Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Choosing a name for your newborn son is a significant decision in Islamic culture, as it not only serves as an identity but also carries deep spiritual and cultural meaning. Muslim baby boy names often reflect virtues, qualities, or attributes that parents hope their child will embody. These names can be derived from the Quran, Hadith, or Islamic history and often have beautiful, profound meanings. This comprehensive guide provides a diverse selection of Muslim baby boy names, organized alphabetically, to help parents find the perfect name for their little one. Each name is accompanied by its meaning, offering insight into its significance and cultural context.

20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with A
The letter A holds a special place in Muslim naming traditions, often representing qualities like strength, leadership, and devotion. Many names beginning with A are derived from Arabic roots and carry powerful meanings. Here are 20 unique Muslim baby boy names starting with A, along with their meanings:
Name | Meaning |
Aaban | Clear, distinct |
Aadil | Just, fair |
Aamir | Prosperous, civilized |
Aaqil | Wise, intelligent |
Aarif | Knowledgeable, wise |
Aasim | Protector |
Aatif | Kind, sympathetic |
Abaan | Clear, eloquent |
Abbas | Lion |
Abdul | Servant of (often combined with Allah’s attributes) |
Abid | Worshipper |
Adeel | Just, honest |
Adham | Black, noble |
Adnan | Settler, dweller |
Afzal | Superior, excellent |
Ahad | The One, unique |
Ahmad | Most praised |
Akbar | Greatest |
Akram | Most generous |
Alim | Learned, scholar |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with B
Names beginning with B in Islamic tradition often convey qualities of brilliance, blessings, and beauty. These names can be found in various Islamic texts and historical accounts. Here are 20 distinctive Muslim baby boy names starting with B:
Name | Meaning |
Baahir | Dazzling, brilliant |
Baasim | Smiling |
Badi | Unique, wonderful |
Badr | Full moon |
Bahir | Stunning, amazing |
Bakr | Young camel |
Baraa | Innocent |
Bashaar | Bringer of good news |
Bashir | Bearer of good tidings |
Bassam | Smiling, cheerful |
Basil | Brave, courageous |
Bilal | Water, moisture |
Bishr | Joy, happiness |
Burhan | Proof, evidence |
Bushr | Good news |
Buzurg | Great, grand |
Baahir | Dazzling, brilliant |
Baariq | Shining, radiant |
Baasil | Brave, valiant |
Badr ud-Din | Full moon of the faith |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with C
While names starting with C are less common in Arabic, there are still meaningful options derived from various Islamic languages and cultures. These names often represent virtues and positive attributes. Here are 20 Muslim baby boy names beginning with C:
Name | Meaning |
Caamir | Prosperous, flourishing |
Cabir | Great, mighty |
Cadeem | Old, ancient |
Cafur | Camphor |
Caid | Leader, commander |
Cakir | Brave, valiant |
Calal | Majesty, glory |
Camal | Beauty, perfection |
Canan | Beloved |
Cawad | Generous |
Cebrail | Gabriel (angel) |
Cemal | Beauty |
Cemalettin | Beauty of the faith |
Cengiz | Strong, powerful |
Cevad | Generous |
Cevdet | Excellence, quality |
Cezmi | Determined, resolute |
Cihad | Struggle, effort |
Cihat | Directions, aspects |
Cuma | Friday (holy day in Islam) |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with D
Names beginning with D in Islamic tradition often symbolize faith, righteousness, and virtuous qualities. These names can be found in various Islamic texts and historical accounts. Here are 20 unique Muslim baby boy names starting with D:
Name | Meaning |
Daanish | Wise, knowledgeable |
Daawood | David (prophet) |
Dabir | Writer, secretary |
Daniyal | Daniel (prophet) |
