230+ Last Names That Start with Az [Meaning Included]

Last Names That Start with Az
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Last names beginning with the letters “Az” represent a unique subset of surnames found across various cultures and languages. While relatively uncommon, these names often carry rich historical and linguistic significance. From Spanish and Portuguese origins to Arabic and Eastern European roots, Az surnames showcase the diverse tapestry of human heritage. This article explores the origins, meanings, and notable examples of last names starting with Az, shedding light on their cultural importance and geographical distribution. By examining these distinctive surnames, we gain insight into family histories, migration patterns, and the intricate ways in which language and identity intersect in the realm of nomenclature.

23 Popular Last Names That Start with Az

Popular last names often have widespread recognition and usage. Here are 23 popular last names that start with “Az,” along with their meanings.

Last NameMeaning
AzadFree, liberated
AzaleaFlower name
AzamGreat, magnificent
AzariahHelped by God
AzarianSon of Azar
AzaryanSon of Azar
AzatFree, noble
AzbelFather of peace
AzcarateFrom the oak grove
AzcarragaFrom the oak grove
AzeemGreat, mighty
AzeezPowerful, respected
AzeglioFrom the hazel grove
AzemarProtector of nobility
AzenAsh tree grove
AzenbergMountain of ashes
AzencotFrom the olive grove
AzevedoFrom the birch grove
AzharBright, shining
AzimGreat, magnificent
AzimiGreat one

23 Awesome Last Names That Start with Az

Awesome last names often have a unique flair or interesting background. Here are 23 awesome last names that start with “Az.”

Last NameMeaning
AzizBeloved, precious
AziziBeloved one
AzlynnMeadow of ashes
AzmatGreatness, glory
AznarezSon of Aznar
AznavorianSon of the musician
AzoffFrom Azov (place name)
AzoulayFrom Azul (place name)
AzpeitiaBelow the rock
AzpilcuetaBelow the narrow pass
AzpilicuetaBelow the narrow pass
AzraelAngel of death
AzrielGod is my help
AzrinHelp, assistance
AzuaPlace of waters
AzuajeFrom Azua (place name)
AzuarFrom Azuar (place name)
AzuelaSmall axe

23 Common Last Names That Start with Az

Common last names are frequently encountered and widely recognized. Here are 23 common last names that start with “Az.”

Last NameMeaning
AzumiSafe residence
AzurmendiBlue mountain
AzusaCatalpa tree
AzzamDetermined, resolute
AzzarelloFrom Azzara (place name)
AzzaroFrom Azzara (place name)
AzziFrom Azzo (given name)
AzzinaroFrom Azzinara (place name)
AzzolinaLittle Azzo
AzzoliniSons of Azzo
AzzolinoLittle Azzo
AzzopardiSon of Azzopardo
AzzurriAzure, blue
AzabTorment, punishment
AzabacheJet black
AzacetaFrom Azaceta (place name)
Azad-HyeFree Armenian
AzadianSon of Azad

23 Unique Last Names That Start with Az

Unique last names stand out due to their rarity or distinctive sound. Here are 23 unique last names that start with “Az.”

Last NameMeaning
AzadmardFree man
AzagraFrom Azagra (place name)
AzaguryFrom Azagury (place name)
AzaharOrange blossom
AzaisFrom Azais (place name)
Azalea-RoseFlower names
Azam-AliGreat Ali
AzambujaFrom Azambuja (place name)
AzamovSon of Azam
AzanaFrom Azana (place name)
AzancotFrom the olive grove
AzandeZande people
AzaniFrom Azania (place name)
AzaniaLand of plenty
AzanzaFrom Azanza (place name)
AzapagicSon of Azap
AzarankaLittle helper
AzarconOrange lead
AzariaHelped by God
Azarian-SmithSon of Azar Smith

23 Prettiest Last Names That Start with Az

Prettiest last names often have a melodic sound or pleasant association. Here are 23 prettiest last names that start with “Az.”

