Let’s Talk About Mom Shaming: How to Rise Above Negative Criticism

Mom Shaming: How to Rise Above Negative Criticism

Mom shaming is a widespread issue that nearly every mother has experienced at some point. Whether it’s criticism over parenting choices, unsolicited advice, or judgments on social media, the pressure to meet certain expectations can be overwhelming. Mom shaming can lead to feelings of self-doubt, frustration, and even guilt. This article dives into the reasons behind mom shaming, its impact, and, most importantly, how mothers can rise above negative criticism to find confidence and peace in their parenting journey.

Know About Mom Shaming

What is Mom Shaming?

Mom shaming is the act of criticizing mothers for their parenting choices, often with the intention or effect of making them feel inadequate or judged. It can happen anywhere: in conversations with family, through social media comments, or even from strangers in public. From debates over breastfeeding versus formula feeding to opinions on working versus staying at home, mom shaming encompasses any criticism that suggests a mother’s choices are wrong or harmful.

Types of Mom Shaming

Mom shaming often revolves around common issues that many mothers face, such as:

  • Feeding Choices: Breastfeeding versus formula feeding, or whether to make homemade baby food.
  • Work-Life Decisions: Stay-at-home moms versus working moms.
  • Screen Time: Opinions on how much or little children should engage with digital devices.
  • Discipline Methods: Differing views on parenting styles, such as gentle parenting versus traditional discipline.

These judgments can feel especially intense because they touch on personal values and beliefs about what is best for one’s child.

Who Are the Shamers?

Mom shaming can come from multiple sources:

  • Family Members: Often, close family members express criticism out of concern but may unintentionally hurt a mother’s confidence.
  • Other Moms: Surprisingly, some of the harshest judgments can come from fellow mothers, who may feel justified in their way of parenting.
  • Online Communities: Social media platforms are notorious for amplifying judgments and criticisms, making it easy for anonymous users to shame others.

Why Does Mom Shaming Happen?

Social Pressure and Cultural Expectations

Society often imposes an idealized image of motherhood, placing unrealistic expectations on mothers to be perfect. These cultural standards can create a competitive environment where moms are judged based on how well they align with societal norms, which can vary widely depending on cultural or regional influences.

The Role of Social Media

Social media has brought about a new layer of visibility, where parents share curated highlights of their lives. While this can be a positive way to celebrate family milestones, it can also fuel comparison and judgment, making mothers vulnerable to shaming when their lives don’t align with the “perfect” images online.

Insecurity and Judgment

Sometimes, the act of shaming others stems from an individual’s insecurities or need to validate their choices. When someone feels uncertain about their parenting decisions, criticizing others can temporarily make them feel more confident about their own choices.

The Impact of Mom Shaming on Mothers

Mental Health and Self-Esteem

For many mothers, repeated shaming takes a toll on mental health. Constant criticism can lead to anxiety, stress, and feelings of inadequacy. The pressure to meet unrealistic expectations can negatively affect a mother’s self-esteem, causing her to question whether she’s a “good enough” parent.

Parenting Confidence

Shaming undermines a mother’s belief in her parenting abilities. When others continually cast doubt on her choices, it can lead her to second-guess herself, potentially affecting her relationship with her child and the quality of her parenting decisions.

Strained Relationships

Mom shaming doesn’t just affect mothers emotionally; it can also strain relationships, particularly with family or friends who criticize openly. These tense interactions can lead to conflict, misunderstandings, and even isolation if the mother feels unsupported by those close to her.

How to Rise Above Mom Shaming

Recognize Your Triggers

Acknowledging which comments or situations impact you the most is essential. This self-awareness can empower you to avoid or manage situations where you’re likely to feel judged. If specific individuals or environments continually cause distress, it’s okay to limit exposure to these triggers.

Build Self-Confidence in Your Parenting Choices

Confidence in your decisions as a parent can act as a powerful shield against criticism. Focus on the positive aspects of your parenting and the well-being of your child. Remember that every mother’s journey is unique, and there’s no single “right” way to raise a child.

Set Boundaries with Shamers

Establishing healthy boundaries is key to protecting your mental health. If certain people in your life are frequently critical, it’s okay to gently but firmly ask them to refrain from making such comments. It’s also helpful to communicate that while you value their concern, you have your child’s best interest at heart.

Seek Out a Supportive Community

Finding a network of supportive friends, family, or online groups can provide encouragement and a sense of belonging. A positive community can remind you that you’re not alone and that other mothers share similar struggles and victories.


Mom shaming is an unfortunate reality, but it doesn’t define you as a mother. Every mother’s journey is different, and every child has unique needs. By focusing on your strengths, setting healthy boundaries, and surrounding yourself with positive support, you can rise above negative criticism and embrace your role with confidence. Remember, you know what’s best for your child. Embrace your choices, and take pride in your unique journey as a mom. You are doing an amazing job!



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.