86+ Japanese Girl Names Meaning Water

Japanese Girl Names Meaning Water
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

Japanese girl names meaning water are both beautiful and meaningful, often inspired by nature and cultural significance. Water symbolizes purity, life, and serenity, making these names a perfect choice for a child. In this article, we will explore over 86 Japanese girl names that are inspired by water, along with their meanings and corresponding Japanese characters.

Japanese Girl Names Meaning Water

NameMeaningJapanese Name
AkemiBright beauty明美
AmiOcean beauty海美
AsamiMorning sea朝海
AyameIris (flower near water)緬花
ChiekoThousand blessings千恵子
EmikoBlessed beautiful child恵美子
HarumiSpring beauty春美
HirokaVast ocean広海
HiyoriWeather (calm sea)日和
KairiOcean village海里
KaedeMaple (tree near water)
KiyomiPure beauty清美
KoharuSmall spring小春
MaiDance of water
ManaLove of the sea海愛
MarinaFrom the sea海里奈
MikiBeautiful tree near water美木
MisakiBeautiful cape美崎
MizukiBeautiful moon or water水月
NanamiSeven seas七海
RinaJasmine or water lily凌奈
SumireViolet (near water)
SuzumeSparrow (symbol of water)
WakanaHarmonious melody和香
YumiAbundant beauty裕美
YurikoLily child百合子
YuzukiGentle moon優月
AkiraClear, bright
AoiHollyhock, blue
ChikakoChild of wisdom知香子
EimiBeautiful blessing栄美
FumikaBeautiful history文香
HinaSun, greenery日菜
HonokaHarmony and flower和香
HotaruFirefly (water insect)
IchikaOne thousand flowers一花
IzumiFountain, spring
KamikoSuperior child神子
KanaPowerful water海博
KanamiWater wave波美
KohanaSmall flower小花
KotoneSound of water
MahoTruth and sail真帆
MikaBeautiful fragrance美香
MinakoBeautiful harbor美港
MioBeautiful cherry blossom美桜
NatsumiBeautiful summer夏美
RikuLand, shore
SakiBlossom, cape
SakuraCherry blossom
SayuriSmall lily小白茸
ShizukuWater drop水霊
SumiClear, refined
TomoeBlessing and wisdom直恵
TsukikoMoon child月子
YokoOcean child海子
YuaBinding love維愛
YumikoBeautiful reason由美子
YuraGentle water movement浮柔
YuukiGentle hope優望
YukariAffinity, connection結あり
ChikaNear water近水
KannaFragrant waves芳波
MiwaHarmony and peace美和
NagisaShore, beach海津
ShionAster (water flower)芝葉
UtsumiSea inlet海渡
AyakaColorful flower彩花
SuirenWater lily水蓮
HisuiJade water


What do Japanese girl names inspired by water symbolize?

Japanese girl names inspired by water often symbolize purity, tranquility, life, and the beauty of nature. Water is a vital element in Japanese culture, representing calmness and resilience.

How are Japanese water-inspired names chosen?

These names are chosen for their meanings, aesthetic sound, and connection to nature. They often reflect the parents’ wishes for the child’s life, such as calmness, strength, or beauty.

Are these names commonly used in Japan?

Yes, many of these names are popular in Japan, though some might have traditional or modern connotations, influencing their frequency of use.

Can these names be used internationally?

Yes, many Japanese names have simple pronunciations and elegant meanings, making them suitable for use internationally.

What is the significance of kanji in Japanese names?

Kanji characters convey specific meanings and aesthetics, allowing for depth and personalization in a name. Parents often choose kanji based on the meaning they wish to impart.

Are there unisex Japanese names inspired by water?

Yes, some water-inspired names like Kairi (海里) or Haru (春) are unisex and can be used for boys or girls.

How do I ensure accurate pronunciation of Japanese names?

To ensure accurate pronunciation, consult a native Japanese speaker or use online tools that provide audio examples.


Japanese girl names meaning water offer a unique combination of beauty, cultural depth, and connection to nature. Whether you are looking for a name that symbolizes serenity, life, or purity, these names provide a meaningful choice for your child. Explore the table above to find the perfect name that resonates with you.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.