100+ Japanese Boy Names Starting With F

Japanese Boy Names Starting With F
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Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Emma

Japanese names are often deeply rooted in tradition, with meanings that reflect virtues, nature, or elements of life. If you’re searching for Japanese Boy Names Starting With F, you’ll find a beautiful selection of names with unique meanings. This guide offers over 100 names that begin with the letter “F,” helping you discover the perfect name for your little boy.


Popular Japanese Boy Names Starting With F With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
FumioScholarly hero文雄
FujiWisteria, Abundance
FumihikoCultured man文彦
FusaoSteadfast man房雄
FumiyaScholarly and enduring文也
FusakiMan of integrity房城
FutoshiFat, plump太志
FukashiDeep understanding深志
FukuiProsperity, good luck福井
FukuoBlessed man福雄
FusaeAiding, assisting扶佐恵
FumiharuCultured spring文春
FujiroWisteria son藤郎
FumihideCultured excellence文英
FutaroSecond son二太郎
FusukiAiding happiness扶月
FukutoProsperous person福斗
FumiakiCultured brightness文明
FurutaOld field古田
FukumaGood fortune福間
FumitakaCultured nobility文高
FuyutoMan of winter冬人

Trendy Japanese Boy Names Starting With F With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
FukuhikoProsperous man福彦
FusakoSupporting child扶佐子
FujiakiWisteria bright藤明
FumitoScholarly person文人
FuyukiSnowy, winter season冬樹
FurutaAncient paddy古田
FuminoriScholar of rule文則
FumikazuLearned harmony文和
FukutaroFortunate son福太郎
FushimiSacred forest伏見
FudohitoImmovable person不動人
FujitakaTall wisteria藤高
FutozumiPlump corner太隅
FukutaProsperous field福田
FusanoriAiding rule扶佐則
FumihisaSteadfast scholar文久
FukumaBlessed tranquility福馬
FusamasaRighteous helper房正
FuminoriScholar of rule文紀
FumitoshiScholar and wise文聡
FusasukeAiding assistance扶佐助
FuyutoWinter person冬人
FukuyamaProsperous mountain福山
FumioLearned man文雄

Handsome Japanese Boy Names Starting With F With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
FuyuhikoWinter boy冬彦
FumihiroExtensive scholar文広
FukuyoshiBlessed good fortune福吉
FujiwaraWisteria plain藤原
FukuhiroGenerous wide福広
FutoshiStrong and wise太利
FuminagaEternal scholar文長
FukutoshiBlessed and wise福俊
FumikiCultural joy文喜
FutoakiBig brightness太明
FumiyasuTranquil scholar文康
FuyukiSnow of winter冬雪
FutoshiPlump and prosperous太志
FusanobuTrustworthy helper房信
FukumaruProsperous circle福丸
FumiyukiBlessed scholar文行
FutaPlump second son
FukuharuBlessed spring福春
FukuyoProsperous child福代
FuminoriRule of literature文則
FumiharuLiterature and spring文春
FukuyoProsperous child福代
FumihikoLiterature and boy文彦
FukutaroProsperous son福太郎
FusaakiBright helper房明

Modern Japanese Boy Names Starting With F With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
FutoshiGreat wisdom太知
FukusukeHelper of happiness福助
FuyuoMan of winter冬雄
FumitadaFirm literature文忠
FumitakeScholar of bamboo文竹
FukutoshiBlessed and intelligent福俊
FumiyaCultured and enduring文也
FukukoProsperous child福子
FuyuhisaWinter steadiness冬久
FukutakaProsperous height福高
FusasukeHelping one房助
FuyukazuHarmonious winter冬和
FukumotoOrigin of prosperity福元
FutoyoshiPlump and good太吉
FumimasaCultured and just文正
FusanariHonest helper房成
FukutomoProsperous friend福友
FusahikoAiding hero房彦
FusanagaHelping forever房長
FudomaruImmovable circle不動丸
FuyumaWinter horse冬馬
FukumasaBlessed and righteous福正
FumitomoScholarly friend文友
FukutakaHigh prosperity福高
FuyusukeWinter helper冬助

Unique Japanese Boy Names Starting With F With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
FukutomiProsperous wealth福富
FuminobuTrusted scholar文信
FuyutakaPlentiful winter冬高
FusatomoFriend and helper房友
FusayukiAiding happiness房幸
FuminagaEternal scholar文長
FukuhideBlessed excellence福秀
FudomasaImmovable righteousness不動正
FumihideExcellent scholar文秀
FusayasuAiding tranquility房康
FukunagaProsperous eternity福長
FushiroImmovable son不動四郎
FumiyoshiHappy scholar文義
FuyunoriWinter ruler冬則
FukumotoBlessed origin福本
FumiharuSpring of culture文治
FutosukePlump helper太助
FuyutaroWinter boy冬太郎
FukutoBlessed person福斗
FusanobuAiding trust房信
FukuyoshiProsperous joy福吉
FumitomoFriend of literature文友
FuyumaWinter horse冬馬
FumimaruCircular scholar文丸
FudoshinImmovable heart不動心


1. What does the name Fumio mean in Japanese?

Fumio means “scholarly hero” in Japanese, signifying intelligence and heroism.

2. What is a popular Japanese boy name starting with F?

A popular Japanese boy name starting with F is Fumio, which is quite common in Japan and reflects scholarly traits.

3. What is the meaning of Fuyuki?

Fuyuki means “snow of winter” in Japanese, representing the beauty and calmness of the winter season.

4. What does the name Fukuda symbolize?

Fukuda is a Japanese boy name meaning “prosperous field,” often symbolizing growth and abundance.

5. Can Futo be used as a Japanese boy’s name?

Yes, Futo can be used as a boy’s name in Japan, meaning “plump” or “prosperous.”

6. What is the meaning of the name Fumitaka?

Fumitaka means “cultured nobility,” which combines the ideas of education and high status.

7. Are there any unique Japanese boy names starting with F?

Yes, names like Fumitake (scholar of bamboo) and Fukuto (prosperous person) are quite unique in Japanese culture.


Choosing a name for your child is a significant decision, and exploring Japanese Boy Names Starting With F offers many meaningful and beautiful options. Whether you’re looking for a name that signifies wisdom, prosperity, or connection to nature, this list provides a wide variety of names to consider for your son.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.