100+ Japanese Girl Names Starting With W

Japanese Girl Names Starting With W
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Japanese names are rich in meaning and tradition, with each character having its own significance. If you are looking for Japanese girl names starting with W, you are in the right place. In this article, we have compiled a list of over 100 Japanese girl names starting with W, along with their meanings. Whether you are choosing a name for your baby or simply exploring the beauty of Japanese culture, this list will provide you with some unique options.

Popular Japanese Girl Names Starting With W With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
WakabaYoung leaves若葉
WakanaHarmony and calm和奏
WakaJapanese poem和歌
WataruTo cross渡る
WatarukoChild who crosses渡子
WakumiSpring water湧水
WakuyoHarmonious world和世
WazukaGently, softly和静
WakikoChild of harmony和子
WakoHarmony child和子
WakoeChild of harmony and blessings和恵
WakiOverflowing spring湧喜
WakumiBeautiful water湧美
WakatoYoung and talented若人
WakaeEternal harmony和永
WakuEnthusiasm, bubbling up
WatanabeCross over, ferry渡辺
WamiHarmony and beauty和美
WakohaChild of harmonious leaves和葉
WakihoChild of overflowing spring湧保
WatashiroWhite crossing渡白
WakikoChild of the young若子

Trendy Japanese Girl Names Starting With W With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
WakasumiYoung blossom若澄
WakozueHarmonic twig和杖
WatarumiSea traveler渡海
WakinaGraceful and youthful若那
WakatsukiYoung moon若月
WakatoYoung traveler若渡
WakayoHarmony of the world和代
WaminPeaceful citizen和民
WakanaeEternal peace和苗
WakoraPeaceful plain和原
WataruraCrossing the plains渡良
WakinaeHarmonious, graceful若苗
WatarisaQuiet crossing渡里佐
WakihoGrace of overflowing spring湧保
WakauraYoung inlet若浦
WakayoGeneration of harmony和代
WatarukoChild crossing the sea渡海子
WakasaYouthful spirit若狭
WakaumiYoung sea若海
WakumihoOverflowing harmony若美保
WakinaYoung princess若菜
WakozukaPeaceful mound和塚
WazumiGentle harmony和澄
WakoeHarmony of blessing和恵

Adorable Japanese Girl Names Starting With W With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
WakoiriEntering harmony和入
WakiSpring of joy湧喜
WakokoHarmony and light和光子
WakishiroWhite harmony和白
WatarukoHarmonious traveler渡旅子
WakimeBeautiful harmony若美
WakuiSacred spring若井
WakikohoChild of harmony and blessings若子保
WakoeGrace of harmony若恵
WakimiBeautiful spring若美
WakifumiSpring of literature和文
WakinoField of youth若野
WakiwaPeaceful circle和環
WakanaPeaceful melody若奏
WakiyoGenerational harmony和代
WatarumiSea traveler渡海
WakakoPeaceful child若子
WakozueHarmonic branch和杖
WakisuHarmonious life和寿
WakashiroWhite youth若白
WakakoeYoung blessing若恵
WakimihoHarmonious beauty和美保
WakutoPeaceful traveler和渡
WakinHarmonious kindness和仁
WakimiPeaceful beauty和美

Modern Japanese Girl Names Starting With W With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
WataruraCrossing over plains渡良
WakanaeHarmonious seed若苗
WakoraPeaceful earth若原
WatarusaQuiet sea crossing渡里佐
WakayumiBeautifully harmonious若弓
WakafumiHarmony and literature和文
WakihisaSpring and longevity若久
WakifuyuSpring of winter若冬
WatanCrossing or ferrying渡安
WakimoriForest of harmony若森
WaminhoPeaceful child和保
WazusaQuiet harmony和佐
WakuraHarmonious field若浦
WakimaHarmonious truth若真
WakifuneSailing in peace若舟
WakatakiYoung waterfall若滝
WakigawaHarmonious river和川
WakuyamaMountain of harmony若山
WatarusaQuiet and calm sea渡佐
WakazeHarmonious wind和風
WakajiPeaceful road和路
WakasoHarmonious garden若園
WakubaYoung horse若馬
WatanakaPeaceful middle和中
WakutakeBamboo of youth若竹

Cute Japanese Girl Names Starting With W With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
WakahoshiYoung star若星
WakafuruAncient harmony和古
WakuyoGentle world若代
WakaomiHarmonious ocean和海
WakayuriYoung lily若百合
WakamoriGuardian of peace若守
WakemuraPeaceful village和村
WakanekoHarmonious cat和猫
WakariClear and peaceful和利
WakazumiPeaceful corner若澄
WakayamaPeaceful mountain和山
WakaoHarmonious life和緒
WakajiHarmonious road和路
WakataPeaceful voice和声
WakabaeYoung smile若笑
WakakiyoGenerational peace若清
WakafumiPeaceful abundance和富
WakazukiPeaceful moon和月
WakarikoChild of clarity和理子
WakaedaHarmonious branch若枝
WakahinaHarmonious sun若日菜
WakatsuruPeaceful crane和鶴
WakarukaFlowering harmony和花
WakakagePeaceful shadow若影
WakatachiHarmonious blade和太刀


1. What is the meaning of the name Wakaba?

Wakaba means “young leaves” in Japanese.

2. Is Wakana a popular Japanese name?

Yes, Wakana, which means “harmony and calm,” is quite a popular name in Japan.

3. What is a unique Japanese girl name starting with W?

Watarumi, meaning “sea traveler,” is a unique and beautiful name.

4. Do Japanese girl names starting with W have symbolic meanings?

Yes, most Japanese girl names, including those starting with W, carry deep symbolic meanings tied to nature, harmony, and beauty.

5. What does Wako mean in Japanese?

Wako means “harmony child” in Japanese.

6. Are Japanese girl names with W inspired by nature?

Yes, many Japanese girl names starting with W are inspired by nature, like Wakaba (young leaves) and Wakumi (spring water).

7. How do I choose a Japanese girl name starting with W?

Choose a name based on its meaning and the qualities you wish to reflect, such as harmony, beauty, or nature.


In conclusion, Japanese girl names starting with W carry rich cultural and symbolic significance. From names like Wakana, meaning harmony, to Watarumi, symbolizing a sea traveler, there are various options that resonate with nature and tradition. Whether you are choosing a name for a new addition to the family or simply exploring Japanese culture, this list of over 100 names offers a diverse selection.



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