200+ Last Names That Start with Av [Meaning Included]

Last Names That Start with Av
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Last names that start with “Av” represent a diverse array of cultural backgrounds and linguistic origins. These surnames often have rich histories and meanings, reflecting the ancestral roots of families across different regions. From common to unique, popular to lesser-known, “Av” surnames encompass a wide spectrum of appellations that have been passed down through generations. This article explores various categories of last names beginning with “Av,” offering insights into their meanings, origins, and cultural significance.

20 Popular Last Names That Start with Av

Popular last names starting with “Av” are those that have gained widespread recognition and usage across different communities. These surnames often have historical significance or represent large family lineages. Here are 20 popular last names beginning with “Av” along with their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AvaroPossibly derived from Spanish “avaro” meaning “avaricious, greedy”.
AvantiSuggestive of advancement or forwardness.
AvantDerivative of “Avanti,” also implies forwardness.
AvalosPossibly geographical, related to a location with “Aval” in the name.
AvantaggiatoItalian origin, meaning “advantaged” or “favored”.
AvanzatoItalian for “advanced” or “progressed”.
AvanziniDerived from “Avanzato,” indicating progression or growth.
AvedonPossibly linked to an old French word meaning “ancestral”.
AveiroFrom a place name in Portugal, hinting at geographical origins.
AvelarDerived from “Aveleira” (hazelnut tree in Portuguese), indicating someone who lived near hazelnut trees.
AvelineDiminutive of Ava or related to the hazelnut.
AvenallOld French origin, meaning “oatfield” – agricultural.
AvenantFrench for “pleasant” or “agreeable”.
AvenellVariant of Avenall, meaning “oatfield”.
AventPossibly a variant of “Advent,” suggesting arrival.
AveraCould be linked to aver (to affirm in legal terms), or a variant of Avara.
AverbachGerman for “over the stream,” geographical.
AverbuchVariant of Averbach, German for “over the book”.
AverettNorman origin, linked to Everett, meaning “brave boar”.
AverillDerived from Everill, a place name meaning “boar battle”.

20 Awesome Last Names That Start with Av

Awesome last names starting with “Av” are those that have a unique or powerful sound, interesting meanings, or notable historical connections. These surnames often stand out and leave a lasting impression. Here are 20 awesome last names beginning with “Av” and their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AverinPossibly a derivative of Aver, meaning to affirm or confirm.
AverittVariant of Averett, with the same meaning.
AverkinPossibly from Avery, “elf counsel”.
AverkovaFeminine form of Averkov, meaning belonging to Averk.
AversSuggestive of opposition or turning against.
AversanoItalian origin, possibly a place name derivative.
AverseFrench for “averse”, meaning against or opposed.
AvertVariant of Avent, suggesting a turn or change.
AvertonComposed of Aver (affirm) and ton (town), indicating a settlement.
AveryDerived from a French personal name meaning “elf counsel”.
AveryanovRussian patronymic from Avery, “elf counsel”.
AvesPossibly from Avis or bird-like attributes.
AvesaniItalian, denoting someone from a place named Avesa.
AvetisyanArmenian, meaning “descendant of Avetis” (good news).
AvetyanVariant of Avetisyan, Armenian origin.
AvezzanoItalian, from a place name, suggesting origin.
AvgerinosGreek, derived from “avgi” meaning dawn.
AvgoustiGreek, derived from the month August.
AvgoustidisGreek patronymic form of Avgousti.
AvgustinRussian form of Augustin, meaning “venerable”.

20 Common Last Names That Start with Av

Common last names starting with “Av” are those frequently found in various communities and regions. These surnames often have straightforward meanings or refer to common occupations or places. Here are 20 common last names beginning with “Av” along with their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AvianDerived from “Avianus,” Latin for bird-like.
AvianoFrom Aviano, Italy, a place name origin.
AvicennaFrom the medieval Latin form of Ibn Sina, a famous philosopher.
AvidaPossibly from Spanish “avida” meaning eager or desirous.
AvidanHebrew origin, meaning “God is just”.
AvidorHebrew, meaning “father of a generation”.
AvieDiminutive form of Ava, possibly indicating descent.
AvielHebrew origin, meaning “God is my father”.
AvierPossibly a variant of Avier, related to aviation.
AvierinosGreek, indicating a person born in the spring.
AvigadHebrew, meaning “father of joy”.
AvigdorHebrew origin, a biblical name meaning “father of help”.
AvignonFrom Avignon, France, a place name origin.
AvigoneVariant of Avignon, with the same meaning.
AvilaSpanish, from Avila, a place name with historical significance.
AvilarVariant of Avila, indicating origin or ancestry.
AvilesSpanish, from Aviles, a place name with historic relevance.
AvimelechHebrew, meaning “my father is king”.
AvinPossibly a variant of Avon, meaning river in Welsh.
AvinaFeminine or derivative form of Avin.

