100+ Japanese Girl Names Starting With B

Japanese Girl Names Starting With B
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Choosing the perfect name for a baby girl is an important task, and Japanese names offer a variety of unique, meaningful options. If you’re searching for Japanese girl names starting with B, you’ve come to the right place. These names not only have beautiful meanings but are also deeply rooted in Japanese culture and tradition.

Below is a curated list of Japanese girl names starting with B, along with their meanings and how they are written in Japanese characters.

Popular Japanese Girl Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BeniDeep red or crimson
BinahUnderstanding, wisdomビナ
BiyuBeautiful reason美由
BokuharaA fertile field牧原
BoshikoStar child星子
ByakuyaWhite night白夜
BuhoProtection, guard武保
BuntaLiterate, scholarly文太
BunkoLiterary child文子
BeniyaCrimson shop紅屋
BenikoChild of deep red紅子
BinyoBeautiful harmony美和
BungoLiterary country文吾
BureikaElegant flower美麗華
BinkaGentle flower敏花
BuneiWisdom and prosperity文栄
BenkyoDiligent, studying勉強
BumaDancer, stage performer舞真
BuyaWarrior, soldier武谷
BatsuyaTo win勝谷
BenzoTreasured store弁蔵
ByorikoLittle blossom美花
BokeharaForest or grove of trees僕原
BunyoHarmonious letter文陽

Trendy Japanese Girl Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BurakoFlower of wisdom武楽子
BashiraJoyful, blessedバシラ
BochiTreasure place墓地
BiyoriFine weather美寄
BinatoPerson of understanding美奈都
BukeiMartial respect武敬
BuichiLiterary or scholarly first文一
BoshiyuGentle child星優
BenryoConvenience, useful便利
ByobuScreen or shield屏風
BonjuGood person善寿
BokinCharity, donation募金
ByunkoEnergetic child奔子
BujikoSafe child無事子
BunzaiLong life, prosperity文在
BenchiSafe location弁地
BenraiPowerful presence弁雷
ByokoA blossoming flower美花子
BotenPeony flower牡丹
BinzuruGood healer賓頭
BukaLoyal, reliable部下
ByoiReflecting wisdom美意
BameiFamous beauty美名

Adorable Japanese Girl Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BenriConvenient, helpful便利
BenchiSafe harbor弁知
BochoWorn or fragile傍聴
BosenProtecting the light保善
BukoWarrior child武子
BandoFrom the East坂東
BenreiHonest and strong弁礼
ByokoChild of wisdom美育子
BurenScholar and fighter文連
ByakuWhite or pure
BenkeiStrong, fierce弁慶
BushoBrave general武将
BuntaLiterary scholar文太
ByuhiDelicate beauty武妃
BuseiMartial elegance武精
BenroIntelligent and wise弁論
BenmaDancing spirit舞間
BinoriDivine prayer美祈
BureiGentle spirit無礼
BenjuTreasure tree弁寿
BenyaGuard of safety弁也
BuraiWarrior spirit武雷
ByoClear, bright美陽
BinkoLittle tree敏子
BunjoWell-read person文丈

Modern Japanese Girl Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BunsakuPerson of learning文作
BunkaElegant fragrance文香
BinshiGentle poet敏詩
BisoHidden beauty美想
BunriReflective beauty文梨
BozanMountain of strength母山
BukaeLoyal grace部恵
BinmaDancer of light敏舞
ByoruRespected leader白鷺
ByakoLittle tiger白虎
BenyaMusical child勉夜
BenkoHealthy child勉子
BunshoLiterary elegance文尚
BimyoSubtle beauty美妙
BunyaGentle wisdom文也
BurikoChild of strength武利子
ByataWhite field白田
BenichiFirst treasure弁一
BinzaPeaceful light賓座
BunrinPoet of wisdom文琳
ByoshiQuiet beauty美志
ByoriBlossom in the wind美寄
BakiNoble strength武樹
BurukaJoyful blossom武楽香

Cute Japanese Girl Names Starting With B With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
BenamiTreasured wave勉波
BokuraGentle protector僕良
BenyaBlossom of hope勉也
ByumiGentle beauty美由美
BinikaBeautiful scent美日香
BunsoWisdom of the past文祖
ByorikoBlooming child美麗子
BensaStrong leader勉佐
BuikaElegant protector舞香
BenyoClear-minded child勉与
BinzaiGentle and wise賓在
BenkaBeautiful flower勉花
ByakuClear dawn白明
BokiTreasure keeper募記
ByomiDelicate beauty美光
ByuriShining lily美百合
BenmikaGentle star勉美香
BunreiWisdom and grace文礼
ByunaGraceful beauty美那
BenraiBlossoming spirit勉雷
ByotoCalm harbor美都
BenmiBeautiful mind勉美
BurikaJoyful strength武利香
BunraiThunder of wisdom文雷
ByukiElegant strength武貴


1. What are some popular Japanese girl names starting with B?

Some popular names include Beni, Byakuya, and Biyu, each carrying beautiful meanings like “deep red,” “white night,” and “beautiful reason.”

2. How do Japanese names reflect cultural significance?

Japanese names often reflect nature, virtues, or desirable qualities like wisdom, beauty, and strength, making them meaningful and significant in the culture.

3. Are there common themes in Japanese girl names starting with B?

Yes, many of these names are inspired by nature, colors, virtues, and strength. For instance, Beni means crimson, and Byakuya means white night, both rooted in natural elements.

4. Can Japanese names have multiple meanings?

Yes, depending on how the characters are written, Japanese names can have different meanings, allowing for versatile interpretations.

5. What should I consider when choosing a Japanese girl name starting with B?

Consider the meaning, how it sounds, and its cultural or personal significance to ensure it resonates with you and your child.

6. Are Japanese girl names with B common?

Names starting with B are less common in Japanese, making them unique choices for parents looking for distinctive names.

7. How are Japanese girl names written in kanji or hiragana?

Japanese girl names can be written in kanji, hiragana, or katakana, with kanji often offering deeper, symbolic meanings.


If you’re looking for unique and meaningful Japanese girl names starting with B, this list offers over 100 options that blend cultural richness with beauty. Whether you’re drawn to names like Beni or Byakuya, these names carry deep meanings and a sense of tradition, perfect for your baby girl. Explore these names and discover the perfect one for your little one!



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.

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