichiHonest Path直道
NobutakaTrustworthy Hawk信孝
NaoyukiHonest and Fortunate直幸
NatsumeSummer Plum夏目
NagaoLong Life永雄
NagisaBeach, Shore
NaoshiFixer, Healer直志

Trendy Japanese Boy Names Starting With N With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
NagatoLong Gate長門
NaomasaHonest Justice直政
NaozumiHonest and Pure直純
NarihitoThunderous Person成仁
NarukiGrowth, Success成樹
NoritsuguFaithful to Principle規継
NobumasaTrustworthy Government信正
NatsuoSummer Man夏雄
NaokazuHonest Peace直和
NariakiSuccessful Brightness成明
NaoshiHonest and Healer直司
NaganoriLong-lasting Principle永範
NobukatsuVictorious Faith信勝
NobumichiTrustworthy Path信道
NaohisaLong-lasting Honesty直久
NobuyasuTrustworthy and Calm信康
NagamasaLong-lasting Government永政
NobutaroFaithful First-born信太郎
NaganobuLong-lasting Trust永信
NaotakaHonest Hawk直貴
NobuharuTrustworthy Spring信治
NobumoriFaithful Forest信森
NaotaroHonest First-born直太郎
NobumotoFaithful Origin信基
NagamineLong-lasting Peak長峰

Handsome Japanese Boy Names Starting With N With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
NaozumiHonest and Pure直純
NobuyoshiTrustworthy and Good信義
NaotakeHonest Bamboo直竹
NagakazuLong-lasting Harmony長和
NatsukiSummer Hope夏樹
NorihisaHonorable Longevity憲久
NaritoshiSuccess and Loyalty成俊
NobuteruFaithful Brilliance信輝
NaohikoHonest Prince直彦
NaofumiHonest History直文
NaomotoHonest Origin直基
NagatomoLong-lasting Friend永友
NobufumiFaithful History信文
NaoyasuHonest Calmness直康
NoritakaHonorable Hawk典孝
NarihisaSuccessful and Lasting成久
NobutomoTrustworthy Friend信友
NagashigeLong-lasting Support永重
NaohikoHonest Prince直彦
NaoichiroHonest First Son直一郎
NobuyoriTrustworthy Dependability信頼
NaotomoHonest Friend直友
NagakiyoLong-lasting Joy長清
NoriakiHonorable Brightness憲明
NarihikoSuccessful Prince成彦

Modern Japanese Boy Names Starting With N With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
NaotoshiHonest and Loyal直俊
NaomichiHonest Path直路
NagatoshiLong-lasting Friendliness永俊
NaosukeHonest Assistant直介
NagahisaLong-lasting Integrity永久
NaokiatsuHonest Victory直勝
NaosadaHonest Loyalty直貞
NaotaniHonest Valley直谷
NobushigeFaithful Support信重
NaoyoshiHonest and Good直義
NobutsunaTrustworthy Connection信綱
NagatakaLong-lasting Noble長高
NaoakiraHonest Clarity直晶
NaoharuHonest Spring直治
NagafumiLong-lasting History永史
NaojiHonest Second Son直二
NaonoriHonest Principle直範
NagamichiLong Path永道
NaozumiHonest Purity直澄
NagatakaLong-lasting Noble長鷹
NaoyukiHonest Happiness直之
NarihikoSuccessful Prince成彦
NobuhiroFaithful Brilliance信宏
NaoyaHonest Bravery直也
NaokatsuHonest Victory直勝

Unique Japanese Boy Names Starting With N With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
NobuyukiTrustworthy Happiness信幸
NobuakiFaithful Brightness信明
NobunariTrustworthy Success信成
NarihikoSuccessful Prince成彦
NobuyoshiTrustworthy Justice信義
NaohikoHonest Prince直彦
NarihisaSuccessful Longevity成久
NaohisaHonest Longevity直久
NatsukiSummer Hope夏希
NaotoHonest Person直人
NagahiroLong-lasting Brilliance永浩
NobumasaTrustworthy Government信政
NariyasuSuccessful Calmness成康
NobutakaTrustworthy Hawk信孝
NaotsuguHonest Heritage直継
NagatomoLong-lasting Friend永友
NaohitoHonest Benevolence直仁
NaoyaHonest Bravery直弥
NobufumiFaithful History信文
NobuatsuFaithful Victory信篤
NaosukeHonest Assistance直介
NaokataHonest Form直方
NarihikoSuccessful Brightness成光
NaosadaHonest Faith直貞
NaoyoshiHonest Goodness直善


1. What are the most common Japanese boy names starting with N?

Some of the most common Japanese boy names starting with N include Naoki, Naoya, and Nobu, all of which have meanings related to honesty, bravery, or faith.

2. What is the significance of the name Naoki?

Naoki means “honest tree” or “straight tree” in Japanese. It symbolizes someone who is dependable and straightforward, much like the stability of a tree.

3. What is the meaning of the name Nobu?

Nobu translates to “faith” or “trust.” It is a strong name that conveys reliability and steadfastness.

4. Are Japanese boy names starting with N popular outside Japan?

Yes, Japanese boy names starting with N, such as Naoki and Nobu, have gained popularity globally due to their meanings and cultural significance.

5. What does the name Nori mean in Japanese?

The name Nori means “law” or “rule.” It is a concise yet powerful name often associated with principles and order.

6. Can Japanese boy names starting with N be used in different cultures?

Yes, many Japanese names starting with N are adaptable and can be used in various cultures due to their universal meanings and easy pronunciation.

7. Is there a cultural or historical importance to the name Naruhito?

Yes, Naruhito is the name of Japan’s current emperor. The name means “virtuous person” and holds significant cultural value in Japan.


Japanese boy names starting with N are a blend of tradition, meaning, and cultural significance. Whether you’re drawn to names that symbolize honesty, trust, or success, the names in this list offer a wealth of meaningful choices. From Naoki to Naruhito, Japanese boy names starting with N provide timeless options for parents seeking a name with depth and character.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.