20 Unique Last Names That Start with Av

Unique last names starting with “Av” are those that are rare or uncommon, often with distinctive origins or meanings. These surnames can be intriguing conversation starters and may have interesting stories behind them. Here are 20 unique last names beginning with “Av” and their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AvinashSanskrit origin, meaning “indestructible”.
AvinerPossibly from Avin, indicating someone from a river town.
AvinovPossibly a variant of Avin, with Russian patronymic suffix.
AvinsPlural form of Avin, suggesting a family name.
AviramHebrew, meaning “my father is exalted”.
AvisFrom avis, Latin for bird, possibly indicating traits or profession.
AvishVariant of Avishai, Hebrew meaning “gift of my father”.
AvishaiHebrew, meaning “gift of my father”.
AvitalHebrew, meaning “father of dew,” implying freshness or purity.
AvitabileItalian, meaning “livable” or “suitable for life”.
AvitoLatin origin, derived from “ancestral”.
AvitzurHebrew, meaning “father of rock,” symbolizing strength.
AviviHebrew, meaning “springlike” or “fresh”.
AvivitFeminine form of Avivi, with the same meaning.
AvlonPossibly derived from Avalon, a mythical island.
AvlonitisGreek, indicating origin from Avlon.
AvnerHebrew, meaning “father of light”.
AvniAlbanian, meaning “my stone” or symbolically “my strength”.
AvninderSikh name, composed of elements meaning “God” and “master”.
AvnonHebrew, meaning “stone” or “rock”.

20 Prettiest Last Names That Start with Av

Prettiest last names starting with “Av” are those that have a pleasing sound or aesthetic quality. These surnames often evoke positive associations or have elegant meanings. Here are 20 of the prettiest last names beginning with “Av” along with their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AvnyVariant of Avni, with the same meaning.
AvoPossibly derived from a word meaning “grandfather” or “ancestor” in various languages.
AvogadroItalian, historically significant, possibly denoting a profession in law (advocate).
AvolioItalian, possibly diminutive of Avila, indicating small or minor origin from Avila.
AvonWelsh, meaning “river,” a geographical indicator.
AvondaleFrom a place name meaning “valley by the river Avon”.
AvonleaFictional place name, created by L.M. Montgomery in “Anne of Green Gables”.
AvorqueFrench, possibly a rare surname with an unclear origin.
AvotinsLatvian, meaning “ancestor” or “forefather”.
AvraShort form of Avraham or derived from a word meaning “air” in some languages.
AvrahamHebrew, meaning “father of many”.
AvramVariant of Avraham, with the same meaning.
AvramenkoUkrainian, patronymic of Avram, indicating son of Avram.
AvramovicSerbian patronymic of Avram, indicating son of Avram.
AvramovskiMacedonian, patronymic of Avram, indicating origin from Avram.
AvrashVariant of Avraham, implying a connection to Avraham.
AvrePossibly derived from Avraham, meaning “father of many”.
AvrettVariant of Averett, implying a derivative form of Everett.
AvrielDerived from Avriel, indicating God is my father.
AvrilFrench, meaning “April”, possibly a given name turned surname.

