100+ Hispanic Last Names That Start With U [Meaning Included]

Hispanic Last Names That Start with U
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Hispanic last names carry a rich cultural heritage, often reflecting deep familial connections and historical significance. These surnames are typically derived from a combination of the father’s and mother’s first surnames, a tradition that highlights the unity and lineage of both parental families. This naming convention is prevalent in many Hispanic cultures, including those in Spain, Latin America, and parts of the United States. In this article, we will explore Hispanic last names that start with the letter “U,” delving into their meanings and origins. This list aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these unique and culturally significant surnames.


100 Hispanic Last Names That Start with U

Hispanic last names starting with the letter “U” are relatively rare but carry unique meanings and histories. These surnames often have roots in Spanish, Basque, and other Iberian languages, reflecting the diverse linguistic heritage of the Hispanic world. Below is a table listing 100 Hispanic last names that start with “U,” along with their meanings.

Last NameMeaning
UbagoFrom the valley
UballeFrom the village of Uballe
UbedaFrom the city of Úbeda in Spain
UbeiraFrom the birch tree area
UbietaFrom the hill
UbinaFrom the vineyard
UcedaFrom the city of Uceda in Spain
UceroFrom the town of Ucero
UgarteFrom the high pasture
UgasFrom the fig tree area
UgaldeFrom the large pasture
UgarrizaFrom the rocky place
UgartecheaFrom the high pasture area
UgarteburuFrom the high pasture mountain
UgartecheFrom the high pasture
UgidosFrom the village of Ugidos
UlateFrom the town of Ulate
UlaciaFrom the place of Ulacia
UlibarriFrom the new town
UlizarFrom the place of Ulizar
UlloaFrom the place of Ulloa
UlzurrunFrom the place of Ulzurrun
UmanaFrom the place of Umana
UnanueFrom the new place
UnanuaFrom the new place
UncetaFrom the place of Unceta
UncillaFrom the place of Uncilla
UncitiFrom the place of Unciti
UndaFrom the wave
UndabarrenaFrom the lower valley
UndurragaFrom the place of Undurraga
UnibasoFrom the lower place
UnzuetaFrom the place of Unzueta
UnzurrunzagaFrom the place of Unzurrunzaga
UragaFrom the place of Uraga
UrainFrom the place of Urain
UraldeFrom the large pasture
UrangaFrom the place of Uranga
UrdanetaFrom the place of Urdaneta
UrdialesFrom the place of Urdiales
UrdirozFrom the place of Urdiroz
UrdinolaFrom the place of Urdinola
UriaFrom the place of Uria
UriarteFrom the place of Uriarte
UribeFrom the place of Uribe
UribarrenFrom the lower place
UribarrenaFrom the lower place
UriburuFrom the white place
UrienFrom the place of Urien
UrigoitiaFrom the upper place
UriondoFrom the place of Uriondo
UrizarFrom the place of Urizar
UrmenetaFrom the place of Urmeneta
UrquiagaFrom the place of Urquiaga
UrquidiFrom the place of Urquidi
UrquijoFrom the place of Urquijo
UrquizaFrom the place of Urquiza
UrquizuFrom the place of Urquizu
UrsuaFrom the place of Ursua
UrtiagaFrom the place of Urtiaga
UruchurtuFrom the place of Uruchurtu
UrueñaFrom the place of Urueña
UrundelFrom the place of Urundel
UrutiaFrom the place of Urutia
UrzainquiFrom the place of Urzainqui
UrzuaFrom the place of Urzua
UsabiagaFrom the place of Usabiaga
UsandizagaFrom the place of Usandizaga
UsateguiFrom the dove place
UsatorreFrom the tower place
UsinFrom the place of Usin
UsobiagaFrom the place of Usobiaga
UstarizFrom the place of Ustariz
UstoaFrom the place of Ustoa
UstrellFrom the place of Ustrell
UtergaFrom the place of Uterga
UtreraFrom the place of Utrera
UtrillaFrom the place of Utrilla
UtxagaFrom the place of Utxaga
UxueFrom the place of Uxue
UzabalFrom the place of Uzabal
UzaguirreFrom the place of Uzaguirre
UzandizagaFrom the place of Uzandizaga
UzarragaFrom the place of Uzarraga
UzcangaFrom the place of Uzcanga
UzcateguiFrom the place of Uzcategui
UzquianoFrom the place of Uzquiano
UzuriagaFrom the place of Uzuriaga
UzuriagaFrom the place of Uzuriaga
UztarrozFrom the place of Uztarroz
UzturreFrom the place of Uzturre
UzuetaFrom the place of Uzueta
UzuriagaFrom the place of Uzuriaga
UzuriagaFrom the place of Uzuriaga
UztarrozFrom the place of Uztarroz
UzturreFrom the place of Uzturre
UzuetaFrom the place of Uzueta


Hispanic last names that start with the letter “U” may not be as common as those starting with other letters, but they carry significant cultural and historical weight. These surnames often reflect the geographical origins, occupations, or notable characteristics of the families that bear them. Understanding the meanings and origins of these names provides a deeper appreciation of Hispanic heritage and the rich tapestry of identities within the Hispanic community. By exploring and acknowledging these unique surnames, we celebrate the diversity and cultural richness that they represent.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.