Darwish | Dervish, humble |
Dawud | David (prophet) |
Dhakir | One who remembers Allah |
Dhakwan | Intelligent, clever |
Dhia | Light, splendor |
Dhul-Fiqar | Name of Ali’s sword |
Dhuljilal | Possessor of majesty |
Dilshad | Happy heart |
Dinar | Gold coin |
Dirar | Harmful (to enemies) |
Diya | Light, illumination |
Duraid | Mail armor |
Durrani | Of pearls |
Dzhokhar | Jewel, gem |
Dzulfikar | Two-pointed sword |
Dzulqarnain | Two-horned one |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with E
Names starting with E in Islamic culture often represent qualities of nobility, faith, and wisdom. These names can be found in various Islamic languages and traditions. Here are 20 distinctive Muslim baby boy names beginning with E:
Name | Meaning |
Eamann | Faith, belief |
Ebrahim | Abraham (prophet) |
Edris | Studious, learned |
Ehsan | Kindness, compassion |
Ejaz | Miracle, wonder |
Ekram | Most generous |
Elias | Elijah (prophet) |
Emad | Support, pillar |
Eman | Faith, belief |
Emir | Prince, commander |
Emran | Prosperity, progress |
Enes | Friendliness, sociability |
Enver | More luminous |
Erdem | Virtue, merit |
Eren | Saint, holy person |
Erfan | Knowledge, awareness |
Erhan | Honorable ruler |
Esa | Jesus (prophet) |
Esad | Happiest |
Ethem | Dark-complexioned |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with F
Names beginning with F in Islamic tradition often represent virtues like success, victory, and understanding. These names can be found in various Islamic texts and cultures. Here are 20 unique Muslim baby boy names starting with F:
Name | Meaning |
Faaris | Horseman, knight |
Fadel | Virtuous, excellent |
Fadil | Virtuous, superior |
Fahad | Cheetah |
Faheem | Intelligent, understanding |
Fahmi | My understanding |
Faisal | Decisive, judge |
Faiz | Successful, victorious |
Fakih | Jurist, expert in Islamic law |
Falah | Success, prosperity |
Faraj | Relief, comfort |
Fareed | Unique, incomparable |
Faris | Knight, cavalier |
Farooq | One who distinguishes truth from falsehood |
Fawaz | Successful, victorious |
Fawzi | Successful, triumphant |
Fayyad | Bountiful, generous |
Fazl | Grace, favor |
Fikri | My thought, intellectual |
Fuad | Heart, core |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with G
Names starting with G in Islamic culture often represent qualities of beauty, strength, and nobility. These names can be found in various Islamic languages and traditions. Here are 20 distinctive Muslim baby boy names beginning with G:
Name | Meaning |
Ghalib | Victorious, conqueror |
Ghani | Self-sufficient, rich |
Ghassaan | Youth, freshness |
Ghayth | Rain, aid |
Ghazi | Warrior |
Ghufran | Forgiveness |
Ghulamullah | Servant of Allah |
Gibran | Consolation, strength |
Giyath | Aid, support |
Gulzar | Garden of roses |
Guney | South |
Gus | Strength, power |
Gazi | Warrior, veteran |
Ghaazi | Conqueror |
Ghadir | Stream, pool |
Ghaffar | Forgiver |
Ghaith | Rain, help |
Ghaleb | Victorious |
Ghanim | Successful, prosperous |
Ghawth | Aid, relief |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with H
Names beginning with H hold significant importance in Islamic naming traditions, often representing virtues like guidance, protection, and praise. Many of these names are derived from Arabic roots. Here are 20 unique Muslim baby boy names starting with H:
Name | Meaning |
Haadi | Guide |
Haaris | Guardian, protector |
Habib | Beloved, dear |
Hadid | Iron |
Hafiz | Protector, memorizer of Quran |
Haider | Lion |
Hakeem | Wise, philosopher |
Halim | Gentle, patient |
Hamid | Praiseworthy |
Hamza | Lion |
Hani | Happy, content |
Harith | Cultivator, ploughman |
Hasan | Handsome, good |
Hashim | One who breaks bread |
Hatim | Judge, decisive |
Haydar | Lion |
Haziq | Skillful, proficient |
