100+ Japanese Boy Names Starting With M

Japanese Boy Names Starting With M
5/5 - (3 votes)

Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Emma

Japanese boy names are known for their rich meanings and cultural significance. If you’re searching for the perfect Japanese boy name starting with M, this list offers a variety of options that reflect strength, wisdom, nature, and other profound qualities. Whether you’re seeking a traditional name or something unique, you’ll find a name that captures your vision.


Popular Japanese Boy Names Starting With M With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
MasaruVictory, Success
MakotoSincerity, Honesty
MinatoHarbor, Port
MichiPath, Road
MamoruProtector, Guardian
MasahiroRighteousness, Prosperity正弘
MasatoJust, Proper正人
MitsuoShining Hero光男
MasakiTree of Justice正樹
MotokiFoundation, Support
MasashiElegant, Generous雅史
MikiBeautiful Tree美樹
MasaharuRighteous Spring正治
MinoruTruth, Reality
MitsukiLight, Radiance光輝
MuneoSpirit of the Family宗男
MasayoshiJustice, Righteousness正義
MichioMan on the Path道夫
MitsuruFull, Satisfying
MotoharuOriginal Spring元春
MasaakiTrue Brightness正明
MaitoTrue Man真人
MasafumiTrue History正文
MasanoriModel of Justice正則
MitsunariLight of Righteousness光成

Trendy Japanese Boy Names Starting With M With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
ManabuLearning, Knowledge
MorioForest Man森男
MasayaRighteous and Complete雅也
MichitakaTall Path道隆
MatsuPine Tree
MizukiBeautiful Moon瑞樹
MasakazuHarmonious and Just正和
MitsuhikoLight, Radiant Boy光彦
MoritakaHigh Forest守隆
MutsuoHarmonious Man六男
MunehisaEverlasting Spirit宗久
MasanobuFaithful, Trustworthy正信
MichitakaHigh, Lofty Road道高
MotonariSuccessful and Original元成
MitsuyoshiLight of Justice光義
MasahideRighteous Guide正秀
MichisukeHelper on the Road道輔
MasatoshiTrue Wisdom正俊
MunehiroBroad Spirit宗弘
MitsunobuLight of Faith光信
MichinaoEverlasting Path道直
MotohikoFoundation of Light元彦
MinamotoSource, Origin
MasamitsuTrue and Full正光
MorihikoForest Prince守彦

Handsome Japanese Boy Names Starting With M With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
MutsuhikoHarmonious Light六彦
MasaomiTrue Leader正臣
MasashiTruth and Ambition正志
MichihikoBoy on the Path道彦
MitsumasaLight of Righteousness光政
MinenoriHarbinger of Peace峰則
MasanagaHarmony and Prosperity正長
MitsuhiroGenerous Light光弘
MotoharuSource of Spring元春
MasatomoModel of Friendship正友
MichiyukiRoad to Happiness道行
MitsukuniLight of the Nation光邦
MuneakiSpirit of Clarity宗明
MitsuharuRadiant Spring光晴
MorioForest Man森男
MasaokiTrue Excellence正興
MotoshiOrigin of Knowledge基志
MitsunagaRadiant Harmony光永
MitsuruFull, Satisfying
MitsutakaRadiant Highness光高
MasamuneTrue Sharpness正宗
MichinaoRighteous Path道直
MitsusukeHelper of Light光輔
MinamotoSource, Origin

Modern Japanese Boy Names Starting With M With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
MichinoriPath of Principles道則
MitsuyasuLight and Tranquility光康
MasayoriRighteous Dependability正頼
MasataneTrue Firmness正胤
MitsuomiLight of Honor光臣
MitsukaneLight of Gold光金
MasafusaTrue Loyalty正房
MitsuhiraRadiant Peace光平
MoritsuguLoyal and Strong守嗣
MichiyasuTranquil Path道康
MitsuteruShining Radiance光照
MichisadaTrue Path道貞
MasamiBecoming Beautiful正美
MasafusaLoyal, Trustworthy正房
MasateruShining Brightly正照
MasazumiTrue Clarity正純
MichikazuWay of Harmony道一
MitsuoMan of Light光夫
MitsutakaHonorable Light光貴
MinenobuPeak of Faith峰信
MasatoraTrue Tiger正虎
MotoshigeOrigin of Success元重
MitsutadaSteadfast Light光忠
MitsunobuFaithful Light光信

Unique Japanese Boy Names Starting With M With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
MasasukeRighteous Helper正助
MichifumiBeautiful Path道文
MasahikoTrue Prince正彦
MitsunobuLight of Faith光信
MitsumaruFull Circle光丸
MichitakaHigh Path道隆
MitsunoriLight of Rule光則
MichitoPath of Wisdom道登
MitsuhiroGenerous Light光浩
MitsumaTrue Light光間
MasafumiTrue History正文
MinetoHarbor Person湊人
MitsumotoOrigin of Light光基
MitsuyukiGlorious Journey光行
MichiharuTraveler on the Path道春
MitsurouFull Son光郎


What is the meaning of the name Masaru in Japanese?

The name Masaru means “victory” or “success” in Japanese.

Is Minato a popular Japanese boy’s name?

Yes, Minato, meaning “harbor” or “port,” is a relatively popular and modern Japanese boy’s name.

What does the name Mamoru signify?

Mamoru means “protector” or “guardian” in Japanese, symbolizing someone who watches over others.

Is the name Michi gender-neutral?

Michi can be used as a unisex name, and it means “path” or “road” in Japanese.

What is the significance of Masayoshi in Japanese culture?

Masayoshi means “justice” or “righteousness,” and it represents values of fairness and morality in Japanese culture.

What does the name Mitsuru stand for?

Mitsuru means “full” or “satisfying,” signifying completeness and fulfillment.

Can Michio be considered a traditional name?

Yes, Michio is a traditional Japanese name meaning “man on the path,” often symbolizing a life journey or purpose.


Choosing the right name can be a meaningful experience, and Japanese boy names starting with M offer a variety of options that reflect deep cultural values and beautiful meanings. Whether you’re looking for a name that embodies strength, wisdom, or harmony, this list provides plenty of inspiration to find the perfect name.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.