100+ Japanese Girl Names Starting With J

Japanese Girl Names Starting With J
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Choosing the perfect name for your child can be a delightful yet challenging task. If you’re looking for inspiration, these Japanese Girl Names Starting With J offer a beautiful blend of meanings and sounds. Whether you’re searching for a unique name or one rich in cultural heritage, this list of Japanese Girl Names Starting With J will provide plenty of ideas.

Popular Japanese Girl Names Starting With J With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
JinaA goddess, good reputationジナ
JunkoObedient, pure child順子
JuriLily, village樹里
JinTenderness, gentleness
JunPure, clean
JukaFlower fragrance樹花
JurihaBeautiful leaves樹葉
JunaMoon, young child樹奈
JunnaGraceful child純奈
JurinaLovely village樹里奈
JinriBenevolence, truth仁理
JukiRadiance of purity樹希
JurikaJasmine flower樹里香
JunikaPure fragrance順香
JuhanaGraceful blossom順花奈
JukaeEternal flower樹花恵
JukikoChild of radiance樹希子
JunayaGraceful and pure純綾
JukihaPure leaves樹希葉
JunariPure truth純理
JushikaPure blessings順紫花
JurinPure forest樹林
JukinoPure field樹希野
JuikaSoft fragrance順香
JunohaEternal leaf順葉

Trendy Japanese Girl Names Starting With J With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
JukinaPure and radiant樹希奈
JutikaPure star樹星香
JunumaPure blossom順花
JuriraGentle smile樹理良
JushinoChild of truth順紫野
JuriyoPure beauty樹理代
JunemiPure and blessed順恵美
JureiPure spirit樹玲
JusumiPure and clear順澄美
JunekiPure energy純益
JusanaPure and graceful順咲奈
JunarihaGraceful truth leaf純理葉
JuhimePure princess順姫
JurioBright and pure樹里夫
JunoPure light順乃
JukoRadiant child順子
JuyumiPure, gentle bow順弓美
JuharuPure spring順春
JufumiPure and beautiful writing順文美
JunimoPure and wild peach純桃
JuriokaBlossoming lily樹理岡
JuhinaPure day順陽奈
JuritoPurely logical樹里斗
JureinaPure, queenly spirit樹麗奈
JushiriPure poem順詩理

Handsome Japanese Girl Names Starting With J With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
JusukiPure happiness順喜
JumeiPure brightness順明
JurumiGentle beauty樹瑠美
JuhinaPure sun順陽奈
JunamiPure waves純波美
JurikoPure child樹里子
JunayaPure silk順綾
JurisaPure bloom樹里咲
JuzukiPure moon順月
JunaruPure peace純鳴
JutomiPure wealth順富美
JufuyuPure winter順冬
JurimuPure fruit樹実
JuhonaPure fire blossom順炎奈
JuriyaGentle valley樹里谷
JunomiPure fruit純乃実
JurukaBlossoming flower樹留花
JunikaPure fragrance順香
JuhamiPure feathers順羽美
JunamiGentle waves純波
JurisoPure, logical mind樹理奏
JuyukaPure fragrance順香
JurekiPure fortune樹恵希
JukayaPure shining blossom順華弥
JuharaPure spring blossom順春

Modern Japanese Girl Names Starting With J With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
JunohaPure and eternal順葉
JusumiPure clarity順澄美
JushikoPure child of blessings順詩子
JurinoPure field樹理野
JunikoPure child of fortune順仁子
JuhariPure, bright spring順春里
JurenaPure and beautiful樹麗奈
JunaraPure waterfall純滝
JurukiPure tree of life樹喜
JuneriPure blessing純恵理
JusukiPure happiness順喜
JurehaPure leaves樹理葉
JurumiPure gem樹瑠美
JushioPure salt of life順潮
JusariPure blossom順沙里
JurimiPure, beautiful fruit樹里実
JunoriPure sense順礼
JuriyoPure logic順理代
JunemaPure gift純恵真
JurimePure dream順夢
JunukaPure fragrance純香
JusayaPure blossom of happiness順咲弥
JuretaPure charm樹礼多
JushinaPure mind順志奈
JurikaePure flower petal樹理花恵

Unique Japanese Girl Names Starting With J With Meaning

NameMeaningJapanese Name
JutikaPure wisdom順知香
JurinamiPure wave child樹里波美
JunrikaPurely fragrant順理香
JushiyoPure strength順紫葉
JurataPure and bold樹理多
JureyoPure sunlight樹理陽
JunorikoPure child of music純音里子
JusaePure blossom of happiness順咲恵
JurayaPure and shining樹理弥
JukoriPure child of heart順心子
JurahimePure princess順姫
JunaraPure and eternal順綾
JurinoriPure wisdom樹理乃理
JuretaPure life順玲多
JuharaPure brilliance順原
JuyonaPure star順陽奈
JuhimeyaPure and elegant順姫弥
JushomiPure blossom of truth順翔美
JurikohaPure leaves樹理子葉
JutoniPure bird song順鳴鳥
JunaraPure waterfall順川
JurishinaPure forest樹理志奈
JushiyuPure strength順修
JuretaPure moonlight樹理多
JusanaPure grace順咲奈


1. What does the name Junko mean in Japanese?

Junko means “obedient” or “pure child” in Japanese. It’s a popular name for girls that signifies a virtuous and innocent nature.

2. Are there any popular Japanese girl names that start with J?

Yes, names like Junko, Juri, and Jina are popular Japanese Girl Names Starting With J. Each has a beautiful meaning that adds to their appeal.

3. What are some unique Japanese girl names starting with J?

Some unique names include Juki (radiance of purity), Juriha (beautiful leaves), and Juna (moon, young child). These names have distinct meanings and sounds.

4. Do Japanese girl names starting with J have specific meanings?

Yes, most Japanese Girl Names Starting With J carry specific meanings, often related to nature, purity, and virtues, such as Jun (pure, clean) and Jin (tenderness, gentleness).

5. Can I use these names for non-Japanese children?

Absolutely! While these names are of Japanese origin, many parents choose names from different cultures for their unique sound and meaning.

6. What are the characteristics of names starting with J in Japanese?

Names starting with J in Japanese often represent purity, grace, and nature. They tend to have soft, gentle meanings, like Junari (pure truth) or Juhana (graceful blossom).

7. How do you pronounce Japanese girl names starting with J?

Japanese pronunciation is generally straightforward, with each syllable pronounced clearly. For example, Juri is pronounced as “ju-ree,” and Junko is “jun-koh.”


In conclusion, Japanese Girl Names Starting With J offer a harmonious blend of cultural significance and beautiful meanings. Whether you’re drawn to their purity, nature-inspired roots, or soft sounds, these names are a wonderful choice for any child. Choosing one of these Japanese Girl Names Starting With J ensures a name rich in both beauty and meaning.



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Emma Wallace, the heart and soul behind TheGetRealMom.com, offers a genuine peek into the rollercoaster of motherhood. A real-life mom navigating through the chaos with humor and grace, Emma shares relatable stories, practical advice, and a hefty dose of encouragement for fellow moms embracing the beautiful mess of parenting.

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