Hisham | Generous |
Hudhayfa | Little rock |
Husain | Little beauty |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with I
Names starting with I in Islamic tradition often represent qualities of faith, leadership, and righteousness. These names can be found in various Islamic texts and historical accounts. Here are 20 distinctive Muslim baby boy names beginning with I:
Name | Meaning |
Ibrahim | Father of many (prophet Abraham) |
Idris | Studious, learned |
Ihsan | Perfection, Excellence |
Ikram | Honor, generosity |
Ilyas | Elijah (prophet) |
Imad | Support, pillar |
Iman | Faith, belief |
Imran | Prosperity, civilization |
Iqbal | Prosperity, good fortune |
Irfan | Knowledge, awareness |
Isa | Jesus (prophet) |
Ishaq | Isaac (prophet) |
Ismail | Ishmael (prophet) |
Iyaad | Support, strength |
Izhaar | Manifestation, expression |
Izz | Glory, honor |
Izzat | Honor, respect |
Izzuddin | Glory of the faith |
Ibadah | Worship |
Ihsaan | Benevolence, charity |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with J
Names beginning with J in Islamic culture often represent virtues of beauty, nobility, and strength. These names can be found in various Islamic languages and traditions. Here are 20 unique Muslim baby boy names starting with J:
Name | Meaning |
Jaabir | Comforter, one who consoles |
Jaafar | Stream, river |
Jabbar | Powerful, mighty |
Jabir | Restorer, mender |
Jalal | Greatness, majesty |
Jaleel | Exalted, revered |
Jamaal | Beauty, grace |
Jamil | Beautiful, handsome |
Jassim | Great-bodied |
Jawad | Generous |
Jawhar | Jewel, essence |
Jibril | Gabriel (angel) |
Jihad | Struggle, effort |
Joud | Generosity |
Jubayr | Consoler, comforter |
Junaid | Soldier, warrior |
Jundub | Locust |
Juwayn | Little jewel |
Jafar | Stream |
Jalil | Majestic, sublime |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with K
Names starting with K in Islamic tradition often symbolize strength, nobility, and generosity. These names can be found in various Islamic texts and historical accounts. Here are 20 distinctive Muslim baby boy names beginning with K:
Name | Meaning |
Kaab | Cube (referring to the Kaaba) |
Kadir | Powerful, capable |
Kahil | Mature, adult |
Kaleem | Speaker, interlocutor |
Kareem | Generous, noble |
Kashif | Revealer, discoverer |
Kays | Intelligent, clever |
Kazim | One who controls his anger |
Khalid | Eternal, everlasting |
Khalil | Friend, intimate |
Khayr | Goodness, benevolence |
Khuzaima | Little bundle |
Kinan | Shelter, protection |
Labib | Intelligent, sensible |
Latif | Gentle, kind |
Layth | Lion |
Luqman | Wise man mentioned in Quran |
Lutfi | Kind, gentle |
Kamal | Perfection, completeness |
Kamil | Perfect, complete |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with L
Names beginning with L in Islamic culture often represent qualities of kindness, intelligence, and nobility. These names can be found in various Islamic languages and traditions. Here are 20 unique Muslim baby boy names starting with L:
Name | Meaning |
Labib | Intelligent, sensible |
Labid | Steadfast, persistent |
Latif | Gentle, kind |
Layth | Lion |
Luay | Shield, protection |
Lubaid | Little felt |
Luqman | Wise man mentioned in Quran |
Lutfi | Kind, gentle |
Laith | Lion |
Labeeb | Intelligent, wise |
Labeed | Adhering, clinging |
Lahab | Flame |
Lateef | Gentle, kind |
Lawwaz | Refuge seeker |
Liaqat | Worthy, deserving |
Loai | Protector |
Louay | Shield |
Lubayd | Little felt |
Lut | Lot (prophet) |
Lutfullah | Kindness of Allah |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with M
Muslim baby boy names starting with the letter M are both traditional and modern, offering a wide range of choices for parents. These names often carry deep meanings and are associated with positive attributes and virtues.
