Last Updated on January 2, 2025 by Emma
Last names beginning with “St” represent a diverse and intriguing subset of surnames with rich historical and cultural significance. These names often have roots in various languages and traditions, including English, Scottish, German, and French origins. Many St- surnames are derived from place names, occupations, or personal characteristics. Some reflect religious influences, while others evolved from patronymics or descriptive nicknames. Exploring these surnames offers a fascinating glimpse into family histories, migration patterns, and the evolution of naming conventions across different societies. From the widespread Stewart to the less common Strachey, St- surnames encompass a wide range of ancestral stories and linguistic heritage.
21 Popular Last Names That Start with St
Popular last names often have widespread recognition and usage. Here are 21 popular last names that start with “St,” along with their meanings.
Last Name | Meaning |
Stewart | Steward or guardian |
Stevens | Son of Steven |
Stone | Dweller by a stone or rock |
Stanley | Stony meadow |
Stephens | Son of Stephen |
Stevenson | Son of Steven |
Stokes | Dweller by a stockaded place |
Steele | Steel worker |
Stuart | Steward |
Stark | Strong or rigid |
Strickland | Land with straight boundaries |
Stafford | Ford by a landing place |
Stanton | Stone settlement |
Strong | Physically powerful |
Stubbs | Short and stout |
Street | Dweller on a paved road |
Stout | Brave or bold |
Stacey | Resurrection |
Stein | Stone |
Stapleton | Settlement by a post or pillar |
Stratton | Settlement on a Roman road |
21 Awesome Last Names That Start with St
Awesome last names often have a unique flair or interesting background. Here are 21 awesome last names that start with “St.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Stroud | Marshy land overgrown with brushwood |
Stead | Farm or place |
Staples | Dealer in staple goods |
Starr | Star |
Story | Teller of tales |
Stock | Tree stump |
Stanford | Stone ford |
Stiles | Dweller by steep ascent |
Starkey | Strong or rigid |
Strange | Outsider or foreigner |
Stern | Strict or severe |
Sterling | Of high quality |
Stringer | Maker of bow strings |
Stott | Stallion |
Sturgis | Ruler of the household |
Stull | Variant of Stoll, meaning proud |
Stump | Short and stocky |
Sturdivant | Brave |
Sturgill | Ruler of the household |
Stuckey | Tree stump clearing |
Stutzman | Short man |
21 Common Last Names That Start with St
Common last names are frequently encountered and widely recognized. Here are 21 common last names that start with “St.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Styers | Steersman or helmsman |
Stovall | Place of the staves |
Stoner | Stone worker |
Strang | Strong |
Straub | Unkempt or shaggy-haired |
Strunk | Youthful or strong |
Strader | One who lives on a street |
Strahan | Descendant of Sruthan |
Strauch | Shrub or bush |
Strawn | Scattered |
Streeter | Dweller on a Roman road |
Streit | Quarrelsome |
Stretch | Tall and thin |
Strickler | Rope maker |
Strider | Long-legged person |
Stringer | Maker of bow strings |
Stroh | Straw |
Stroman | Straw man or scarecrow |
Stromberg | Stream hill |
Strother | Marsh |
Stroud | Marshy land overgrown with brushwood |
21 Unique Last Names That Start with St
Unique last names stand out due to their rarity or distinctive sound. Here are 21 unique last names that start with “St.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Struble | Troublemaker |
Struck | Bridge |
Strunk | Tree trunk |
Struthers | Marsh dweller |
Stuber | Room or chamber |
Stubblefield | Field of stubble |
Stuchell | Proud |
Stucker | Plasterer |
Studdard | Standard bearer |
Studebaker | Maker of cooking pots |
Studer | Student |
Studt | Proud |
Stukes | Tree stump |
Stull | Proud |
Stults | Proud |
Stump | Short and stocky |
Sturdivant | Brave |
Sturges | Ruler of the household |
Sturgill | Ruler of the household |
Sturm | Storm |
Sturtevant | Bold in council |
21 Prettiest Last Names That Start with St
Prettiest last names often have a melodic sound or pleasant association. Here are 21 prettiest last names that start with “St.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Stutes | Proud |
Stutz | Short |
Styers | Steersman |
Styles | Steep ascent |
Styron | Steersman |
Stahl | Steel |
Stamm | Stem or trunk |
Stamper | One who stamps or pounds |
Stanfield | Stone field |
Stanfill | Stone hill |
Stanger | Pole or rod |
Stangl | Pole |
Stankiewicz | Son of Stanko |