Last NameMeaning
AzarkevichSon of Azarka
AzaroffSon of Azar
AzarovaDaughter of Azar
Azaryan-TerLord son of Azar
Azat-GhazaryanFree son of Ghazar
AzatianSon of Azat
AzatyanSon of Azat
Azbel-GindisFather of peace Gindis
Azcarate-GarciaFrom the oak grove Garcia
Azcarraga-LiceagaFrom the oak grove Liceaga
Azeez-UllahPowerful servant of Allah
Azeglio-TaparelliFrom the hazel grove Taparelli
Azen-BowerAsh tree grove dweller
Azenberg-SelzerMountain of ashes Selzer
Azencot-YaminFrom the olive grove Yamin
Azevedo-SilvaFrom the birch grove Silva
Azhar-ud-dinBright light of faith
Azim-ZadehSon of the great one
Azimi-GarakaniGreat one from Garakan
Aziz-ZadehSon of the beloved
Azizi-MoghaddamBeloved leader
Azlan-ShahLion king

23 Adorable Last Names That Start with Az

Adorable last names often evoke a sense of charm or endearment. Here are 23 adorable last names that start with “Az.”

Last NameMeaning
Azlynn-AmaroMeadow of ashes Amaro
Azmat-UllahGlory of Allah
Aznaar-LopezFox Lopez
Aznar-BenitezFox Benitez
Aznarez-GomezSon of Aznar Gomez
Aznavorian-KasparianSon of the musician Kasparian
Azoff-SmirnovFrom Azov Smirnov
Azor-CohenHelper Cohen
Azoulay-AtiasFrom Azul Atias
Azpeitia-ZubizarretaBelow the rock Zubizarreta
Azpilcueta-NavarroBelow the narrow pass Navarro
Azpilicueta-TancoBelow the narrow pass Tanco
Azrael-MelekAngel of death king
Azriel-BenGod is my help son of
Azrin-PerlmanHelp Perlman
Azua-MercedesPlace of waters Mercedes
Azuaje-BolivarFrom Azua Bolivar
Azuar-CastelloFrom Azuar Castello
Azucena-FloresLily Flores
Azuela-ArriagaSmall axe Arriaga
Azuero-VergaraGolden Vergara
Azul-CieloBlue sky
Azuma-NishimuraEast Nishimura

23 Beautiful Last Names That Start with Az

Beautiful last names often have an elegant sound or meaning. Here are 23 beautiful last names that start with “Az.”

Last NameMeaning
Azumi-TanakaSafe residence Tanaka
Azurmendi-AlberdiBlue mountain Alberdi
Azusa-NakamuraCatalpa tree Nakamura
Azzam-AlamiDetermined Alami
Azzara-RizzoHelper Rizzo
Azzarello-MarinoFrom Azzara Marino
Azzaro-ContiFrom Azzara Conti
Azzi-BianchiFrom Azzo Bianchi
Azzinaro-RomanoFrom Azzinara Romano
Azzo-ViscontiNoble Visconti
Azzolina-GrecoLittle Azzo Greco
Azzolini-FerrariSons of Azzo Ferrari
Azzolino-RossiLittle Azzo Rossi
Azzopardi-BorgSon of Azzopardo Borg
Azzurri-BaggioAzure Baggio
Azab-El-SayedTorment El-Sayed
Azabache-MorenoJet black Moreno
Azaceta-BarojaFrom Azaceta Baroja
Azad-Hye-PapazianFree Armenian Papazian
Azadian-BerberianSon of Azad Berberian
Azadmard-ShiraziFree man from Shiraz
Azagra-JimenezFrom Azagra Jimenez
Azagury-CohenFrom Azagury Cohen

23 Modern Last Names That Start with Az

Modern last names often have contemporary usage or associations. Here are 23 modern last names that start with “Az.”