Name | Meaning |
Mahmoud | The praised one |
Mahmud | Praiseworthy |
Malik | King, Master |
Muneer | Brilliant, Shining |
Muneeb | Repentant |
Mustafa | Chosen, Elected |
Murtaza | The generous |
Muzaffar | Victorious |
Muzammil | The wrapped one |
Maahir | Skillful, Able |
Maajid | Glorious, Honorable |
Maalik | Master, Lord |
Maazin | Proper name |
Mahboob | Beloved |
Mahdy | Guided to the right path |
Mahir | Skilled, Expert |
Mahmud | Praiseworthy |
Mahdi | Guided by God |
Mahir | Generous |
Mahid | Bringer of ease |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with N
Names starting with N are often associated with nobility, intelligence, and other admirable qualities. These names are popular among Muslim families for their beautiful meanings and cultural significance.
Name | Meaning |
Nabil | Noble, Honored |
Nadeem | Friend, Companion |
Nadir | Rare, Precious |
Naeem | Comfort, Ease |
Nafees | Precious, Valuable |
Naji | Safe, Saved |
Najm | Star |
Nasir | Helper, Supporter |
Nasser | Victorious |
Nawal | Gift, Blessing |
Nawaz | Generous, Kind |
Nazir | Observer, Supervisor |
Nizam | Order, Discipline |
Noman | Blessed |
Noor | Light, Radiance |
Nouman | Blood |
Nusair | Victorious |
Nuzair | Warner |
Nuzayh | Pure |
Nuzhat | Amusement, Recreation |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with O
Names starting with O are less common but equally meaningful. These names often reflect strength, wisdom, and other positive traits.
Name | Meaning |
Omar | Flourishing, Long-lived |
Owais | Companion |
Osama | Lion |
Othman | Wise, Intelligent |
Omar | Life, Long-lived |
Owais | Little wolf |
Osama | Lion |
Othman | Wise, Intelligent |
Omar | Flourishing, Long-lived |
Owais | Companion |
Osama | Lion |
Othman | Wise, Intelligent |
Omar | Flourishing, Long-lived |
Owais | Companion |
Osama | Lion |
Othman | Wise, Intelligent |
Omar | Flourishing, Long-lived |
Owais | Companion |
Osama | Lion |
Othman | Wise, Intelligent |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with P
Names starting with P are unique and carry special meanings. These names are chosen for their distinctiveness and the positive attributes they represent.
Name | Meaning |
Parsa | Pure, Devout |
Parvez | Victorious |
Pasha | Nobleman, Lord |
Parsa | Pure, Devout |
Parvez | Victorious |
Pasha | Nobleman, Lord |
Parsa | Pure, Devout |
Parvez | Victorious |
Pasha | Nobleman, Lord |
Parsa | Pure, Devout |
Parvez | Victorious |
Pasha | Nobleman, Lord |
Parsa | Pure, Devout |
Parvez | Victorious |
Pasha | Nobleman, Lord |
Parsa | Pure, Devout |
Parvez | Victorious |
Pasha | Nobleman, Lord |
Parsa | Pure, Devout |
Parvez | Victorious |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with Q
Names starting with Q are often associated with strength, wisdom, and leadership. These names are chosen for their powerful meanings and cultural significance.
Name | Meaning |
Qadir | Powerful, Capable |
Qasim | Divider, Distributor |
Qays | Firm, Resolute |
Qadir | Powerful, Capable |
Qasim | Divider, Distributor |
Qays | Firm, Resolute |
Qadir | Powerful, Capable |
Qasim | Divider, Distributor |
Qays | Firm, Resolute |
Qadir | Powerful, Capable |
Qasim | Divider, Distributor |
Qays | Firm, Resolute |
Qadir | Powerful, Capable |
Qasim | Divider, Distributor |
Qays | Firm, Resolute |
Qadir | Powerful, Capable |
Qasim | Divider, Distributor |
Qays | Firm, Resolute |
Qadir | Powerful, Capable |
Qasim | Divider, Distributor |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with R
Names starting with R are popular for their beautiful meanings and cultural significance. These names often reflect virtues such as wisdom, strength, and kindness.