20 Adorable Last Names That Start with Av

Adorable last names starting with “Av” are those that have a charming or endearing quality. These surnames often have sweet meanings or evoke positive emotions. Here are 20 adorable last names beginning with “Av” and their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AvrinskyRussian, indicating a person from Avrin.
AvrutinRussian, patronymic from Avrut, a form of Abraham.
AvrutskayaFeminine form of Avrutin, indicating descent from Avrut.
AvsharianArmenian, meaning “son of Avshar”, a personal name.
AvshalomHebrew, meaning “father of peace”.
AvshalomovRussian, meaning “son of Avshalom”.
AvtandilGeorgian origin, from a medieval romance meaning “heart’s light”.
AvtsinRussian, indicating a personal name, possibly derived from a Hebrew origin.
AvtzonHebrew, meaning “my father is strong”.
AvundukTurkish origin, possibly meaning “hawk” or related to hunting.
AvvakumovRussian, patronymic form of Avvakum, a personal name.
AvvocatoItalian, meaning “lawyer,” possibly indicating a professional origin.
AvolonteItalian, perhaps indicating “of the will” or “voluntary”.
AvellarRelated to Avelar, suggesting a connection to hazelnut trees or someone who lived near them.
AvanciniItalian, implying someone who has moved forward or advanced.
AvedisianArmenian, possibly indicating a derivation from “Avedis,” meaning good news or messenger.
AvendanoSpanish, suggesting a possible noble lineage or ancestral origin from a place named Avendano.
AverbeckGerman, meaning “over the brook,” a geographical descriptor.
AvercampDutch, possibly related to a historical figure or geographical area known as “Camp”.
AverdunkGerman, possibly meaning “over the dun,” possibly a location-based surname.

20 Beautiful Last Names That Start with Av

Beautiful last names starting with “Av” are those that have an appealing sound or meaning. These surnames often have a poetic quality or evoke pleasant imagery. Here are 20 beautiful last names beginning with “Av” along with their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AverescuRomanian, possibly denoting origin from Averescu, a place or family name.
AverhoffGerman, meaning “over the court” or “over the farm,” a geographical or estate name.
AverianovaFeminine form of Averianov, Russian, indicating descent from Averian.
AverillanaVariant of Averill, implying descent from a place or family known as Averill.
AverkinaFeminine form of Averkin, possibly indicating descent from Averkin.
AverkoffRussian, similar to Averhoff, possibly indicating a position of authority or a location over a farm or court.
AvernoItalian, named after the mythical lake Avernus, a place of mystery and depth.
AveronaVariant of Averno, carrying the same mystical connotations associated with the lake Avernus.
AveroneAnother variant of Averno, emphasizing the link to the mythological lake.
AverousFrench, possibly derived from a word meaning “greedy” or “covetous”.
AversaItalian, from a place name, possibly indicating origin from the town of Aversa.
AversanoItalian, related to Aversa, suggesting family origin or ancestral ties to Aversa.
AverstenPossibly German or Scandinavian, meaning “over the stone,” a geographical descriptor.
AvertonVariant of Averton, emphasizing a settlement or town associated with the name.
AverwaterGerman, meaning “over the water,” a likely geographical name indicating a location across water.
AvetianArmenian, derived from Avet, a personal name meaning good news or gospel.
AvetikianArmenian, patronymic form of Avetik, indicating “son of Avetik”.
AvetisovaFeminine form of Avetisian, indicating descent from Avetis.
AvetyanovaFeminine form of Avetyan, suggesting descent from Avetyan.
AvetyantsRussian or Armenian, possibly indicating a family name derived from Avetyan.

20 Modern Last Names That Start with Av

Modern last names starting with “Av” are those that have a contemporary feel or have gained popularity in recent times. These surnames often reflect current naming trends or have been adopted from various cultures. Here are 20 modern last names beginning with “Av” and their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AveyPossibly a diminutive or variant of Avery, suggesting elf counsel or derived from that lineage.
AvezzatiItalian, possibly derived from a verb meaning to hasten or hurry, suggesting swiftness or urgency.
AvgeropoulosGreek, meaning “descendant of Avgi,” possibly related to dawn or morning.
AvgiGreek, meaning “dawn,” indicating a bright or early beginning.
AvginArmenian or Greek, possibly a variant of Avgi, suggesting a connection to dawn.
AvgoGreek, diminutive or variant of Avgi, reinforcing the themes of morning or new beginnings.
AvgoulasGreek, possibly a familial name derived from Avgi, emphasizing a lineage connected to dawn or the morning.
AvhadIndian, possibly derived from a regional term or personal name with specific local significance.
AvianorCreative or modern, possibly combining elements of Avian with a suffix like -nor, suggesting northern origins or directions.
AvianusLatin, meaning bird-like or related to birds, possibly an occupational surname for a bird handler or caretaker.
AvicciModern or creative, possibly inspired by the famous DJ Avicii, indicating a musical influence or tribute.
AvichiSanskrit, meaning hell or abyss, a name with strong spiritual or mythological connotations.
AvickPossibly a diminutive or variant of Avicus, suggesting a historical or ancient lineage.
AvictorCreative or modern, possibly combining victory with a prefix like Avi-, suggesting triumph or success.
AvidaPossibly from Spanish “avida” meaning eager or desirous, or a variant of Avid, suggesting eagerness or passion.
AvidaniItalian or Hebrew, combining elements suggesting beloved or desired, possibly a modern or creative family name.
AvidorHebrew, meaning “father of a generation,” suggesting a patriarchal or foundational family role.
AvidovRussian or Hebrew, possibly a variant of Avidor, emphasizing the role of father or leader.
AvidsonEnglish or Hebrew, combining Avid with a patronymic suffix -son, suggesting “son of Avid,” a name indicating descent.
AviePossibly a diminutive of Avi, suggesting bird-like qualities or characteristics, or a variant of Ava.

