100+ Japanese Girl Names Starting With D

Japanese Girl Names Starting With D
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Choosing the perfect name for your little girl can be a delightful yet challenging task, especially if you are looking for something unique and meaningful. Japanese girl names starting with D are less common but hold beautiful meanings rooted in culture and tradition. In this article, we explore over 100 Japanese girl names starting with D, each with its own special significance.

Popular Japanese Girl Names Starting With D With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
DaiGreat, Large
DaisukeGreat Help大輔
DaitokuGreat Virtue大徳
DanjuroStrong, Brave団十郎
DenkaCrown Prince殿下
DenkoLightning, Electric電光
DoiEarth, Soil土井
DomiBeautiful Childドミ
DaisuiLarge Water大水
DaisanThird Son第三
DanGroup, Team
DoraiLarge Lightningドライ
DoshiCompassionate Teacher同師
DotaiGroup of Soldiers胴隊
DoryuDragon Style道竜
DannaMaster, Lord檀那
DarumaEnlightened Being達磨
DaichiGreat Wisdom大地
DandaRod or Stick (used in martial arts)段打
DoiEarth, Soil土井

Trendy Japanese Girl Names Starting With D With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
DokuraPoisonous Flowers毒花
DakiEmbrace, Hug抱き
DaitoraBig Tiger大虎
DenmaruElectric Circle電丸
DoryokuEffort, Strive努力
DosenCooperating Together同船
DoshiTeacher, Master同師
DomyoClear Path道明
DaitenBig Heaven大天
DoyaProud, Arrogant土屋
DaisuBig Help大助
DoryuFlow of the Way道流
DenjuTransmission of Knowledge伝授
DaikiGreat Radiance大輝
DakiSupport, Embrace抱き
DaisetsuGreat Snow大雪
DoshoWay of Life道証
DankaAltar, Pillar檀家
DaizoBig Warehouse大蔵
DenkeiTradition and Respect伝敬
DensoElectric Device電装
DenchiElectric Power電池
DomanProud Man土満
DaisetsuGreat Snow大雪

Handsome Japanese Girl Names Starting With D With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
DaisanBig Third Son第三男
DekiAble, Talented出来
DoriWay, Street道理
DorioBig Hero道竜
DogenWay of Truth道元
DenpyoPaper for Notes伝票
DaikoBig Child大子
DojinKind, Sympathetic Person同仁
DofuRoad to Happiness道夫
DenrinCircle of Tradition伝輪
DomaEarthy, Grounded土間
DotanHuge Altar土壇
DenyuBringer of Light伝雄
DaihachiBig Eight大八
DainoGreat Field大野
DosanCompassionate Heart道三
DomonGateway of the Way道門
DodoUnique Child堂々
DekiSuccessful, Accomplished出来
DorinCircle of the Path道輪
DaijuGreat Tree大樹
DowaChildlike Harmony童話
DogenPath to Illumination道元

Modern Japanese Girl Names Starting With D With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
DokiTime, Moment
DoshoFirm Ground土翔
DoraiGreat Thunder大雷
DaishinGreat Heart大心
DairokuSixth Son第六
DaisouGreat Idea大想
DoshuWay of Protection道主
DozokuClan or Tribe同族
DairinGreat Forest大林
DoshinSame Heart同心
DenmiElectric Beauty電美
DoryokuEffort or Endeavor努力
DorikaUnique Blossomドリカ
DaisanGreat Mountain大山
DotetsuStrong Iron銅鉄
DorukoChild of the Road道子
DotaiStrong Foundation土台
DotatsuHigh Achievement土達
DaisonGreat Respect大尊
DokuroStrong Soul髑髏
DaidouGreat Road大道
DentaLightning Arrow電太

Unique Japanese Girl Names Starting With D With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
DoshuMain Teacher同主
DaieiBig Eternity大永
DofuWay of Wind道風
DainaGreat Star大名
DanyakuWisdom of Medicine弾薬
DenchiBattery or Energy Source電池
DotetsuStrong Iron銅鉄
DaisonGreat Respect大尊
DotaiStrong Foundation土台
DorinCircle of the Path道輪
DekiAble, Accomplished出来
DoryokuStriving or Endeavor努力
DaikoBig Child大子
DosanCompassionate Heart道三
DoraiGreat Thunder大雷
DenjuTransmission of Knowledge伝授
DaijuGreat Tree大樹
DofuRoad to Happiness道夫
DenpyoPaper for Notes伝票
DaigoUltimate Enlightenment大悟
DaisukeGreat Help大輔


1. What are some popular Japanese girl names starting with D?

Some popular Japanese girl names starting with D include Dai, Daisuke, and Denko, which carry strong meanings like “great” and “lightning.”

2. Are there many Japanese girl names that start with D?

While names starting with D are not as common as other letters in Japanese, there are still a wide variety of beautiful and meaningful names to choose from.

3. What do most Japanese names starting with D mean?

Japanese names starting with D often represent strength, nature, and tradition, with meanings such as “great,” “lightning,” and “wisdom.”

4. Can I use Japanese names starting with D for my child if I’m not Japanese?

Yes, many non-Japanese people choose Japanese names for their children because of the meanings or the sound of the names. It’s a wonderful way to embrace the beauty of another culture.

5. How can I choose the best Japanese girl name starting with D?

Choosing a name depends on what resonates with you personally. Consider the meaning, sound, and cultural significance of the name when making your decision.

6. Do Japanese names starting with D have Kanji variations?

Yes, many Japanese names can have multiple Kanji variations, which may slightly change the meaning while retaining the overall sound of the name.

7. What are the meanings of the most unique Japanese girl names starting with D?

Some unique names like Daiten (Big Heaven) and Doryoku (Effort, Strive) have deep meanings related to spirituality, effort, and nature.


Japanese girl names starting with D offer a mix of beauty, strength, and cultural significance. Whether you’re looking for a traditional name like Dai or a more unique option like Doryoku, there’s a wide range of names to explore. Each name carries its own meaning, making the search for the perfect name a journey filled with possibilities.



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