Name | Meaning |
Rahim | Merciful |
Rafi | Exalted, Noble |
Rami | Loving |
Rashid | Rightly guided |
Rauf | Compassionate |
Rayyan | Luxuriant, Plentiful |
Rehan | Sweet-smelling plant |
Rizwan | Goodwill, Acceptance |
Rafiq | Kind, Compassionate |
Raheem | Merciful |
Rahman | Compassionate |
Rakan | Noble |
Rami | Loving |
Rashid | Rightly guided |
Rauf | Compassionate |
Rayyan | Luxuriant, Plentiful |
Rehan | Sweet-smelling plant |
Rizwan | Goodwill, Acceptance |
Rafiq | Kind, Compassionate |
Raheem | Merciful |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with S
Names starting with S are often associated with wisdom, strength, and other positive attributes. These names are popular among Muslim families for their beautiful meanings and cultural significance.
Name | Meaning |
Saad | Happiness, Good fortune |
Saeed | Happy, Fortunate |
Safwan | Pure, Clear |
Salah | Righteousness |
Salman | Safe, Healthy |
Sameer | Entertaining companion |
Sami | Elevated, Sublime |
Samir | Companion in evening talk |
Saqib | Bright, Shining |
Sarfaraz | Respected, Blessed |
Shahid | Witness |
Shakir | Thankful |
Sharif | Noble, Honorable |
Shayan | Worthy, Deserving |
Shazad | Prince |
Shoaib | Who shows the right path |
Sohail | Star |
Suhail | Gentle, Easy |
Suleiman | Peaceful |
Syed | Leader |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with T
Names starting with T are unique and carry special meanings. These names are chosen for their distinctiveness and the positive attributes they represent.
Name | Meaning |
Taha | Pure, Mystic |
Tahir | Pure, Chaste |
Talal | Admirable, Nice |
Talha | Kind of tree |
Tamim | Strong, Complete |
Tariq | Morning star |
Taseen | Name of a Prophet |
Tawfiq | Success, Reconciliation |
Tayeb | Good, Generous |
Tayyib | Good, Generous |
Thabit | Firm, Strong |
Thaqib | Sharp, Keen |
Tharwat | Wealth, Fortune |
Thufail | Generous, Kind |
Tufail | Mediator, Intercessor |
Turab | Soil, Dust |
Tushar | Snow, Ice |
Taha | Pure, Mystic |
Tahir | Pure, Chaste |
Talal | Admirable, Nice |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with U
Names starting with U are often associated with strength, wisdom, and leadership. These names are chosen for their powerful meanings and cultural significance.
Name | Meaning |
Ubaid | Faithful |
Ubayd | Worshipper |
Uday | To rise |
Ulfat | Friendship |
Umair | Intelligent |
Umar | Flourishing, Long-lived |
Usama | Lion |
Usman | Wise, Intelligent |
Uthman | Wise, Intelligent |
Uzair | Precious |
Ubaidullah | Servant of Allah |
Ubaydullah | Servant of Allah |
Uday | To rise |
Ulfat | Friendship |
Umair | Intelligent |
Umar | Flourishing, Long-lived |
Usama | Lion |
Usman | Wise, Intelligent |
Uthman | Wise, Intelligent |
Uzair | Precious |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with V
Names starting with the letter V are relatively rare and unique in the Muslim community. These names often carry profound meanings and are chosen for their distinctiveness and cultural resonance.
Name | Meaning |
Vafa | Loyalty |
Vafi | Complete |
Vafid | Sky |
Vahab | One and Only God |
Vahib | Bestowed, Liberal, Donor |
Vaid | Helper, Doctor, Medicine |
Vajid | One who Perceives |
Vajit | Wise |
Vakar | Respect, Dignity |
Vakil | Lawyer, Advocate |
Valli | Creeper, Lightening, Earth |
Vaqif | Aware, Acquainted |
Vasim | Handsome, Attractive, Honest |
Vasin | Authoritative |
Vasiuddin | Faithful |
Vanu | Friend |
Vahar | A tide of Spring |
Veeraz | Winner |
Vihan | Intelligent; Morning Dawn |
Viqar | Dignity; Modesty |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with W
Names beginning with W are popular and often signify strength, wisdom, and leadership. These names are cherished for their profound meanings and cultural heritage.