Stanko | Diminutive of Stanislav |
Stansbury | Stone fortress |
Stansell | Stone hall |
Stanton | Stone town |
Stanwood | Stone wood |
Stapler | Merchant |
Stapleton | Town by a steep place |
Stark | Strong |
21 Adorable Last Names That Start with St
Adorable last names often evoke a sense of charm or endearment. Here are 21 adorable last names that start with “St.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Starkey | Strong |
Starks | Strong |
Starling | Young starling bird |
Starnes | Stern |
Starr | Star |
Staton | Settlement |
Staub | Dust |
Staudt | Proud |
Stauffer | One who fills casks |
Stearns | Stern or strict |
Steck | Stick or staff |
Stedman | Man from a rented farm |
Steel | Steel worker |
Steele | Steel worker |
Steen | Stone |
Steffen | Stephen |
Stegall | Dweller at a steep ascent |
Steger | Climber or mountaineer |
Stegman | Bridgeman |
Stehr | Steer or young ox |
Steib | Dust |
21 Beautiful Last Names That Start with St
Beautiful last names often have an elegant sound or meaning. Here are 21 beautiful last names that start with “St.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Steidl | Little stone |
Steiger | Climber |
Stein | Stone |
Steinberg | Stone mountain |
Steiner | Stone worker |
Steinke | Little stone |
Steinman | Stone worker |
Steinmetz | Stonemason |
Stelle | Place |
Stelly | Quiet or still |
Stelzer | One who walks on stilts |
Stemple | Stamp or seal |
Stengel | Stem or stalk |
Stenson | Son of Sten |
Stephan | Crown |
Stephenson | Son of Stephen |
Stepp | Step |
Sterling | Of high quality |
Stern | Strict |
Sternberg | Star mountain |
Sterner | Strict person |
21 Modern Last Names That Start with St
Modern last names often have contemporary usage or associations. Here are 21 modern last names that start with “St.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Stetson | Son of Stet |
Stettler | One from Stettlen |
Stetz | Pride |
Steuber | Dusty |
Steuer | Tax or tribute |
Steven | Crown |
Stever | Rigid or firm |
Steverson | Son of Steven |
Steves | Son of Steve |
Steward | Guardian |
Stidham | Horses’ enclosure |
Stiefel | Boot |
Stiegler | Climber |
Stier | Bull |
Stiff | Rigid or firm |
Stiffler | One who stiffens cloth |
Stigall | Dweller at a steep ascent |
Stiger | Climber |
Stigers | Climber |
Stiles | Steep ascent |
Still | Quiet |
21 Famous Last Names That Start with St
Famous last names are often associated with well-known individuals or families. Here are 21 famous last names that start with “St.”
Last Name | Meaning |
Stiller | Distiller |
Stillman | Quiet man |
Stillwell | Quiet spring |
Stilwell | Quiet spring |
Stine | Stone |
Stinnett | Stony place |
Stinson | Son of Stin |
Stirling | Of high quality |
Stites | Boundary post |
Stith | Stiff or rigid |
Stitt | Small |
Stobaugh | Tree stump clearing |
Stock | Tree stump |
Stockard | Cattle herder |
Stocker | Cattle herder |
Stockman | Cattle herder |
Stockstill | Quiet stock |
Stockton | Settlement by tree stumps |
Stoddard | Standard bearer |
Stoddart | Standard bearer |
Stogner | Climber |
21 Gorgeous Last Names That Start with St
Gorgeous last names that start with “St” often have an elegant and sophisticated sound. These names can evoke a sense of beauty and refinement.
Last Name | Meaning |
Stogsdill | Dweller by a tree stump |
Stokes | Place by tree stumps |
Stokley | Clearing by tree stumps |
Stoltz | Proud |
Stone | Dweller by stone |
Stonebraker | Stone breaker |
Stoneburner | Lime burner |
Stonecipher | Stone engraver |
Stoneman | Stone worker |
Stoner | Stone worker |
Storey | Teller of tales |
Storm | Storm |
Stormer | Stormy |
Story | Teller of tales |
Stott | Stallion |
Stotts | Stallion |
Stough | Tree stump |
Stout | Brave |
Stovall | Place of staves |
Stover | One who stows goods |
Stowe | Meeting place |
Last names starting with “St” form a captivating tapestry of human history and cultural exchange. From the noble St. Clair to the occupational Stokes, these surnames reflect the diverse origins and experiences of families across generations. They serve as linguistic fossils, preserving ancient words and customs in modern usage. As we’ve explored, St- surnames can be found in various cultures and often carry deep meanings related to places, professions, or personal attributes. Understanding the origins and significance of these names not only enriches our appreciation of family heritage but also provides valuable insights into broader historical and social trends. Whether common or rare, each St- surname tells a unique story of identity and belonging.