20 Famous Last Names That Start with Av

Famous last names starting with “Av” are those associated with well-known individuals in various fields such as entertainment, sports, politics, or history. These surnames have gained recognition due to the achievements of their bearers. Here are 20 famous last names beginning with “Av” along with their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AvielHebrew origin, meaning “God is my father”.
AvierPossibly a variant of Avier, related to aviation.
AvierinosGreek, indicating a person born in the spring.
AvigadHebrew, meaning “father of joy”.
AvigdorHebrew origin, a biblical name meaning “father of help”.
AvignonFrom Avignon, France, a place name origin.
AvigoneVariant of Avignon, with the same meaning.
AvilaSpanish, from Avila, a place name with historical significance.
AvilarVariant of Avila, indicating origin or ancestry.
AvilesSpanish, from Aviles, a place name with historic relevance.
AvimelechHebrew, meaning “my father is king”.
AvinPossibly a variant of Avon, meaning river in Welsh.
AvinaFeminine or derivative form of Avin.
AvinashSanskrit origin, meaning “indestructible”.
AvinerPossibly from Avin, indicating someone from a river town.
AvinovPossibly a variant of Avin, with Russian patronymic suffix.
AvinsPlural form of Avin, suggesting a family name.
AviramHebrew, meaning “my father is exalted”.
AvisFrom avis, Latin for bird, possibly indicating traits or profession.
AvishVariant of Avishai, Hebrew meaning “gift of my father”.

20 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with Av

Gorgeous last names starting with “Av” are those that have a particularly striking or beautiful quality. These surnames often have elegant meanings or a melodious sound. Here are 20 gorgeous last names beginning with “Av” along with their meanings:

Last NameMeaning
AvishaiHebrew, meaning “gift of my father”.
AvitalHebrew, meaning “father of dew,” implying freshness or purity.
AvitabileItalian, meaning “livable” or “suitable for life”.
AvitoLatin origin, derived from “ancestral”.
AvitzurHebrew, meaning “father of rock,” symbolizing strength.
AviviHebrew, meaning “springlike” or “fresh”.
AvivitFeminine form of Avivi, with the same meaning.
AvlonPossibly derived from Avalon, a mythical island.
AvlonitisGreek, indicating origin from Avlon.
AvnerHebrew, meaning “father of light”.
AvniAlbanian, meaning “my stone” or symbolically “my strength”.
AvninderSikh name, composed of elements meaning “God” and “master”.
AvnonHebrew, meaning “stone” or “rock”.
AvnyVariant of Avni, with the same meaning.
AvoPossibly derived from a word meaning “grandfather” or “ancestor” in various languages.
AvogadroItalian, historically significant, possibly denoting a profession in law (advocate).
AvolioItalian, possibly diminutive of Avila, indicating small or minor origin from Avila.
AvonWelsh, meaning “river,” a geographical indicator.
AvondaleFrom a place name meaning “valley by the river Avon”.
AvonleaFictional place name, created by L.M. Montgomery in “Anne of Green Gables”.


Last names that start with “Av” offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich tapestry of human history and culture. From popular surnames that have stood the test of time to unique appellations that reflect individual family histories, these names carry with them stories of migration, occupation, and ancestry. Whether you’re researching your family history or simply interested in onomastics, exploring last names beginning with “Av” can provide valuable insights into the diverse linguistic and cultural influences that have shaped our modern world of surnames.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.