Name | Meaning |
Waqas | Soldier, Warrior |
Waqar | Dignity, Sobriety |
Waseem | Graceful, Handsome |
Wahab | Bestowed, Generous |
Waris | Deserved |
Wasif | The Definition |
Wali | Governor, Lord |
Wahid | Singular, Unequalled |
Wajahat | Commanding, Dignity |
Wajid | One Who Finds |
Walid | Newborn Child |
Waheed | Unique, Single |
Wasi | Wide, Spacious |
Wahaj | Light, Very Bright |
Wafi | Faithful, Loyal |
Wasil | Inseparable Friend |
Wakeel | Agent, Representative |
Wajeeh | Noble, Eminent |
Wail | Returner |
Wazir | Minister, Vizier |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with X
Names starting with X are exceptionally rare and unique, often chosen for their distinctiveness and the strong qualities they represent.
Name | Meaning |
Xavier | Bright |
Xaven | Short |
Xafar | Victory |
Xhifzul | Family and friends |
Xon | God is good |
Xavian | Depicts light |
Xubair | A powerful individual |
Xavon | Beautiful |
Xamza | The Tiger |
Xobeen | Spear |
Xefir | West wind |
Xander | The defender of humanity |
Xavion | A warrior |
Xquenda | Spirit |
Xerves | A monarch |
Xenophon | Arabic origin |
Xaviar | Powerful |
Xanthus | The river God |
Xenos | Stranger |
Ximeno | The son |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with Y
Names starting with Y are often associated with wisdom, leadership, and spiritual qualities. These names are popular for their deep meanings and cultural significance.
Name | Meaning |
Yacoub | Jacob |
Yadid | Friend |
Yafi | Slim, Tall |
Yahya | John (Prophet) |
Yaman | Blessed |
Yaqeen | Belief, Trust |
Yaseen | One of the Prophet’s names |
Yasir | Wealthy |
Yasin | Rich |
Yazan | Generous |
Yazid | Increase |
Younis | Dove |
Yusuf | Joseph (Prophet) |
Yusha | Joshua |
Yusri | Wealthy |
Yusra | Ease, Comfort |
Yaqoob | Jacob |
Yazeed | To increase |
Yousuf | God will add |
Younes | Dove |
20 Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with Z
Names starting with Z are often chosen for their strong, positive meanings and their connection to Islamic history and culture.
Name | Meaning |
Zafar | Victory |
Zahid | Ascetic |
Zahir | Bright, Shining |
Zaid | Growth, Abundance |
Zain | Beauty, Grace |
Zakariya | Zachariah (Prophet) |
Zaki | Pure, Pious |
Zaman | Time, Age |
Zamir | Conscience |
Zayd | Growth |
Zeeshan | Respected, Dignified |
Zia | Light, Splendor |
Ziad | Abundance |
Zubair | Strong, Firm |
Zulfiqar | Sword of Ali |
Zunaid | Beautiful, Handsome |
Zunair | Light of the Moon |
Zuraib | Fighter |
Ziya | Light |
Zubayr | Strong, Intelligent |

Choosing a name for your baby boy is an important decision for Muslim parents, as names in Islamic tradition carry deep meaning and significance. Muslim baby names often reflect virtues, qualities from nature, or attributes of Allah and His prophets. This comprehensive A-Z list of Muslim baby boy names provides a wide range of options, from traditional Arabic names to more modern choices, along with their meanings. Whether you’re looking for a name that is deeply rooted in Islamic history, has a beautiful spiritual meaning, or sounds melodious, this guide aims to help you find the perfect name for your little one. Explore these meaningful Muslim boy names to find inspiration for your child’s lifelong identity.