Last NameMeaning
Azahar-NaranjoOrange blossom Naranjo
Azais-DupontFrom Azais Dupont
Azalea-Rose-GardnerFlower names Gardner
Azam-Ali-KhanGreat Ali Khan
Azambuja-SantosFrom Azambuja Santos
Azami-WatanabeThistle Watanabe
Azamov-KarimovSon of Azam Karimov
Azana-DiazFrom Azana Diaz
Azancot-BenzaquenFrom the olive grove Benzaquen
Azande-ZaireZande people from Zaire
Azani-MombasaFrom Azania Mombasa
Azania-MandelaLand of plenty Mandela
Azanza-EcheverriaFrom Azanza Echeverria
Azapagic-HusicSon of Azap Husic
Azara-BonelliHelper Bonelli
Azaranka-WozniackiLittle helper Wozniacki
Azarcon-CruzOrange lead Cruz
Azaria-ShamirHelped by God Shamir
Azarian-Smith-JonesSon of Azar Smith Jones
Azario-EspositoHelper Esposito
Azarkevich-IvanovSon of Azarka Ivanov
Azaro-BalotelliHelper Balotelli
Azaroff-RachmaninoffSon of Azar Rachmaninoff

23 Famous Last Names That Start with Az

Famous last names are often associated with well-known individuals or families. Here are 23 famous last names that start with “Az.”

Last NameMeaning
Azarova-SharapovaDaughter of Azar Sharapova
Azaryan-Ter-PetrosyanLord son of Azar Petrosyan
Azat-Ghazaryan-MikaelianFree son of Ghazar Mikaelian
Azatian-HovhannisyanSon of Azat Hovhannisyan
Azatyan-KhachatryanSon of Azat Khachatryan
Azbel-GindisFather of peace Gindis
Azcarate-GarciaFrom the oak grove Garcia
Azcarraga-LiceagaFrom the oak grove Liceaga
Azeez-UllahPowerful servant of Allah
Azeglio-TaparelliFrom the hazel grove Taparelli
Azen-BowerAsh tree grove dweller
Azenberg-SelzerMountain of ashes Selzer
Azencot-YaminFrom the olive grove Yamin
Azevedo-SilvaFrom the birch grove Silva
Azhar-ud-dinBright light of faith
Azim-ZadehSon of the great one
Azimi-GarakaniGreat one from Garakan
Aziz-ZadehSon of the beloved
Azizi-MoghaddamBeloved leader
Azlan-ShahLion king
Azlynn-AmaroMeadow of ashes Amaro
Azmat-UllahGlory of Allah
Aznaar-LopezFox Lopez

23 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with Az

Gorgeous last names that start with “Az” often have an elegant and sophisticated sound. These names can evoke a sense of beauty and refinement.

Last NameMeaning
Aznar-BenitezFox Benitez
Aznarez-GomezSon of Aznar Gomez
Aznavorian-KasparianSon of the musician Kasparian
Azoff-SmirnovFrom Azov Smirnov
Azor-CohenHelper Cohen
Azoulay-AtiasFrom Azul Atias
Azpeitia-ZubizarretaBelow the rock Zubizarreta
Azpilcueta-NavarroBelow the narrow pass Navarro
Azpilicueta-TancoBelow the narrow pass Tanco
Azrael-MelekAngel of death king
Azriel-BenGod is my help son of
Azrin-PerlmanHelp Perlman
Azua-MercedesPlace of waters Mercedes
Azuaje-BolivarFrom Azua Bolivar
Azuar-CastelloFrom Azuar Castello
Azucena-FloresLily Flores
Azuela-ArriagaSmall axe Arriaga
Azuero-VergaraGolden Vergara
Azul-CieloBlue sky
Azuma-NishimuraEast Nishimura
Azumi-TanakaSafe residence Tanaka
Azurmendi-AlberdiBlue mountain Alberdi
Azusa-NakamuraCatalpa tree Nakamura


Last names starting with Az, though less frequent than other surname prefixes, offer a fascinating glimpse into the complex world of family nomenclature. These names span continents and cultures, each carrying its own unique story and significance. From the Iberian Peninsula to the Middle East and beyond, Az surnames reflect the rich tapestry of human migration, cultural exchange, and linguistic evolution. As we continue to explore and understand these names, we not only honor the heritage they represent but also gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse backgrounds that shape our global community. The study of Az surnames reminds us that even in the smallest details of our names, we can find connections to our shared human history.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.