86+ Japanese Boy Names Meaning Dragon

Japanese Boy Names Meaning Dragon
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Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma

When it comes to finding unique and meaningful names, Japanese boy names meaning dragon hold a special place for their cultural significance and powerful connotation. Dragons in Japanese culture symbolize strength, wisdom, and protection, making them a popular inspiration for naming boys. Below, we have curated a list of 86+ Japanese boy names meaning dragon, complete with their meanings and Japanese characters.

Japanese Boy Names Meaning Dragon

NameMeaningJapanese Name
RyunosukeNoble Dragon龍之介
RyujiDragon Child龍司
TatsuoDragon Man龍男
TatsuyaDragon Valley龍也
SeiryuAzure Dragon青龍
RyuichiFirst Dragon龍一
TatsukiMoon Dragon龍月
RyoExalted Dragon
RyuheiPeaceful Dragon龍平
RyugaDragon Fang龍牙
TatsuhiroGenerous Dragon龍廣
RyutoDragon Soar龍翔
RyumaDragon Horse龍馬
TatsuhikoDragon Prince龍彦
RyuyaDragon Night龍夜
TatsuomiDragon Hero龍臣
RyumeiBright Dragon龍明
TatsunoriRevered Dragon龍典
RyuseiShooting Star Dragon龍星
TatsuruDragon Crane龍鶴
RyumaGallant Dragon龍真
TatsuomiFaithful Dragon龍臣
RyueiProsperous Dragon龍栄
TatsukiDragon Tree龍木
RyusukeHelping Dragon龍介
RyutoDragon Flight龍翔
TatsuakiBright Dragon龍明
RyutaroDragon Boy龍太郎
RyukichiLucky Dragon龍吉
RyutakaDragon Treasure龍高
TatsumaruRound Dragon龍丸
RyumaBrave Dragon龍雅
TatsuomiTruthful Dragon龍臣
RyugoEnlightened Dragon龍悟
RyutoAscending Dragon龍翔
TatsutoSteadfast Dragon龍翔
RyujiroSecond Dragon龍次郎
RyukyoDragon of Eternity龍京
TatsuroDragon Son龍朗
RyutaBig Dragon龍太
RyuzenMeditative Dragon龍善
TatsuhisaLong-Lasting Dragon龍久
RyukiRadiant Dragon龍輝
RyumaMagnificent Dragon龍磨
RyunobuTrustworthy Dragon龍信
RyuhitoBenevolent Dragon龍仁
RyutoDragon Commander龍翔
TatsunobuFaithful Dragon龍信
RyugenOriginal Dragon龍源
RyunoshiWise Dragon龍之師
RyusaiDragon Spirit龍才
TatsukiMoonlight Dragon龍月
TatsutoWarrior Dragon龍翔
RyutoEternal Dragon龍翔
TatsuharuSpring Dragon龍春
RyumeiBrilliant Dragon龍明
TatsushiUpright Dragon龍志
TatsuroNoble Dragon龍朗
RyuhideGlorious Dragon龍英
RyusakuCreative Dragon龍策
RyukoFierce Dragon龍虎
TatsunariCalm Dragon龍成
RyuzenWise Dragon龍善
RyuharuDragon of Spring龍陽
TatsunobuLoyal Dragon龍信
RyuzoThird Dragon龍三
RyukiHopeful Dragon龍輝
TatsutoTrue Dragon龍翔
RyuseiStarry Dragon龍星
RyutaHeavenly Dragon龍太
RyuohKing Dragon龍王
RyumeiEnlightened Dragon龍明
TatsuhikoRoyal Dragon龍彦
RyujinGod of the Sea Dragon龍神
TatsumaTrue Dragon龍真
TatsutoDragon Hero龍翔
RyukenSword Dragon龍剣
RyukaFlower Dragon龍花
TatsuhikoDragon Prince龍彦
RyuseijiResilient Dragon龍春符
RyuuGreat Dragon
TatsutakaDragon Hawk龍鷹


1. What are some popular Japanese boy names meaning dragon?
Popular names include Ryuu (竜/龍), Tatsuo (竜雄), and Seiryu (青竜), all of which are associated with the powerful dragon.

2. Do Japanese boy names meaning dragon symbolize anything specific?
Yes, dragon-related names often symbolize strength, wisdom, power, and protection, reflecting the mythical dragon’s esteemed role in Japanese culture and folklore.

3. Are there variations of Japanese boy names meaning dragon?
Yes, there are many variations, such as Ryunosuke (竜之介) or Tatsuya (竜也), which combine the dragon character with other Kanji to create unique and meaningful names.

4. How do I write Japanese boy names meaning dragon in Kanji?
Names like Ryuu (竜/龍) or Tatsuo (竜雄) use specific Kanji characters that directly translate to dragon or embody its traits.

5. Can Japanese boy names meaning dragon be used in non-Japanese cultures?
Certainly! These names are appreciated worldwide for their strong meanings and unique sounds. However, understanding their cultural significance adds depth to their use.

6. Are dragons considered lucky in Japanese culture?
Yes, dragons are often seen as symbols of good fortune, prosperity, and divine power, making names associated with dragons particularly auspicious.

7. Where can I find more Japanese boy names with mythical meanings?
You can explore Japanese baby name resources, folklore literature, or online dictionaries that delve into Kanji meanings and cultural significance.


Japanese boy names meaning dragon symbolize strength, courage, and power, embodying the mythical creature’s revered status in Japanese culture. These names often carry deep cultural significance and are perfect for parents looking to instill qualities of leadership and resilience in their child’s identity.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.