100+ Hispanic Last Names That Start with M [Meaning Included]

Hispanic Last Names That Start with M
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Hispanic last names carry rich cultural and historical significance, reflecting the diverse heritage of Spanish-speaking countries and their descendants worldwide. Names beginning with the letter M are particularly prevalent in Hispanic cultures, encompassing a wide range of origins and meanings. These surnames often trace back to ancestral occupations, geographical locations, personal characteristics, or patronymics. Understanding the etymology and cultural context of Hispanic last names provides valuable insights into family histories and the complex tapestry of Hispanic identity. This article explores 100 Hispanic last names that start with M, offering a glimpse into the fascinating world of Hispanic nomenclature.


100 Hispanic Last Names That Start with M

Hispanic last names beginning with M showcase the rich diversity and cultural heritage of Spanish-speaking communities. These surnames often have deep historical roots, reflecting various aspects of Hispanic culture, geography, and family lineages. From occupational names to place names and patronymics, the following list provides a comprehensive overview of Hispanic last names starting with M, along with their meanings and origins.

Last NameMeaning
MachadoAxe-wielder or lumberjack
MaderoWood dealer or carpenter
MadridFrom the city of Madrid
MagañaFrom the town of Magaña in Spain
MaldonadoBadly given
MancillaStain or blemish
ManriqueSon of Manrico (Germanic name)
MantillaSmall mantle or veil
ManzanoApple tree
MarínFrom the sea
MárquezSon of Marco
MartínezSon of Martín
MateoGift of God
MedinaCity or urban settlement
MejíaSon of Matías
MelendezSon of Melendo
MendezSon of Mendo
MendozaCold mountain
MesaPlateau or tableland
MezaTable or altar
MirandaAdmirable or wonderful
MontalvoWhite mountain
MontañezFrom the mountains
MontemayorGreater mountain
MontenegroBlack mountain
MonteroHunter or mountaineer
MontoyaMountain dweller
MoraBlackberry or Moor
MoralesMulberry grove
MotaMound or hillock
MoyaJar or pot
MuñozSon of Muño
MurilloSmall wall
MacíasSon of Matías
MadrigalPlace where songs are sung
MaestasTeacher or master
MagallanesFrom Magellan
MaldonadoBadly given
MancillasStains or blemishes
ManzanaresApple orchard
MarreroSailor or mariner
MatíasGift of God
MedranoFrom the town of Medrano
MeléndezSon of Melendo
MenaFrom the town of Mena
MenéndezSon of Menendo
MerinoOverseer of sheep
MierFrom the town of Mier
MiramontesLook at the mountains
MirelesFrom the town of Mireles
MojicaSon of Moses
MondragónDragon mountain
MonroyFrom the town of Monroy
MontalvánWhite mountain
MontañoFrom the mountain
MontejoSmall mountain
MontielSmall mountain
MontoroBull mountain
MoralezMulberry grove
MoránMoor or dark-skinned
MoyaJar or pot
MunguíaFrom the town of Munguía
MuñizSon of Muño
MurguíaFrom the town of Murguía
MusquizFrom the town of Musquiz
MataBush or shrub
MatosBushes or shrubs
MayorgaFrom the town of Mayorga
MazariegosApple orchard
MedeirosFrom the town of Medeiros
MelgarPlace of honey
MenaFrom the town of Mena
MendietaSmall mountain
MendiveAt the foot of the mountain
MenéndezSon of Menendo
MezaTable or altar
MierFrom the town of Mier
MiróHe looked
MojicaSon of Moses
MontalboWhite mountain
MontañoFrom the mountain
MontecinosPine mountain


Hispanic last names beginning with M offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of Spanish-speaking communities. These surnames reflect a diverse range of origins, from ancestral occupations and geographical locations to personal characteristics and patronymics. Understanding the meanings and origins of these names not only provides insight into family histories but also highlights the complex interplay of cultural influences that have shaped Hispanic identity over centuries. As we explore these names, we gain a deeper appreciation for the enduring legacy of Hispanic heritage and its continued importance in today’s multicultural world.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.