100+ Japanese Boy Names Starting With X

Japanese Boy Names Starting With X

Choosing the perfect name for your child is a meaningful and personal experience. If you’re looking for unique and rare Japanese boy names starting with X, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore over 100 Japanese boy names starting with X, along with their meanings and Japanese characters.

Popular Japanese Boy Names Starting With X With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
XianCalm, peaceful咲安
XiuElegant, beautiful
XunFast, swift
XuTo promise, allow
XianliangVirtuous, talented賢良
XiaoboLittle treasure小宝
XuefengSnowy peak雪峰
XinchangFaithful and long信長
XiwenRefined culture希文
XiangjieFragrant solution香潔
XingyuStar universe星宇
XuejinLearning gold学金
XianjunModest and ruler賢君
XiulanElegant orchid秀蘭
XihuaFlourishing flower熙華
XinyaoElegant brightness新耀
XiaoyangSmall sun小陽
XiurongGraceful appearance秀榮
XishengProsperous victory喜勝
XiandaoImmortal way仙道
XinqiangFaithful strength信強
XianbaoTreasure of virtue賢宝

Trendy Japanese Boy Names Starting With X With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
XiankaiOpening of virtue賢開
XingqiuStar autumn星秋
XinyiNew justice新義
XianghuaFragrant flower香華
XiumingBright elegance秀明
XunzheSwift philosopher迅哲
XiwenGentle culture希文
XiaohuiLittle wisdom小慧
XuelongSnowy dragon雪龍
XiulingElegant jade秀玲
XianweiVirtuous greatness賢偉
XiaoliLittle plum小李
XiongfeiMighty hero雄飛
XianxiaoVirtuous and filial賢孝
XinzhaoNew brilliance新照
XiaogangLittle steel小剛
XinyangNew sun新陽
XiandeVirtuous morality賢徳
XingjianStar space星間
XiaonanLittle south小南
XiuruElegant jade秀如
XiutongElegant connection秀通
XianliangTalented and wise賢良
XishanWest mountain西山

Handsome Japanese Boy Names Starting With X With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
XunwenLearned and fast迅文
XingwenStar culture星文
XiaoxianLittle immortal小仙
XiongshengHeroic victory雄勝
XuejianSnowy sword雪剣
XimingBright dawn曦明
XinyueNew moon新月
XianrongVirtuous glory賢榮
XunqiangSwift strength迅強
XiaorongLittle glory小榮
XianzhongLoyal and virtuous賢忠
XiaoboLittle treasure小宝
XiangruiAuspicious fragrance祥瑞
XichenMorning fragrance希晨
XiuchengElegant city秀城
XingbaoStar treasure星宝
XunyiSwift justice迅義
XiaoshanLittle mountain小山
XuezhengCorrect study学正
XinyangFaithful sun信陽
XianzhangVirtuous leader賢長
XuanqiProfound energy玄気
XiaorenLittle person小人
XiangfeiFragrant flying香飛

Modern Japanese Boy Names Starting With X With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
XinqingFaithful feeling信情
XuejieSnowy solution雪潔
XinzhiFaithful wisdom信智
XuhuiPromised wisdom許慧
XianwenVirtuous literature賢文
XionghuaHeroic flower雄華
XiaojianLittle sword小剣
XuhongPromised grandeur許宏
XinzheFaithful philosopher信哲
XunshiSwift teacher迅師
XiaoshuLittle tree小樹
XiandeVirtuous grace賢德
XianchenLoyal morning賢晨
XinjunFaithful leader信君
XiushanElegant mountain秀山
XueyingSnowy hero雪英
XiaofengLittle wind小風
XunzhaoSwift brilliance迅照
XiangnanSouthern fragrance香南
XintianFaithful field信田
XianfuVirtuous and rich賢富
XianhongVirtuous grandeur賢宏
XinfengFaithful wind信風
XiaozhengLittle correct小正

Unique Japanese Boy Names Starting With X With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
XinyangNew sun新陽
XiangqiFragrant energy香氣
XueqinSnowy bird雪禽
XianhuaVirtuous flower賢華
XianzhiVirtuous knowledge賢智
XiangfengFragrant wind香風
XinjieFaithful solution信潔
XiumeiElegant beauty秀美
XuexiangSnowy fragrance雪香
XiaoyueLittle moon小月
XianmingVirtuous brightness賢明
XingdeStar virtue星徳
XianqiangVirtuous strength賢強
XinyongFaithful courage信勇
XiaoweiLittle greatness小偉
XintongFaithful connection信通
XiaowangLittle king小王
XueyuanSnowy garden雪園
XianyaoVirtuous brightness賢耀
XinyuFaithful universe信宇
XianningVirtuous peace賢寧
XintaoFaithful wave信涛
XianglongFragrant dragon香龍
XiuminElegant people秀民
XuehaiSnowy sea雪海


What are some unique Japanese boy names starting with X?

Some unique Japanese boy names starting with X include Xian (咲安), Xiang (香香), and Xun (迅).

Are Japanese boy names starting with X common?

No, Japanese boy names starting with X are quite rare and unique, making them a special choice for your child.

What is the meaning of the name Xiu in Japanese?

The name Xiu (秀) means “elegant” or “beautiful” in Japanese.

Can Japanese boy names starting with X be used internationally?

Yes, many of these names have meanings and sounds that are appreciated internationally, making them suitable for global use.

How do I choose a meaningful Japanese name for my baby boy?

Consider the meaning, cultural significance, and sound of the name. Names like Xing (星) mean “star,” which can symbolize guidance or brilliance.

Do Japanese names have multiple meanings?

Yes, Japanese names often have multiple meanings depending on the kanji characters used to write them.

Is it important to understand the meaning of a Japanese name before choosing it?

Absolutely! Understanding the meaning ensures the name aligns with the qualities you wish to convey for your child.


Japanese boy names starting with X are unique and meaningful, offering a blend of culture and individuality. If you’re looking for a name that stands out, choosing from these Japanese boy names starting with X will give your child a distinctive identity with a rich cultural heritage.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.