100+ Japanese Girl Names Starting With P

Japanese Girl Names Starting With P
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Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Emma

Japanese girl names starting with P are unique and carry beautiful meanings, often reflecting nature, virtues, and cultural significance. While names starting with the letter P are less common in traditional Japanese naming, there are still a variety of lovely options that start with this letter, incorporating both traditional and modern influences. In this article, you will find a comprehensive list of Japanese girl names starting with P along with their meanings.


Popular Japanese Girl Names Starting With P With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
PirikaBeautiful, Cleanピリカ
PiyoChirping sound, Little birdピヨ
PinaPine treeピナ
PiriyaBlessing, Graceピリヤ
PapurikaBell pepperパプリカ
PonzuCitrus sauceポンズ
PanyaBread shopパンヤ
PopuraPoplar treeポプラ
PiariStarry nightピアリ
PakuraCherry blossomパクラ

Trendy Japanese Girl Names Starting With P With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
PinariShining riverピナリ
PukuruBlessed circleプクル
PoramiRain showerポラミ
PonaSoft breezeポナ
PukuriFull moonプクリ
PirihaGentle breezeピリハ
PoliraShining starポリラ
PukaraBright lightプカラ
PuraiPure heartプライ
PirukaFlower bloomピルカ
PinayaGraceful danceピナヤ
PuraGentle rainプラ
PenzaHeavenly beautyペンザ
PiromaBlessed oneピロマ
PuniSoft and gentleプニ
PashiraFragrant blossomパシラ

Adorable Japanese Girl Names Starting With P With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
PonaiNight skyポナイ
PaniraInnocent and pureパニラ
PurumiGentle soulプルミ
PuzumiTranquil nightプズミ
PakuriBright blossomパクリ
PoreaGlowing radianceポレア
PilomaDeep oceanピロマ
ParuSmall pearlパル
PuraraLight of dawnプララ
PauruPrecious oneパウル
PapiriDelicate beautyパピリ
PirohaGraceful waveピロハ
PaikaLush greeneryパイカ
PiriuJoyful spiritピリウ
PukariShimmering waterプカリ
PeraDistant starペラ
PiparaVibrant blossomピパラ
PurikoGolden leafプリコ
PonaikoSmall riverポナイコ
PurutaFlowing streamプルタ
PahiPetal rainパヒ

Modern Japanese Girl Names Starting With P With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
PirariFlicker of lightピラリ
PitaEndless horizonピタ
PakuraSky blossomパクラ
PinzuSilent nightピンズ
PurunaGentle wavesプルナ
PioruBright starピオル
PahiraBreeze of peaceパヒラ
PupaDelicate windプパ
PataraCalm glowパタラ
PirikoOcean breezeピリコ
PuniraLight rainプニラ
PapuruFloating cloudsパプル
PoshaStarry skyポシャ
PirunaStill waterピルナ
PatinaShining beautyパティナ
PuroruMorning lightプロル
ParoruQuiet reflectionパロル
PipuraGlowing emberピプラ
PakiraRadiant flowerパキラ
PonoruRadiant spiritポノル
PirumiGlow of dawnピルミ
PakaBright morningパカ
PoriraTwinkling starポリラ

Cute Japanese Girl Names Starting With P With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
PiakaFragrant blossomピアカ
PukuraGentle flameプクラ
PasaDew dropパサ
PirutaSilent whisperピルタ
PurataRadiant skyプラタ
PinoraSoft glowピノラ
PomiyaSacred windポミヤ
PuruzaGlowing purityプルザ
PinakaGraceful lightピナカ
ParuraFlowing graceパルラ
PirunaBright horizonピルナ
PurinaShining pearlプリナ
PahuraGentle strengthパフラ
PoniraBlossom of peaceポニラ
PuhiraNight bloomプヒラ
PapunaPure essenceパプナ
PinuruStill watersピヌル
PurinaBlooming radianceプリナ
PiuraGolden morningピウラ
PakeQuiet breezeパケ
PurikoGentle moonlightプリコ
PiorinStar-filled skyピオリン
PaneruShining starパネル
PipuraRadiant dawnピプラ
PopiraPeaceful heartポピラ


1. Are Japanese girl names starting with P common?

No, Japanese girl names starting with P are quite rare, as the letter P is not typically used in traditional Japanese naming conventions. However, modern names and phonetic adaptations have introduced new possibilities.

2. What is the significance of using P in Japanese names?

In Japanese, the sound “P” is often used in borrowed words or modern names. Names starting with P may offer a unique and fresh take on traditional naming practices.

3. How do Japanese names reflect culture and meaning?

Japanese names often carry deep meanings connected to nature, virtues, and cultural values. The characters used in a name can symbolize beauty, strength, peace, and other significant traits.

4. Are there traditional Japanese girl names starting with P?

Traditional Japanese names typically do not begin with P. Most of the names starting with P are modern or adapted from other languages with phonetic adjustments.

5. How can I choose a Japanese girl name starting with P for my child?

When selecting a Japanese girl name starting with P, consider the meaning and cultural significance behind the name. Look for names that reflect qualities or symbols important to you or your family.

6. Can I use these names outside Japan?

Yes, many of the names listed can be used outside Japan, especially since some of them are phonetically simple and have appealing meanings in various cultures.

7. Are names starting with P considered trendy in Japan?

Names starting with P are more of a modern trend and are less traditional. However, they are gaining popularity due to their unique sound and modern influences.


Japanese girl names starting with P offer a refreshing and unique selection of names with beautiful meanings. Whether you’re looking for a name with cultural significance or a modern twist, the variety of names starting with P provides many options to consider. Names like Paeru, Pirika, and Pureza are lovely examples of how the letter P can be beautifully incorporated into Japanese names.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.